Maxwell Lord-Apologize

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Maxwell messed things up with you. Again. He's always messing up and you're really starting to get fed up with him and his crap.

Maxwell realizes that he needs to make things right. Or else lose you for good.

Mostly just some swearing and angust. And mention of love making. Nothing major.


"Y/N, please. I'm begging you. Don't do this." Stupid Maxwell. He's always messing everything up!

Yet you continue to forgive him again and again and again.

Not anymore. You're through with his crap. He needs to learn that he can't keep doing the same crap over and over and then expect you to just blow it off, like it's nothing.

"No, Max," you say quietly. "Not this time. Please leave, okay?"

Maxwell's face falls and you can't stop the stab of hurt in your gut. No. You have to be strong. He needs to learn.

"Are we... over?" His voice is barely a whisper and that look in his beautiful brown eyes is cutting into your soul.

"No. But I need some time, okay?" Max nods and tries to give you a kiss on the cheek. You gently push him away.

Maxwell slowly walks out of your place, his head hanging. Again. You feel badly. But you can't take this anymore.

You just can't.


Two weeks later:

Maxwell comes to see you. He's brought you gifts. Flowers, red roses, your favorite. And some fancy chocolates.

And.....oh. my.. gosh. A beautiful, silver necklace with fake diamonds on it in the shape of a heart. It's absolutely gorgeous.

"Does this make up for my awful behavior, my dear?" Maxwell asks, looking hopeful.


Maxwell blinks in surprise. You see it in his eyes. He thought that he your affections back, with all these pretty things.

"No, what do you mean, no? I thought these might help." Maxwell looks wounded.

"These things are nice, Maxwell," you say. "But I'm just fed up with your crap. All you do is keep messing up."

"How?" Maxwell demands, his face beginning to turn red. "Tell me how I've wronged you so!"

"You're late when we go out. And you just make excuses instead of apologizing. You cancel our plans together at the last minute and just think it's okay. It's not. And... well, sometimes you're too... rough during our love making. And it hurts."

Maxwell looks stunned. He lowers his gaze, staring at the floor. He doesn't move for a long time.

You know he's crying and it's killing you inside. But you have a right to say if you're unhappy in your relationship with him.

You touch his shoulder and he immediately leans towards you. He grabs you, gently, and pulls you close to him, gently stroking your hair.

You're crying now, too, as you cling to each other. You love Maxwell. You just want him to love you the same way.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so, so sorry. I'll do better. I promise. Just please, don't go. Please. I need you."

"Then show me that you do, Maxwell. You can't just say those things and not back them up with actions. I need you to show me that you can change."

"I will show you. Starting right now." Maxwell is being so gentle with you, almost as though he's afraid, you'll crack if he's not gentle enough.

He gently kisses you and you immediately response to his tenderness. This is what you want. You want Maxwell to show you that he can be the good man that you know he is, deep down inside.

"That's it, my Maxwell. That's it. Just hold me, please."

He does and you snuggle up against his chest, your arms around him as his arms are around you.

"Will you accept my gifts?" Maxwell asks softly, still gently stroking your hair. You smile, leaning in to gently kiss him. He smiles, but he still looks so sad.

You didn't mean to make him feel sad. But you had to tell him what was bothering you in your relationship. Or else, you'd have to break up with him.

"Yes, Maxwell. But I don't need gifts." You grab him by his tie, gently pulling him closer to you.

"I just need you to be the good man I know you are."

Maxwell places his hands on your waist, just holding you.

"I will, my sweet. You'll see. I can do better."

"All right, Max. I'll give you another chance." You give him a steely glare, though. "Mess up once more and we're through."


Three months later:

Maxwell is doing well these days. He tries. That's the important thing. He still has his problems, but at least he's honest with you if he needs to cancel a date or will immediately apologize if he's running late.

And he's been much better in the bedroom. He's not as forceful or rough. (For that, you're grateful.)

It's not a that you're some decliate thing that can't take a little rough housing now and then.

But sometimes, it's much nicer if Maxwell isn't acting like a rabid animal, tearing through the love making.

Sometimes it's nice to have his gentleness shine through and show you what he's capable of being. Kind, sensitive, caring and loving.

It makes you happy just seeing these little changes in Maxwell. He really is a good guy.

He just needs some prodding now and again to remind him of who he really is.

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