Marcus Pike-Love Is Funny Thing

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You're an old friend of Marcus' and you run into him one night at the grocery store.

You get to talking some and decide to meet up for brunch late the next day.
Once you're with Marcus again, you realize how strongly you feel about him.

But you're not sure Marcus feels the same way.

Some swearing and some dirty talk, but nothing serious.


It was almost ten o'clock at night when you were about to head for bed. You went into your bathroom to brush your teeth and that's when you realized that you forgot to buy some damn toothpaste!

Crap! Well. You'd just have to run down to the store quick and pick some up. You couldn't go without toothpaste.

Not brushing your teeth wasn't an option. Not with your monster morning breath!

You quickly grab your wallet and keys and hurry out the front door and quickly run down the fire escape stairs, and out to the apartment parking garage.

Within ten minutes, You were at the store. Thank goodness for twenty four hour places or you'd be in some trouble.

You park, grab the wallet and keys, lock the car and dash inside the store. Because of the late hour, hardly anyone else is in here.

That makes you happy. You'll be back home and in bed in twenty minutes, tips. You quickly look for the aisle with the toothpaste and find it.

You grab the closest one and dash down the aisle, hurrying to the checkout lane.

A man is in front of you and he suddenly turns. You gasp. Marcus? Marcus Pike?

"Marcus?" You say. He looks at you, as though he's trying to place your face. Then his face suddenly lights up.

"Y/N? Oh my god! How are you? It's been, what five years?" Marcus gives you a hug and you cling to him briefly.

He smells... good. Okay. That sounded creepy. You step back.

"Sir, are you ready?" The cashier sounds inpatient.

"Oh, yes! Sorry!" Marcus places some frozen tv dinners on the conveyer belt and a few candy bars.

"Please tell me that's not your dinner," you tease Marcus and he chuckled, his cheeks turning a deep pink.

"Looks like I'm busted. I just left the office. And I'm starving. But most of the takeout places are usually closing up by this time."

Marcus uses his debt card to pay for his, um, dinner. And you thought you had some unhealthy dinners before.

Marcus moves out of the way, but makes no move to exit the grocery store. You think he must want to talk with you for a few minutes.

So much for getting back home in a few minutes. But who cares? Your evening is certainly looking up.


You and Marcus spoke for about fifteen minutes before finally realizing that you both needed to be in your way.

But you made plans for brunch tomorrow at this cute, little cafe halfway between your places.

As tired as you are, you have some trouble getting to sleep. All you can see is Marcus Pike's handsome face and hear his low, soothing voice and well, it's.... doing things to you.

You scold yourself. You're a grown woman, not some sixteen year old teenage girl, fawning over some cute boy at school!

Eventually, you manage to fall asleep, thinking about... Marcus.


You spot Marcus right away as you walk into the cafe. It's busy in here, but that's okay if you have to wait a little. It just means extra time with Marcus.

He grins as you approach the booth he's sitting in. You have an urge to sit next to him instead of across from him.

But it's been a few years, so maybe sitting next to Marcus might seem a tad too forward.

You slide into the seat across from Marcus. He look good. He's not wearing a suit and instead is wearing a blue, button down cotton shirt and some jeans.

"I'm really glad we could make this work," Marcus says softly to you and your heartbeat quickens.

A waitress approaching the table and asks for your drink orders. Both you and Marcus order coffee.

"I'm surprised you're not in the office today," you remark, remembering how often Marcus was with his crazy job with the F.B.I.

Marcus chuckled. Okay. You know that's probably where he was just before he arrived here.

"You were already at the office, weren't you?"


"Don't you ever get sick of that kind of life?" You ask. "I'm surprised your not married by now, with at least a couple of kids and a dog."

"I...was.... involved with someone. But it didn't work out."

"Oh, Marcus," you murmur, reaching out for his hand. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's been over a year and I've moved on with my life."

"So? No girlfriend?" Marcus leans forward, resting his elbows on the table and gazing at you so intensely, it makes you wish you were alone.

"Two coffees." Crap. The waitress returns. "Have you decided what you want to order?"

"Pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon for me," Marcus says.

"I'll have the same." The waitress hurries off and you and Marcus resume staring into each other's eyes.

"No, no girlfriend. But I'm certainly open to it." Marcus takes your hands in his.

You smile, gently squeezing his hands. You stare at his full lips and man, oh, man you want to kiss them.

"Y/N, I've never forgotten about you."

"Oh, really? Is that why you ran away?"

"No. I ran away because I was... scared I wasn't... good enough"

"Oh, Marcus. That's not true. You're plenty good for me."

Marcus smiles again.

"That makes me happy to hear."


You sit there with Marcus for nearly two and half hours, just talking. Then after you leave, you both decide to take a walk downtown.

"Are you ever going to kiss me?" You finally ask. Marcus laughs.

He leans over, giving you a passionate kiss and whoo boy, that is awesome.


"Nope. I want you to kiss me all over, Mr. G Man."

"Oh? Like, in certain areas?"

"You know it." Marcus gently brushes his fingers over your ass and you do the same thing to him. It's nice and firm, too!

"That wasn't exactly kissing," Marcus jokes and you laugh.

"No. It wasn't. But I'll take what I can get."

Marcus leans closer and kisses you once again.

"Y/N, would it be okay if we started seeing each other again?" You nod.

"Yeah. I think it would be." Marcus pulls you closer and you wrap your arms around him.

You both just stand there, as the cool breeze blows around you.

All you can say is: thank goodness you'd run out of toothpaste. Because now, you're with Marcus Pike again. And that is special.

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