Javier Pena-Workalcholic

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Javi is working too damn much. And you're going to get him out of the damn office-with some secret help from Steve.

Swearing and innuendo.


Javier Pena won't see you coming. He's such a damn workaholic. You've got something up your sleeve and Javi is going to get out of this damn office for at least an entire day.

He just doesn't know it yet.

You and Steve have been scheming for weeks now. You're kind of surprised that Javier hasn't picked up on what you're doing.

Javi can be so oblivious some days. It's kind of funny. You're watching him as he pours diligently over the seven hundred files piled precautiosly in his disorganized desk.

Javier isn't even looking at you. Steve glances up at you and winks. You wink back and Steve moves to stand up, heading out and motioning for you to follow.

You do. That's when Javi suddenly decides to start suddenly paying attention to Steve and you.

"Where are you two running off to in such a damn hurry?" Javi is giving me his death stare, the one he usually reserves for the suspects that are seriously starting to piss him off.

"Gotta take a piss. That's what happens when you drink liquids. Haven't you figured that one out yet?"

Steve grins widely at Javi, who promptly flips him off. You have to squash your urge to rush over, grab his cute face and kiss his full lips.

"Smartass. I meant, why is Y/N is coming with you. Unless....?" Javi grins nastily at Steve. "You cheating on your wife with my girl?"

"Screw you, Pena! Just finish up your friggin reports and mind your own damn business."

You have to cover my mouth as I dash out of the office before you burst out laughing in front of Javi and really piss him off.

"We're still on for tomorrow morning, right?" Steve asks me. You give him a thumbs up and he grins.

"Pena is gonna get his and damnit, I can't wait to see the look on his butt ugly face!"


The next morning, you wake up Javi by kissing him all over his body. He starts squirming when you reach his lower half.

Javi's hands shoot out from underneath him, grabbing you and hauling you up closer so your lips connect with his. You giggle, massaging Javi's torso.

"Do you have any last requests, chica?" Javi growls. "Because I'm about to ravage you."

"As much as I'd love that to happen, my Javi, we're getting up and get ready. I have a surprise for you, Mr. Workaholic!"

You bounce out of the bed and hurry off to the bathroom, but not before you hear Javi release a loud groan.


"Where the hell are you taking me?" Javier is in a bad mood because he didn't get his before breakfast sex. Well, tough. He can screw you all night long after you return home.

For now, he's at your mercy. You're driving because you're meeting up with Steve and his wife, Connie, for a picnic breakfast.

"We're almost there, Javi. Just promise me you'll try to relax today and have fun?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll try, pretty girl." You smile and reach over to take one of his hands.

"So this is what you've been planning, huh?"

"Yeah. Me and Steve. You guys work too damn hard. I know you wanna catch Escobar, but you can't do that twenty four seven. You'll just burn out faster. And we need you to be on your best game, my Javi."

"I know, I know. It's just hard to back off, knowing that the son of a bitch is still out there, wrecking havoc."

"I know. I don't like it, either. And we're gonna catch him. But for now, let's have some fun, okay?"

"All right, chica."


You all meet up at a beautiful park, overlooking the city. When you see sights like this, it's easy to forget about all the awful and unspeakable acts that take place in here.

Javi is slowly relaxing and... occasionally he gets a... frisky when Steve and Connie are occupied with each other.

You giggle and squirm, wishing that you and Javi were alone. (Or at least that you'd made the time for a quickie before you'd left the apartment.)

That can wait. Besides, it's good for Steve and Javi to get out in the fresh air and just relax for a few hours.

"This was a good idea, mi amor." Javi gently kisses you and the little hairs on his mustache gently tickle your upper lip.

"I'm happy you like it, my Javi." You snuggle closer to him and he puts his arm around you. You close your eyes, breathing in his scent.

"I can't believe you're actually not chomping at the bit, Jav," Steve teases and you and Connie laugh.

"Hey, I can relax just fine, asshole," Javier snaps, glaring at Steve. You laugh again, looking at him. He's beautiful. So beautiful.

You gently squeeze Javi's leg and he looks at you, his expression immediately changing. You can see the lust lurking there in his beautiful dark eyes.

Hmm. Even though this was supposed to be day trip, you might have to cut things a little short.

No. You couldn't do that. Steve has been so kind in helping you plan this, so it'd be rude to cut things off so quickly. Sigh.

Guess you're just have to grin and bear it for the time being. But as soon as you and Javi are alone, it's on.


The time passes quickly and everyone has a good time. Javi is loosening up more and it makes your heart feel lighter. He deserves some down time.

He works so hard and you're proud of him for that. You know his heart's in the right place and you want him to get this son of a bitch.

But he can't do that if he's too damn worn out and not in a great place mentally.

You laugh as Steve and Javi banter good naturally back and forth. You hold his hand and gently squeeze it.

Javier looks at you and winks. You smile, lean over and give him a quick kiss on the cheek and Javi smiles, a genuine smile. Your heart is singing.


"That was surprisingly not awful today, mi amor. Thank you."

You're snuggled up against Javi, holding tightly to his waist, as he holds you tightly.

You'd had your fun after you arrived back home and oh man, it was intense but fun.

You were pretty worn out after that and with all the running around you did. Steve had suggested going on this little-he called it little!-hike up a mountain.

The view at the top was breath taking and spectacular, but you're not sure it was totally worth it. Even Connie had mentioned that to Steve.

But you all had wonderful day and you were happy that Javi got away from the office for an entire day.

"I'm pleased you enjoyed it, my Javi." You close your eyes, the drowsiness beginning to overtake you.

You feel Javi's lips kissing your forehead and lips. You manage a little smirk before the sleep finally takes control.

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