Pedro Pascal-Snow Day

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You and Pedro wake up to a surprise! It snowed last night and Pedro wants to go out and play in it.

You agree, but tell Pedro that he has to cuddle with you later on so you can warm each other up

Some light swearing but mostly fluff and fun.


"Chica?" You were sound asleep and suddenly, Pedro has slipped closer to you, his hands gently shaking you.

"Go back to sleep, Pedro. It's cold out and I just wanna cuddle with you in this nice, warm bed."

"Ahora, mi amor. No seas difcil." Pedro scolds gently.

Now, my love. Don't be difficult.

You groan as you raise your head up and look at Pedro. His longish hair is all disheveled, but he still looks so handsome and beautiful. You have to smile.

"All right, my handsome one. Where's the damn fire?"

Pedro grins and climbs out of the bed, gesturing for you you to follow. You reluctantly climb out of the nice, warm bed and pad across the floor to go look out the window.

You can't hardly believe your eyes. It..snowed last night! And at least a good five inches, too.

"Let's go out and play in it, chica!" Pedro is already getting dressed to head outside. You groan again.

As much as you love the snow, it's going to be cold out there and you really want to just stay inside and watch the snow gently fall to the ground, while you watch it and drink some hot chocolate.

"Pedro," you whine. "I don't want to go outside! It's going to be freezing out there!"

You head back to the bed and climb in, snuggling under the warm blankets and close your eyes.

Almost immediately, the blankets are ripped off of you and Pedro is standing there, grinning devilishly at you.

"Oh, you're coming, little girl. Rather you like it or not!" Pedro drops the blankets on the floor and lunges for you, scooping you up into his arms and carries you over to a chair.

You kick your legs and giggle, struggling playfully in Pedro's strong arms. He just laughs and kisses you.

He gently sets you down in the chair and kneels in front of you. You reach out and start stroking his facial hair.

"Please, please, please come out and play in the snow with me, baby?"

Pedro makes a sad face and it makes you feel bad. Damn Pedro! Nobody should look as cute as him!

"All right, Pedro. I'll come out for a little while. On one condition."

Pedro groans in mock annoyance. You lean closer, capturing his lips with yours and Pedro immediately grins.

"What's the condition, chica?"

"That you cuddle with me for at least half an hour after we come back inside."

Pedro grins wickedly. He places his hands on your waist and holds you against him.

"Can I....touch?" You pull away and start to stand.

"Only if you're good when we're out playing in the snow."

"Scouts honor."


It's not so bad playing in the snow with Pedro. He's just like a big kid, having fun and throwing snowballs at you and trying to build a snowman, although that's a pointless attempt, as it's still snowing and his snowman keeps getting covered up with more snow.

You're breathless from laughing so much. Pedro's grin hasn't left his face since you two stepped outside. He looks so happy and it makes you happy to see Pedro so happy.

He suddenly rushes at you, knocking you into a huge pile of snow and landing on top of you. You struggle, trying to push Pedro off of you.

He catches you off guard and begins gently kissing you. Instantly, you forget that you're lying in a huge snow pile, as the cold snow is slowly soaking your backside.

Pedro moves after a few minutes and pulls you to your feet. Pedro lifts you up into his arms and starts heading for inside.

"Getting cold, Mr. Pascal?" You tease.

"A little. Besides, I'm getting impatient. I want to touch you without all these damn layers on."

You just laugh and allow your incredibly hot boyfriend take you back inside so you can both warm up.


You and Pedro are all cuddled up together in the nice, warm bed, your wet clothing draped all over the place.

Pedro got to do his touching and so did you. His head is lying on your lap as you gently stroke his hair and face.

He closes his eyes and you lean down, gently kissing him all over his face. Pedro opens his eyes and smiles softly at you. You gently nip at his bottom lip and he squirms some.

"Did you have fun playing in the snow, mi amor?" Pedro takes your face in his hands.

"Yes," you say. "But I liked it more after we came back inside, where it's warm and cozy."

Pedro releases you and closes his eyes again as you resume your stroking of his hair and face. Gosh, he's so cute!

"All I'll ever need, Pedro," you whisper. "Is you." Pedro opens his eyes up again.

"As I'll only ever need you, mi amor."

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