Javier Pena-Dare To Defy Me

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You're helping out Javier with a case and he thinks he can get you to do anything he says.

He clearly has no idea who he's dealing with.

Strong language and innuendo.


Javier Pena. He is one tough son of a bitch. He has a tendency to act like a real asshole.

You're used to his tough exterior and no nonsense attitude. If there's something that can be said about Javier, is that he doesn't take any shit from anybody.

He's also in love with you. Like you're actually going to fall for that damn trap. The other thing that Javier Pena is known for, screwing around as much as possible.

You refuse to end up just a name on Javi's screw list. He's been flirting with you off and on for the last several weeks now.

It's actually kind of cute, in an annoying, you wanna rip his head off kinda way.

You're tirelessly searching through old records and reports when a shadow falls across the desk you're reclining at.

You don't even bother to look up. You already know who it is. Javi clears his throat loudly, but you simply flip the page that you're reading in the file, over.

"I gotta talk to you." Oh, does he now?

"Is it in relation to this case?"

"Not... exactly."

"Then piss off, Agent Pena. I'm busy. You know, actually working?"

Javier turns on his heel, storming off. Most likely to get another shitty bottle of whiskey to drown his sorrows in.

You can't help it. You smirk. What an asshole.


"I really do need to talk to you." You glance over at Javi. He squirms uncomfortably in his desk chair.

He looks so tender that it almost makes you want to go to him. (Almost.)

"Please, Y/N. I need to know if you...like me."

"What the hell does it matter if I like you, Pena?" You lean back in your chair, examining Javier's face.

There's something there that you can't read. Something...tender and gentle.

You stand up, walk over to Javi and lean against his desk, arms folded across your chest.

"I just do." Javi lifts his cigarette that he'd had lying in the ash tray and takes a long drag on it before replacing it.

"Javi, you're an incredible DEA agent. I admire that about you. You're also tough and don't take any shit from anybody. But I'm not going to be just another name on your damn list, understood?"

Javier lifts the cigarette again, puffing on it until it's done. You search his beautiful brown eyes. Then there's that incredible, sexy mustache of his.

You surprise both of you by leaning closer to him and gently pressing your lips to his. He tastes like nicotine and whiskey and mint.

"What the hell was that?" Javi is staring at you like you've grown another head.

"Guess I just wanted to be the one who made the first move."

Javier abruptly stands, grabbing you by the waist, slowly backing you up against the wall and hungrily kisses you.

After a few minutes, you gently push him back and head back over to your desk and pick up the file you'd been pouring over.

"You really know how to get a man's attention!" You look. Javi's... aroused. Aww! How cute!

"Don't you know that I can, Agent Pena?"

"Bitch!" Javi flies out of the office and you set the file down, resting your elbows on top of the desk.

Shit. Did you really do that? You're not exactly pleased with yourself.

However, you kind of like the fact that you can make Mr. Tough Guy feel things.


"I apologize. " Now Javier is ignoring you. You don't blame him. You tossed your dice and they landed where they did.

You sigh. This is precisely why you weren't interested in getting tangled up emotionally with Javier Pena.

He's too damn moody. Hell, he makes hormonal, pregnant women look like Mary Poppins.

You read over your report, but you keep snatching little glances at Javi. You know he's not paying any more attention to his damn report then you are.

You stand and go to him, easing yourself down into his lap. He automatically stiffens, but he doesn't push you away.

"Javi, I care about you. But if we're together, I don't want you messing around on me."

Javi wraps his arms around you and you snuggle closer. He kisses your forehead. The little hairs from his mustache gently tickle your bare skin.

"You have my word, chica. I wouldn't step out on you." Then his mouth comes down on yours and you both kiss each other as though you need it or you'll die.

"All right, Pena. I'll give it a shot. Just don't think that you can get me to do just anything for you."

Javi chuckles and you touch his mustache. His gaze stays on you.

"I already  knew that, Y/N."

"Did you?"

"Yeah. I'm a DEA agent. I have to know how to do my research."

He kisses your forehead again and you close your eyes momentarily. Oh, this is so not going to be good.

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