Agent Whiskey-Regrets

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You and Agent Whiskey used to be close. You loved him very much. You thought he loved you.

You were wrong. He choose revenge over love. And you. You can't forgive him for that.

A chance meeting lands you right back where you left off with Agent Whiskey. And he's just as against it as you are.

Not to mention, there's a little something you've kept from him for the last three years.

Swearing and some mention of sex.


Three years ago:

You're so pissed, you can't even see straight. This was just like Jack Whiskey, pull a fast one on you.

"Darlin,'" Jack murmurs softly, trying to stroke your ass as he pulls you closer. "Please at least try to understand."

"Keep your filthy hands off of me, you smooth talking, bastard!" You yell, tears pricking at your eyes. Shit. Crap. Now what the hell were you supposed to do?

"Y/N, it not forever. I swear to you. I'll come back."

You turn your back on him, folding your arms over your chest, refusing to allow Jack to see you crying over his sudden departure.

"Just...go, Jack. Please." You hear him sigh softly and he exits your apartment and you sink to the floor, your sorrow completely overcoming you.


Present day:

This has to be some sort of horrible nightmare. You glower silently at the man standing directly in front of you.

He hasn't aged a bit. It's been three years and he looks exactly the same. How can you forget that face? It haunts you in your dreams and everyday, when you.....

"Fancy this," Jack drawls, looking as pissed off as you feel. "It's the devil herself."

"Oh, don't play that shit with me, you southern asshole! Like you're such a damn saint!"

Jack scowls and boy, you wish you could just kick his perfect teeth in. What the hell is he even doing here?

"Why are you here, Jack?"

"Why else?" Jack gives you a pointed look. "I'm working."

"I gotta say, I'm a little surprised that you're actually still in one piece. I figured you would have enraged some guy much bigger than you by screwing around with his wife."

"Now, darlin,'" Jack drawls. "You know damn well that I don't get involved with the married ones."

Oh my god. Was this asshole for real? How many times had you caught him screwing around with a married woman?

"This little chance meeting is officially adjourned, Agent Asshole. I'm through."


Why, oh why did he have to come back? There was no way in hell he was on a mission. He was clearly trying to spy on you!

He was probably seeing if you'd hooked up with anybody else so he could make an even bigger ass out of himself in front of you.

Was he seriously that dense? With Jack it was hard to tell. You sigh as a little girl comes running into you. You smile, even though the poor cherub has the misfortune of having....Jack Whiskey for a father.

Yep, that's right. She's your and Agent Asshole's daughter. She even looks like him. The dark eyes and dark hair. Shit.

But you love her anyways. And luckily, Jack doesn't have a damn clue about her. And that's how you want it to be.

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