Erza-Can't Fool Me

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You're on a mission, alone, searching for priceless gems and you come across another person looking for the same thing.

You don't trust him. But then, you both end up in a dangerous position and are forced to work together.


You hate doing this. Why do you continue to look for something that you might never find?

You trudge along, feeling disconnected from life. How long has it been since he'd been with you?

You can't even remember anymore. Some days it feels like an eternity ago and other days, it feels like it was only yesterday.

You start to cry, just a little. You end up fogging up your damn helmet and have to return to your ship to remove your helmet and blow your nose before heading back out.

This is madness. It has to be. What else could continue to drive you to keep searching for something that you might never find?

You catch sight of a small den, and slip inside. It's dark in here and you're forced to use your special light. You switch it on and start searching around to see if maybe there might be something if value in here.

Your gaze immediately catches sight of something shiny gleaming in a corner of the den. You hurry over and shine your light up closer and immediately gasp.

There's several gems here! But you'll still have to extract them, one by one. You sigh, knowing this could take a while.

You set the light aside and get your tool kit open, setting out everything you'll need. You decide that you really don't need a lot. You'll only take a few.

Just as you're about to begin cutting open the first, fleshy plant, you hear what sounds like somebody.... whistling? You frown and immediately extinguish your light, no wanting to draw any unwanted attention yourself.

The people that are often searching for these gems aren't always the most trustworthy or friendly. You really aren't in the mood to deal with some asshole, who might try and steal what gems you've discovered.

The whistling finally fades away and you breathe a sigh of relief, turning your light back on and turning your attention back to removing the gems.

Just as you're finishing up, you hear the sharp snap of a twig and whip around, heart pounding

A man is standing there, a gun in his hands, and he's grinning at you, like he just wants to gobble you up.

"Well, well, well! What have we here?"



You quickly put your gems away in the special container, refusing to speak with the man. He watches you with a keen interest and it makes you feel like a spot under a microscope.

"Aren't you going to say something, birdie?"

You think of several things you could say to this asshole. But why waste your breath? He'd only fire back.

You turn to face him and that stupid, little grin is still in his face. You carefully slip your own weapon into your trembling hands.

You shouldn't be here. You could be somewhere safe, away from this nonsense. The man, unfortunately, is blocking the way out and that doesn't make you happy.

"If you want out, give me your gems. If you give me the gems, I swear not to harm you in any way."

"Is this how you get your damn gems?" You growl. "By waylaying and threatening innocent people?"

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