Javier Pena-Dangerous

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You return home after being away from your hot boyfriend, DEA agent, Javier Pena.

And baby, he's missed you and wants to fire things up!

Some strong swearing and some mention of sex, but nothing too explicit.


You slowly climb the stairs in your apartment building, dog tired from your five hour flight back home. And holy smokes, getting back in through customs was the absolute worse!

All you want to do is crawl into bed and sleep for the next forty eight hours. Your mind briefly flickers to your boyfriend, DEA agent, Javier Pena.

God, you've missed that asshole like crazy. You missed his sexy mustache and his deep, nicotined scented voice and his skilled hands, touching every inch of your body. And that little...smirk he always gets, too.

You're not sure when you'll be able to see him again. He's always so damn busy, trying to bust that asshole, Pablo Escobar. But you don't want to think about that asshole right now.

You reach your apartment door and unlock it. As you step inside, who who should be sitting there, waiting for you, but... Javi.

You rush to him, throwing your body against his and then he's gently cupping the back of your head and kissing you like he can't get enough of it.

"Oh, Javi," you whisper, burying your face in his neck and breathing in his scent of nicotine and whiskey and his cologne.

"I missed you so damn much, mi amor," Javier murmurs, his hands gripping your hips. You shift, aching for Javier to do things to you, even though you're so damn exhausted.

"I missed you, too, mi amor." You press your lips to his, that sexy mustache tickling you.

You search his face and there it is; that little smirk that you adore so much. You brush your lips over Javi's mustache and he releases a long groan as he grinds his hips against yours.

"Wanna hang out with me in the shower and then my bed?" You ask, knowing that he will.

"That sounds like a damn good idea at the moment, chica."


You're practically falling asleep as you're pressed up against Javier as you both lie in your bed. Oh, god. It feels so good to lying next to him in your own bed again.

You'd told Javier all about your little trip back to visit family for a couple of weeks. But now, all you want to do is lie here, knowing that Javi is close.

"How goes the damn war?" You dare to ask Javier.

"The usual. Shit, shit and more shit. But I don't wanna focus on that. I've got my girl back and I just want to focus on you."

You smile. Hell yeah. That's the right answer. You slide up against Javier, draping an arm around his middle and burying your face into his bare chest.

"Do you have to leave soon?" You hate asking, but that's just how it goes with him.

"Not for a while. I talked someone else into helping out Steve for a while. I told them there was no frickin way I was staying away from my girl right after she arrived home."

Aww, Javi is so sweet! He likes to put in this tough guy act, like he doesn't give a shit about anyone else but himself. He's very guarded and doesn't let a lot of people really in.

You feel honored and privileged to be one of the few people that Javier Pena allows in. You're careful, too, that you don't do anything to betray his trust.
You take that very seriously.

"I'm happy you're not leaving right away, Javi. I need you here with me for a while."

Your eyelids are drooping. You can't hardly stay awake much longer. Yet you hate to waste precious time with Javi by sleeping. He leans down and gently kisses you.

"Go to sleep, chica. I'll still be here when you wake up. I promise."

"Okay. I love you, Javi."

"I love you, Y/N."


You wake up feeling refreshed and excited. You look over and smile. Javi is snoring away and it makes you happy.

You know he needs his sleep, too, but it's hard to resist the urge to touch him. You're very gentle about it, trailing your fingers over his bare back and down to his ass. (Javi has a great ass.)

He stirs after a few minutes and you silently curse yourself for waking him up. Javier rolls over on to his back and smiles tenderly as he reaches over to touch your cheek.

"Sleep well? he asks.

"Like a log. You?"

"Same. Want some breakfast, chica?"

"Not right now. Can we just cuddle in bed for a little while longer?"

"Yeah. As long as I get to...touch?" Javi searches your face for approval. You smile.

"Only if I get to touch, too," you tease. Javier's dark eyes grow darker with desire.



Javi and you make yourselves breakfast and then sit on the couch, cuddling and feeding each other.

"You're never allowed to leave again for that long, mi amor." Javi grips your waist and you chuckle.

"I'm not sure I want to leave again for that long. It was a giant headache."

"I'm sure."

"Thanks for being here to surprise me when I arrived home. That was perfect."

Javier kisses you hungrily and greedily. You sit on his lap and stroke his hair and sideburns.

"I had to be here, mi amor. I couldn't be away from you a second longer."

"I'm glad. I was thinking about you the entire flight back here." Javi grins.

"I know. Because I'm so damn irresistible." You lean your forehead against his.

"You sure as hell are, Pena."

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