Dave York-Sexy business man

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You meet Dave at the company picnic and quickly hit it off and end up hooking up. Mention of sex, but nothing too explicit.


"Hey." You turn. A tall, handsome man with brown hair and eyes is standing next to you in the buffet line at the company picnic.

You think he looks vaguely familiar, but can't quite place him.

"Hey. Um, I'm sorry, but I can't remember your name." Your cheeks flood with heat at the look the man's giving you.

"David York. But Dave is just fine. And you're....?"

"Oh! Uh, Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you, Dave." You hold out your hand so Dave can shake it.

Instead, he does the old fashioned thing and... kisses your hand. You let out a high pitched giggle as you draw your hand back.

"I'd have to say that the pleasure's all mine." Dave flashes you a cute grin and your face gets even warmer. You quickly look down at the long line of food on the table in front of you.

"So, how long have you been working with the company?" Dave asks, as he started loading up his plate with the various kinds of foods.

You do the same thing, all the while entire time, wracking your brain for something to talk about with Dave. You suddenly remember that you never answered his question about how long you'd been with the company.

"Uh, I've been working with the company for about a year," you say. "And you?"

"Years," Dave replies, his eyes travelling over your body, making you blush once again.

Dave appears to be very forward. He's obviously not shy in the least.

You're not so sure you like that, but hey, he is mostly being polite. But that could easily change.

"Yeah, but do you like it?" You ask, feeling brazen all of a sudden. Dave's eyes appear to grow darker in an instant and you feel a shiver shoot down your spine.

Both you and Dave have finished loading up on food and you decide to follow him to an empty spot at a picnic table.

"It's okay," Dave replies as you take a seat across from him. "But my real passion is... women."

Your heartbeat quickens at the sound of Dave's voice dropping low. You boldly stare back at him, neither of you breaking eye contact.

Eventually, you turn your attention back to your food and start to eat, although you've kind of lost your appetite. For food, that is.

"How'd you like to come over to my place for a while after this picnic?" Dave asks, his voice practically a growl. You nod.

"Count me in."


Dave is definitely the take charge type. That's okay by you. You find that alluring and sexy.

But Dave has also surprised you some, too. He's very take charge, but he isn't overly domineering in the bedroom, either.

You're certainly drawn to him and he seems taken by you as well. After you finish your intense love making, you lie there, clinging tightly to Dave's body.

He gently strokes your hair and you smile. You gently kiss him and Dave smiles tenderly at you.

"This day turned out a hell of a lot better than I anticipated," Dave murmurs softly and then kisses your forehead.

Another shiver goes through you. Only this is a shiver of excitement and you like that. And Dave.


"I hope I can continue to see you?" Dave looks deep into your eyes and you smile.

"I'd love that, Dave York."

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