Eddie-Love At First Sight.

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This is the first TV role that Pedro ever did, Buffy the vampire slayer.

I'm not a huge fan of the show, but hello, Pedro? Lol

Anyways you meet Eddie one evening as you're both studying late in the library and really hit it off.

Some minor swearing but mostly fluff and fun.


You look at your watch. Yikes! It's nearly eleven o'clock at night! You can't believe that you wasted an entire evening in the college library!

You sigh softly as you begin to gather your stuff together and start for the exit.

You accidentally bump into somebody else and immediately raise your head up to apologize. Oh. My. God.

The guy standing in front of you...ahhh! He's so cute! Longish brown hair and velvety brown eyes and full lips.

He flashes a quick grin and you don't miss the dimples. Holy smokes! You feel your face getting hot and you know you have got to be blushing furiously.

"Oh!" The guy says, looking a little flustered. "I'm sorry."

"No, it was totally my fault." You gather your courage and decide to say a little more.

"I'm Y/N."

"Eddie. I haven't seen you around before. Of course, school just started, too."

You chuckle awkwardly. You try to think of something intelligent to say.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised. This place is a little... daunting. I'm still learning my way around."

"Me too. By the way, how would you like to grab coffee or something sometime?"

"I'd love to!" You try to tone it down. You don't want Eddie thinking you're too eager.

"We could even study together sometimes, if you want to, that is."

Study! With this little cutie? Hell yeah!

"That sounds good." Eddie chuckles softly. The night air feels amazing after being cooped up in the library for several hours.

"It's been an adjustment for me, coming here," you confide in Eddie as you walk towards your dorm.

"I know what you mean. I live in a small town, less than ten thousand people. But here?" Eddie spreads his arms wide, motioning around the college campus.

"It's a lot to take in."


You reach your dorm building and you really hate to part ways with Eddie so soon.

"This is me. Hopefully, we'll run into each other tomorrow." You stand on your tip toes and give Eddie a quick peck on the cheek.

He blushes some, but he's also grinning so you know he liked it.

"Thanks. What was that for?"

"For being such a gentleman and walking me to my dorm building. And because I think you're... really cute."

You know you're blushing yourself.

"Uh, thanks. I think you're really pretty."

You grin, thank Eddie and practically float inside and up to your room.


You do run into Eddie almost immediately the next morning. You hadn't realized that you both had English Literature class together.

You sit next to each other. You have just a little trouble concentrating since Eddie is sitting not even a foot away from you.

You force yourself to pay attention. Otherwise, well, you don't need the professor jumping down your throat.


The day speeds by and as soon as you and Eddie are finished with your last class of the day, you go and grab some coffee and just sit and relax, having a good time together.

"I'm really happy we ran into each other. Pun intended." Eddie laughs and reaches for your hand.

Your heart nearly bursts through your chest, it's thumping so hard. But you really enjoy Eddie holding your hand.

"I'm glad we met, too, Y/N. I think you're the first real friend I've made already."

You give Eddie's hand a gentle squeeze and then lean over to give him a kiss. On the lips.

Eddie pulls his hand away and gently cups the back of your head as he kisses you.

You smile after. Eddie rests his forehead against yours and smiles. Ooh, that smile! It's absolutely dangerous!

"Yeah, you're definitely the first real friend I've made here. But .."


"I hope we'll be more than friends?"

"That would be fabulous, Y/N." You grin, kissing Eddie again.



You and Eddie do become more than friends. You do spend a lot of time with him.

Eventually, you both make some other friends and usually hang out in your friend group together.

But you always make time for just Eddie. Sometimes you'll sneak off and just hang out, by taking a private walk around the campus, in the least crowded areas.

Or go grab a coffee and just sit there for hours, just talking or... sometimes kissing!

But whatever you do, you and Eddie always have a good time together.


You're crammed together in Eddie's bed and just cuddling. You love being squished up against him.

It's so warm and cozy and comforting to you. You're starting to doze off when Eddie asks you something.


"I want us to be exclusive. What do you think?"

You crane your neck and find Eddie's lips in the darkness and kiss him. You feel him smile.

"I want that, too, Eddie. Thanks for asking me."

Eddie chuckles and kisses you.

"You're welcome, Y/N. I love you."

"I love you too, Eddie."

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