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This is actually set before the movie.

You can't stand Ezra. He's too cocky and annoying and just irritates you.

You aren't aware that Erza is secretly in love with you and he's gonna try and get you to fall for him.

Some strong language and mention of sex.


Ugh. Why, why, why? Erza us so damn annoying! Why the hell is be constantly trying so hard to get you to like him?

Maybe he was dropped on his head when he was younger and it scrambled his brains so he can't think right.

Or maybe he just enjoys messing with you. That's probably it. Erza just likes messing with your head. Grr.

"How come you never want to talk to me?"

You give Erza a withering look. Oh. My. Gosh. This guy has to be the most clueless person on the planet!

"Because," you say snidely. "I don't like you."

Erza's face falls and he looks... wounded. Oh, for the love of Pete!

"How come you don't like me?" Erza asks. "I've never done anything bad to you."

"I don't know," you say. "There's just something about you that annoys the crap out of me."

Erza storms off. Good. You were done with that conversation before it even started.


You start to feel just the tiniest bit guilty about what you said to Erza. Why? Your brain shouts at you.

You shouldn't feel guilty about it. It's not like you're friends or anything. You've just known Erza for a long time.

You try to figure out what bugs you so much about him. Well, to start, he has that annoying semi southern accent that grates on your ears.

And half the time when he's talking about shit, you don't understand most of it. He just babbles on and on until you want to punch him in the face.

But... well, he is sort of..cute, you guess. He has some pretty brown eyes and those dimples are okay, you guess.

And he's usually fairly nice to you. (Even when you're not necessarily being nice to him.)

Ugh. Fine. You'll go and apologize. You just aren't going to make a habit of doing this.


"Did you come here to jump down my throat about something else that bothers you about me?"

Poor little Erza! He's throwing himself quite the pity party. He's sitting on the couch in his place and staring down at the floor.

"No," you say softly. "Can I sit next to you."

Erza lifts one of his shoulders in a semi shrug. You sit down beside him.

"I came over to apologize. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Im just not used to you. I mean, I am, but I'm still trying to figure you out. You're quite the enigma."

Erza chuckles softly as he raises his head and looks over at you. You dare to reach over and touch his hand.

"I know I'm a little strange," Erza says softly. "And sometimes I probably come on to strong. I just.. really like you, Y/N."

Your mouth falls open in shock. What the hell?! Erza likes you? Since when?

"Are you messing with me?"


Erza reaches over to grasp your hand in his and your heart jumps a little in your chest.

"I know you don't like me that way. Hopefully, we can at least be semi friends and not rivals?"

Erza looks hopefully at you. You try to smile. Maybe.

"We'll see."


As you start hanging out with Erza a little more, he sorta starts to grow on you.

But there are moments when you'd still rather punch him in the face then have to sit there and listen to him rambling on and on about shit.

"There's this green moon planet," Erza is telling you. "And this place, The Queen's Lair. It's supposedly full of all these gems."

"Do how are you supposed to get them?"

"It's difficult," Erza says. "Unfortunately, their wrapped up in these fleshy plants and you have to extract them from there."

"Oh, yeah. That's just my idea of a stellar time."

"I'm going to get a crew together and go in search of that," Erza announces.

"Erza, no," you say softly, reaching out for him and surprising yourself by clinging to his hand.

"Don't go. It sounds too dangerous."

"You could come with me." Erza draws you closer to him and gently kisses you.

"I might. Only so I can keep an eye on you." Erza chuckles as he gently wraps his arm around your waist.

"It'll be hard. But if we discover The Queen's Lair, we'll be rich beyond our wildest dreams."

You snuggle up against him, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"This is why you annoy the crap out of me, Erza," you say. "Because you're crazy and stupid and don't think things through."

Erza gazes tenderly at you and you reach up to touch his lips.

"I know, birdie." He suddenly grins, reminding you of a cat that caught the canary.

"Wanna have some fun?" You roll your eyes. You know exactly what sort of fun Erza has in mind.

Bedroom fun. You gently draw your fingers over his face and lips before leaning in to gently kiss him.

"I suppose we could. Then afterwards, you tell me all about how you intend to find all those damn gems in the green planet."

Erza stands, pulling you up with him and heading for the bedroom.

"I shall do that." Erza pauses. "Are we still rivals?"

You laugh. That's possible.

"You're just going to have to wait and see Erza."

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