Din Djarin-Brown Eyes

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You're working with Din in getting some confidential information and nearly get caught.

Once you escape, you talk Din into having some fun.

Some light swearing and some mention of sex.


You're all decked out in this uncomfortable metal armor and you don't see how Din can manage to wear something like this all the damn time.

You stay close to him. He's stopped by a wall and gestures for you to stay behind him. That's quite all right with you.

Your heart is beating so loudly, you can hear it in your ears. This is insane. You can't believe that you allowed Din to talk you into this!

All because, well, never mind. You're staying so close to him, that you're practically glued to Din's back.

You know you need to back off just a little. Otherwise, you'll start drawing too much attention to yourselves.

You straighten up and slip past Din, who's keeping a lookout for anyone who might try and stop you.

You reach the machine and Din starts fiddling around with it. Suddenly, the robotic voice starts saying that Din's face is unrecognizable and will denate if he doesn't remove his helmet.

Ooh, you know Din is going to be super uncomfortable with having to do that. He does it and his face is scanned, so he's able to continue on extracting the private information.

You gaze at his achingly handsome face, fighting against your urge to reach up and touch his facial hair and lips.

You shift, your hormones starting to get the better of you. Crap. You pinch yourself, just to distract your mind from Din.

He's so handsome, in a rugged way.
But you know how strongly Din feels about honoring the code of The Mandalorians. You don't press him about it.

And you see him often enough without it, as you're tangled up together in Din's bed. Crap. There you go again, thinking about that.

Your attention is quickly grabbed by an empiral officer and you swear softly under your breath and you see Din's lips moving for the same reason.

"What's your name, officer?" The butt ugly officer asks, far too loudly, like Din's an idiot who can't hear unless he's being shouted at.

"We just call him 'Brown Eyes,'" you jump in quickly, smiling sweetly at this guy, who'd you rather blast then talk to.

The officer gives you both a once over before walking away. You release a relieved breath. Din replaces the helmet and grabs your hand, practically dragging you out of there. Thank goodness that's over with!


"You got it?"

"Yeah?" Din suddenly squirms uncomfortably in his seat. You stand up and go sit down on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I know you'll be angry with me when I tell you this, Din, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. About how handsome you are."

Din just shakes his head and presses his lips to your cheek. A shiver runs down your core and you kiss him.

"We're going to help that kid," you whisper, fingering Din's full lips. You squirm. This is torture. Yiu want Din. Now.

His embrace tightens and you can feel him becoming... aroused. You shift around on his lap.

"I know." Din's voice is low, lower than normal. You know he's wrestling inwardly with returning the child to his own kind.

"I know you want to.. keep him. You're attached. I am, too. It's hard not to get that way."

"We have to do the right thing." You start kissing Din all over his face. Your lips graze his closed eyes and you can feel the moisturizer. Oh, Din.

"Oh, my Din. My tender, kind and gentle Din."

"Stop!" Din growls, venom dripping from the one word. He's angry with himself.

You take his face in your hands and gently kiss him. He resists at first. But you're not letting go.

"It's okay. Ssh. I'm here. Just let me take the pain away. Even if it's only for a little while."

Din stands, scooping you up into his arms and carrying you into the back, where his room is.

He gently sets you on the bed and starts undressing himself. You undress, too.

Din comes to you and your lips and body connect. You slide back on the bed and you reach for Din.


You love just lying here, cuddling with Din. You remember the whole 'brown eyes' remark and chuckle softly.

"What?" Din is slowly kissing your face and you smile, reaching out to touch his.

"Brown eyes." Din rolls his eyes.

"I couldn't believe you actually said that." You giggle.

"I was just trying to distract that giant toothed douchebag."

Din chuckles himself and hugs you closer to him.

"No crap. Those were some one largely pair of chompers."

You shudder. You think you're going to have nightmares about those teeth for a long, long time.

"I never thanked you for helping me," Din murmurs softly in your ear.

"Don't mention it." You gently kiss him and then snuggle closer and close your eyes, ready to sleep for a few hours, all nestled up in Din's protective embrace.

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