Agent Whiskey-I Never Knew

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You've been dating Jack Whiskey for several weeks now.

You're head over heels in love with him and he's so charming and handsome and kind.

Except there's someone hasn't exactly shared with you. And you're about to find out the hard way.

Swearing and some innuendo and a bit of violence, but not much.


You're all nestled up against Jack Whiskey as you both cuddle in bed together.

He's gently stroking your long, loose hair, as it's fanned out all over the pillow. You lean towards him, gently pressing your lips to his.

Jack gently cups the back of your head and kisses you like he can't get enough of you. That's okay by you. You can't get enough of him, either.

"You have to be the most beautiful woman on the planet, darlin.'" You smirk and kiss him again.

"Do you think you're going to have your way with me just because you can sweet talk me?"

"Sweetheart, I already had my way with you. Now, I'm telling you the truth."

"Please." You giggle and clutch at his body, gently dragging your fingers down his sides, causing him to squirm.

"It's true, my beauty." You stare at Jack. He has the most beautiful brown eyes you've ever laid eyes on before.

And his full lips, cute little dimples that cocky smirk, all make you weak in the knees. Along with that smooth, Southern accent.

"Oh, Jack. Promise you'll never leave me." You feel terribly needy all of a sudden and ache to be as close to Jack as you can.

"Ssh, little one. I'm right here." Jack's lips barely graze your forehead and it sends shivers down your spine.

"Go to sleep. I'm going to look after you."

"Thank you, Jack."

"It's my pleasure, darlin."


You're awoken by the sound of glass being shattered. You jerk upright, but a strong hand grabs your arm, pulling you down on the floor of the motel room.

"What the hell is going on?" You demand, glaring at Jack. He just shrugs at you and puts a finger to his lips, meaning for you be quiet.


"Uh, well here's the thing, I'm sorta a... secret agent in a secret organization."



"What the hell is the matter with you?" You snap as the gunshots continue to ring out and come into the motel room.

You start shaking like a leaf and swear to yourself that if and Jack get out of this screwed up situation that you're going to kill Jack.

The gunfire finally ceases and all goes quiet. You look at Jack with wide eyes, wondering if it's possibly over.

"Stay here," Jack orders as he reaches over for that a whip? Oh. My. God.

You grab at his arm, stopping him. You don't know what your face looks like, but you feel terrified.

"Don't go! What if something happens to you? They'll...kill me next!"

"Calm yourself, darlin,'" Jack drawls. "Nobody is going to die here today. Just let me get rid of the rift raft and then we'll be on our way."

Jack leans over and gently kisses you before bouncing to his feet and firing his own gun.

There's some loud cursing coming from Jack and more shots are being fired.

You lay down there on the floor, your entire body frozen with fear and anxiety.

You just can't even seem to comphend that your boyfriend is a secret agent and you could.. die, all because he never bothered to tell you the damn truth!

You start to shake for from something else: anger. Stupid Jack Whiskey! What the hell is the matter with him?

Come to think of it, what the hell is wrong with you? You need to get out of here. Now.

You slide over a little, groping around on the floor for your clothes and try to get dressed as best you can while all the shooting is still occuring.

Stupid Jack. And stupid you. Forget this. You're blowing this pop stand.


You're almost out of the motel when... Jack appears out of thin air and grabs your arm.

You shake him off, not even bothering to waste your breath on him. He's not worth it.

"Y/N! Where the hell do you think you're going?"

Jack looks absolutely pissed off. Ooh, like that's going to scare you! Especially not after the crap you just lived through.

"What does it look like I'm doing, asshole? I'm getting as far away from you as possible!"

"It's not safe for you to just run out of here! You could end up, you know."

"I hate you!" You spit out. "And you're nothing but a dang liar and con man!"

Jack looks extremely offended. Good. Asshole. Let him be offended.

"Y/N, please. Come with me. It's the only way you'll be safe."

"Uh, forgive me for not believing you."

You turn, heading in the opposite direction, but Jack just follows you. Well, shit. Looks like you're stuck.

"Fine. Just get me outta here!"

"It'd be my pleasure, little lady."

"Bite me, Whiskey."


You're not sure where you're at. You honestly don't care. At least you're still alive.

"I'm sorry. I really am. If you want me to take you home, I will. And you'll never hear from me ever again."

You sigh. Jack looks so..sad. And you can't take it. Grr.

"I do care about you, Jack. But yeesh, I don't exactly wanna end up dead."

"I'll protect you. Besides, I'm not doing this all the time. Only when I have a mission."

"Are you on a mission right this second?"

"Not technically. Why?"

"'Cause I think you owe me something. Can you guess what it might be?"

"Playtime?" You grin and reach over to grab Jack and pull him closer.

He hungrily kisses you and his hands start to roam your body.

"Oh, Jack?"

"Yes, darlin?"

"If you ever put me in that tight of a spot again, I'll kill you myself."

"Noted, darlin.'"

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