Dave York-Coffee Shop Romance

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You and Dave go to the same coffee shop every morning at seven thirty. He's been noticing you and trying to work up enough nerve to ask you out..

Just some minor swearing but mostly just flirty and fluffy!


It's seven twenty and you're on your way to your favorite coffee shop that you've been going to for the last two years.

It's such a cute, little place. And it's only a ten minute walk away from your apartment and your place of employment.

It's a beautiful day out, too. Not too hot, not too cold. But perfect. Sunny, blue skies and a faint breeze, with a hint of spring in the air. You smile.

You pull open the door to the coffee shop and the strong, heavenly smell of hits you and you breathe it in before stepping inside and walking up to the counter to order your usual, a caramel mocha latte.

As you wait, you glance around the shop. Most of the usuals are here, reading a book or checking their phones or tablets.

A tall man, with short brown hair and brown eyes is sitting at a small table, alone, right near where you're standing and he was looking at his phone, but suddenly looks up and sees you.

He ducks his head, looking somewhat embarrassed, almost as if you caught him doing something he wasn't supposed to.

He immediately sneaks a peek in your direction again and you try to give him a friendly smile. He smiles a little uncertaintly at you.

"Y/N?" The barista is calling out your name and you step forward to collect your coffee and then go take a seat at the table behind the man.

He's looking at his phone again, but you can't help but notice the little subtle glances he keeps stealing of you.

You want to laugh, but that would be unkind and you're pretty sure that the man would really be embarrassed and you don't want to do that.

You check your own phone, noticing a missed text message from a friend of yours and quickly response, apologizing for taking so long to reply.

You suddenly hear the man loudly clearing his throat and you look up. He's turned around in his seat and is looking at you.



"I don't want to come off sounding like some kind of stalker, but I've noticed that you come in here every morning around the same time. "

"I've noticed the same thing about you." The man smiles and you find yourself smiling back. He's not bad looking.

"I'm Dave," the man says. "I work at the tall building just down the street."

"It's nice to meet you, Dave. I'm Y/N. And I work just on the other street, at the bookstore."

"Andersen's Book's?" Dave looks kind of... excited.

"You know it well, I see."

"I used to. It's been a while since I've been in there." An alarm on Dave's watch goes off and he reluctantly stands.

"It was nice meeting you. Maybe I'll see you again?" You nod.

"I hope we will, Dave."


The next morning:

Dave is in the coffee shop, grabbing his usual coffee order, a large, black coffee with cream and sugar.

You two sit together and talk for a few minutes before Dave has to rush off to his job. You find that you'll a little disappointed when he has to leave so soon.

"Say, Y/N," Dave says. "Would you like to go out for dinner sometime this weekend?"

"Sure. Here. Let's exchange numbers. That way we can get in touch easier."

You swap phones, each putting the others number in the phones. Dave grins, looking proud of himself.

"I'll call you later." You watch as he puts his gray suit jacket on and you admire his trim physique and cute lips.

"I'll be waiting, Dave. Don't disappoint me now," you tease him and he blushes a little.

"Trust me, I won't."


Dave actually doesn't call you. Instead, he stops in the book store and surprises you. You're pleased to see him and not just speak with him on the phone.

"Are you busy tomorrow evening, around seven?"

"Nope. I'm not." Dave grins and you notice his cute little dimples.

"Wonderful! I'll call you about six thirty and then come pick you up. Does that work for you?"

"Yeah. Actually, I only live about ten minutes away from here."

"Great." Dave lingers a little, clearly not wanting to leave yet.

"If you have a few minutes, I could show you the latest books that arrived?"

"Well, I don't have a lot of time. Maybe ten minutes. But if it means spending a little extra time with you, I'm game."

You take Dave on a little tour of the book shop, showing him the latest arrivals. But then, he says he really needs to go.

He says he'll see you tomorrow around six thirty. You can't wait.


Dave arrives promptly at six thirty the next evening and takes you to a snazzy, hip kind of place. It's a steakhouse.

You're not huge on steak, but decide to be polite and you end up ordering a small steak, but luckily it comes with mashed potatoes and gravy and a nice, little salad.

Dave is such a gentleman. He'd even held your chair out for you and helped you take your coat off.

"Wow, I'm impressed!" You remark, smiling at him.

"How's that?"

"Most of the men that I've dated aren't as polite as you."

Dave's dark eyes appear to grow darker with desire. He reaches over for one of your hands.

"Maybe you haven't been dating the right kind of men, Y/N."

"I'm beginning to think that myself." Dave raises your hand, gently brushing his lips over your fingers and you smile.

"You're right. I definitely haven't been dating the right kind of men."

Dave releases your hand as the server approaches with your dessert, French Silk pie.

You take a bite of the pie and holy smokes! This is some amazing shit!

"This is excellent!"

"It's very delicious," Dave agrees. "Some more wine?"

"Yes, please." Dave pours you both some more wine.

"This has been really beautiful, Dave. I'm really happy you asked me out."

"Yeah, I am, too." He chuckles. "I've been wanting to, but you're so beautiful that it intimidated me a little."

You feel your face heating up and you take a sip of your wine. Such a flatterer!

"Oh, my. You're just too cute for words, you know that?" Dave's face gets a little red, too.

"I know. That sounded really corny. But it's the truth."

"It's okay," you say. "I think it's sweet."


You're reluctant to leave Dave and he seems reluctant as well. He walks you up to your apartment and before he leaves, he promises to call you soon.

"How about a good night kiss, Mr. York?"

Dave leans down, gently capturing your lips with his. It gets a little heated, but you don't mind.

You touch his cheek and lips before he kisses you once again and then leaves.

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