Old Pei and ... Dianxia?

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*A/N Umm..Well, writing in first person POV doesn't seem to be my thing...will continue with third person POV from here😅...

Ling Wen arrived in front of the Ming Guang palace to introduce the new apprentice there. More precisely a temporary student under General Pei. The interiors and decorations were extravagant and all the martial gods under the Ming Guang palace were busy with their own work or either practicing their skills. And indeed it seemed that Qin Xiuying was not the only female martial God but there were many others present there in Ming Guang palace.  Though they had not become Godess yet, never the less they were the helpers of the other martial gods and quiet adept in their martial skills. Seeing the number of female apprentice present there Qin Xiuying almost got creeps down her spine thinking about the nature of Pei Ming.

Ling Wen took her towards the main swords hall where Pei Ming was busy speaking with Pei Su. Looking at the features of Pei Ming, Qin Xiuying was sure about the reason why every woman was head over heels for Pei Ming...

Noticing them both,  Pei Ming showered them with friendly and cheerful smiles and welcomed Qin Xiuying.  She awkwardly smiled back in a coy way.

Pei Ming,  " Qin Xiuying, right? Nice to meet you! It's a pleasure to get such a potential God under me to guide! And don't be shy, be comfortable around me and even though I am quiet old, consider me as your friend!! " Stating this he patted Qin Xiuying and started laughing.  Pei Su and Ling Wen both shook there head in unison at Pei Ming's introduction. 

Qin Xiuying,  " Uhh...Sure! I will try to adjust as soon as possible, it's just that I am new here and I am quiet nervous..."

"Consider him my friend !!? Damn it!

Pei Ming,  " Ho ho ! Don't be nervous here... And if you ever need my help come to me any time. But, *Ahem...Excuse this old man just for today, it's a pity that we won't get to know each other better today as I have some unfinished business here with Pei Su... Ling Wen, you may take her to the Ling Wen palace for now and show her around..."

Ling Wen,  " Yah yah, go on! No problem I will take her with me."

Qin Xiuying smiled and stated ,  " It was nice to meet you! Well then, bye!"

Pei Ming nodded and moved out with Pei Su.

Qin Xiuying,  Unfinished business huh? I wonder what this is about... Banyue Pass?

After their short meeting Xiuying again headed back to Ling Wen palace along with Ling Wen. Indeed Xiuying was extremely thankful internally to be returning with Ling Wen, as obviously she wouldn't want to be the next victim of  Xuang Ji's jealousy.

Ling Wen, " It's great to be a God in two complete different fields but I wonder why the Emperor suddenly thought of something like this... I mean, I am very happy for you, but the job of both a Martial God and Civil God is extremely hard and giving both the responsibilities together to you will surely be a great burden...

But don't worry, I will help you as much as I can! "

Qin Xiuying,  " Hmm...even I wonder why? But still, thank you very much for worrying and helping me out "

Ling Wen smiled back at her and continued walking.

Qin Xiuying,  Ahh...Ling Wen seems so sweet but — ... never mind, let me keep all those things aside for the time being. But still, I wonder what Jun Wu's idea is, about bringing me here... Surely with me coming here, some part of the story is bound to change with unknown plots...*sigh

Suddenly she noticed Ling Wen touching her temples and connecting to the communication array. She stared at Ling Wen and Ling Wen offered her a sweet smile and said that the Emperor needs to inform something important to her.

Ling Wen,  " Uhh, it seems like I need to reach a certain place and so I have to leave you behind. Well, I am extremely sorry! Please don't think that we God's are ditching you, it's just that unexpected things keep coming around here... I think this time it is going to be the accession of some new God again probably."

Hearing the words 'new God',  Xiuying's eyes shone brightly and she hastily replied , " Ah, don't worry at all, I don't mind at all, I understand very well! Just go without worrying! It's fine!!"

Ling Wen,  " Thank you for understanding,  I hope you remember the way back or you may explore around a bit over here..."

Qin Xiuying,  " Yep yep, no problem... don't worry!"

And with that, Ling Wen headed ahead leaving Xiuying all alone.

Qin Xiuying,  Okay! So, is it going to be the legendary accession of our dear, dear Dianxia now?! My heart will literally pop out any moment if it's him...but if not then – *sigh *  My heart might shatter into pieces... What will I do here without him! Where shall I even find him?

And right after her stream of thoughts, she headed ahead to explore a bit when she suddenly saw another martial God who came walking in her direction while rolling his eyes.

Qin Xiuying,  Wth! Mu Qing! Oh my God, it's him!

Well we both are Gods, why even say oh my God... never mind!

She almost took his name out loud with the sudden excitement and seeing her, Mu Qing just offered her a disgusted look while Xiuying was still smiling involuntarily.

It seemed that Mu Qing was already under the weather and right at that moment, extreme tremors could be felt and the entire heavenly capital shook violently. All the Gods and Goddesses seemed to be very excited with the upcoming new God.

But for Qin Xiuying it was crystal clear that this was going to be the accession of Xie Lian!

Thinking about it,  she looked up and sure enough a huge bell was already shaking vigorously above the place where Mu Qing was trying to move towards while balancing himself. She rushed forward and before it could hit Mu Qing,  she blasted the bell with the spiritual power of her sword. But the after effect almost sent her flying away with the blow.  But she herself was bewildered with the immense power she possessed.

Mu Qing seemed to be amazed at how fast she was to react, and also at the blast made by her sword. But the very next moment he glared while he spoke, " You!! I don't need anyone's protection!  You are just a mere new God, so stop flaunting your skills!!"

Qin Xiuying actually rolled her eyes brazenly at his comment and suddenly said bye and ran away as fast as she could, just like a child running away from her parents due to her guilty conscience. 

Mu Qing,  " What the f– "

Qin Xiuying,   Hmph! As expected of him, but I don't mind at all... Anyways I know his capabilities,  it's just that I broke the bell so that he could not humiliate my Xie Lian!  Ahem* not mine, I mean our dear Hua Chengzu's Xie Lian!

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