A New Curse

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The three were just silently deciding what to do next when the door creaked open. It was Earth Master. Mu Qing and Feng Xin stayed in a daze for a while before realizing that it really was Earth Master.

They spoke in unison and Ming Yi had to gesture them to speak quietly. Qin Xiuying just stared back with no surprise at all.

Mu Qing, " What are you doing here and how did you not get caught? And wait, how do you know we are trapped here?"

Ming Yi," Well long story short, if you are wondering how I saw through your disguise, then let me say, I was also disguised as a part of the crowd when you all decided to change your appearance. I had come to know about this hideout of Qi Rong and Xuan Ji,and stayed low key to know what was going on. I have somewhat a basic knowledge about their plans and I will like to help you all. I somehow managed to break over here but we don't have much time! And now don't ask anymore questions and just do as I say if you want to complete this mission faster..."

Feng Xin , " But what are you doing here in the first place?"

Ming Yi, " Will tell later, But first come with me, all the ghosts are out at the moment and it's the best time to infiltrate their plan."

As they were moving out, Qin Xiuying, who was silent the entire time moved up to Ming Yi and spoke secretively in his ears, " Well well, it's really commendable that the Great Ghost King is actually helping these mere Heaven Officials and also going to such lengths to switch between your original form and disguise as Earth master, Haha, good good!"

Ming Yi's face was drained out of color and he glared back while he spoke through his gritted teeth, " You- Who exactly are y-"

Qin Xiuying, " Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, trust me if u want to or else don't... and my identity? Hehe, will tell later! As of now we anyways have to work together, right~? ;) "

Ming Yi had no words for his reply and they both left only after getting yelled at by Mu Qing, " The hell are you two doing, didn't you just say to hurry up?"


Ming Yi, " Well then, if you all understood what their plan is now, go ahead and do what you think is appropriate. I will have an eye outside so that you all don't get caught!"

Feng Xin" I still cant believe that this is their plan!!! How horrible! They are already dead and rotten corpses so why even revive them?! Nothing is eternal and sacrificing so many innocent lives just for-... I don't know what to do or say!!!! That mother fu**** is a lunatic and why the f*** is Qi Rong and Xuan Ji helping him!!!???"

(A/N* Ahem, I hate swearing and tbh I never swore in front of anyone till date and it makes me feel very guilty to even write swears over here. So well, the characters of Feng Xin, Qi Rong and Mu Qing swear a lot, but from now onwards I wont include any such thing or swears, so yep, sorry!")

Mu Qing, " Well, wasn't it you who wanted to have me sacrificed a few minutes ago?"

Feng Xin, " Just shut up and go to hell!!!"

Qin Xiuying, " Ahh enough, its already disturbing enough to know their deeds but I some how understand how Lang Ying feels. And, ahem, thank you Earth Master for going through such lengths to dig out the information, I just hope that what you said is genuine and true and well then, we will move forward with our mission now..."

Ming Yi , "..."

Mu Qing, " You even doubt  Earth Master's sincerity? Shouldn't you be respecting him and also you are the new comer here, he has been known for manyyyyy years so how can we not trust him? Don't get too ahead of yourself" Saying so Mu Qing just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Qin Xiuying, " I didn't mean it in that wa-"

Feng Xin, " Enough lets go, I want to end all these as soon as possible and get out of here!!!"

Qin Xiuying, Sigh, these two will never let me finish speaking, anyways...this is getting interesting! All I wonder is why is even He Xuan helping us?

The next place where the three entered was where the actual place of sacrifice took place. The one where Lang Ying previously stood wasn't the original altar and the entire liar was like a maze. On top of the altar were laid two coffins with open lids. In that laid a woman and a child whose bodies were preserved by some sort of spiritual energy. 

According to Earth Master, these two bodies belonged to the Lang Ying's child and his wife who died from the human faced plague almost 800  years ago. Lang Ying was some how resurrected by Qi Rong and Lang Ying, in the same way wanted to resurrect his wife and son. And that was the reason for sacrifices which  contributed in the resurrection of  the dead and served as a new body for the souls to reside. It was the same for Lang Ying who possessed a fake body made up of various body parts of the sacrifices depending on which part rots first and needs to get replaced. The entire process was too ghastly and horrifying to even listen to, and all they could think of was to get rid of the two corpses to stop Lang Ying's soul which possessed other bodies, by making him lose all his hopes.

But the trouble was that somehow the ceremony was partially successful and the body of the corpses could gain consciousness in case of threat to prevent anyone from destroying them.

Mu Qing went ahead and rolled his eyes in disgust and attempted to strike an attack on the corpses. Qin Xiuying didn't know what to feel, afterall Lang Ying  didn't deserve to lose his family in such a cruel way, and the reason why he did so many sins was because he was blinded by love and hatred to avenge his beloved. She couldn't actually blame him or feel disgusted by his actions.

She was lost in her thoughts when she was startled by what happened next. Mu Qing had almost blasted of the child's coffin when the mother somehow gained consciousness and tried to touch him to stop him. But before he could notice, Feng Xin dashed and took the blow, but also from the other side the corpse of the child caught the hands of Mu Qing. But a few seconds later, both the corpses fell back to their place as they lost all their consciousness again.

The scenes were horrifying and a bright red patch appeared on the hands of both Feng Xin and Mu Qing. Their eyes widened in horror and Mu Qing fumed with rage while he spoke up.

Mu Qing " Feng Xin!!! What the hell is wrong with you, why did you come in front of me, we both are infected now!!! If you didn't come in front it would only be me!!! Who told you to come!!!"

Feng Xin, " I wouldn't have to get infected if you weren't such an idiot! Who told you to act so fast and not notice what was happening!!! And anyways, why do you even care if I get infected?!"

Qin Xiuying, " I- Ahhh what to do now? Shall we try to find Earth Master? We don't know what the consequences will be! And don't worry, this probably wont be the human faced plague as White No - Face is no more present over here and so is the plague gone, this must be some other curse set up by Lang Ying!"

Qin Xiuying, Even though Jun Wu is alive, I wonder if he has to do with anything related to all this. Whatever be it, this probably isn't the plague, that is something I am sure about. But what exactly is going to happen? It will probably be deadly as it was to protect the corpses! ... But...whatever might these two say , they obviously care and can go to great lengths to protect each other...

(A/N* Umm, so I don't know but I suddenly felt bored while writing and thought that maybe things are getting a bit  lengthy instead of focusing on the main ship. So, if u guys find it boring, do let me know and I will try to change the plots!)

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