Self Sacrifice

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Ming Yi and Feng Xin had already crossed paths while trying to communicate with Ling Wen.

And after a good while, they indeed were able to contact her. The voice of Ling Wen sounded clearly in their head.

" General Nan Yang! There is supposed to be a scroll at the lair which says exactly what to do to prevent it. You both probably haven't found it yet but it requires the one who laid the curse, to self sacrifice themselve. You can't kill him but you must find a way to shatter his ambitions and self kill himself. But also the curse keeps spreading with every passing hour, whatever is to be d-----------"

Ling Wen was still speaking when the connection cut off again. Feng Xin stomped in anger and there was a trace of panic in his facial expression.

Ming Yi suddenly looked around and asked  Feng Xin, where Mu Qing was. The same question was in Feng Xin's mind because it had been quiet some time since they parted ways.

" Ahh that damned idiot! I don't know where he is, we were anyways supposed to meet here after searching all we could and those two gluttons might be back anytime now!"

Ming Yi, " I clearly remember to have seen that scroll somewhere and am sure that Qi Rong didn't take it away...
And I suspect..."

" Suspect what! We don't have much time and it hurts like hell! Just say it already! "

" Maybe General Xuan Zheng has already found it...otherwise he would have returned and also he has been acting strange..."

Feng Xin's eyes widened in anger and he instead misunderstood it as Mu Qing deliberately trying to hide it away to get his revenge of all the hatred he possessed for him.

He suddenly spat out in anger " That fool will die too if he really ends up imagining something this stupid!"

Ming Yi didn't quiet understand what he was thinking. But if anyone ever got to know his thoughts, Feng Xin would be the most childish and idiotic person in their views.

The two then rushed to where Lang Ying had passed out. But it had been long since his body was gone. Ming Ying furrowed his brows and said in an annoyed tone, " Qi Rong isn't back yet, and all the hostages are's the General who took the body away...
Anyways let's look separately again we don't have much time."

"And oh? Where is that girl again?"

Feng Xin, " Hmph,  you will never find her at the times of need! I knew these new officials can't be trusted!"

Feng Xin could only mentally swear to get some peace. But even that didn't work as he got more and more agitated with the increasing pain. That Mu Qing surely knew how to piss him off!

They both dashed into different directions to look for him. Now that the way to prevent the curse was known, they only had to find a way to black mail Lang Ying after waking him up and try making him lose his desire to live.

Feng Xin was already furious but somewhere in his heart he had an extremly uncanny feeling. And on top of that his body was growing hotter and hotter and so was the case for Mu Qing on the other side. Their health had taken a worse turn and they both were now burning with fever.

Feng Xin suddenly,y felt very dizzy and exhausted but still tried to walk on. In the end he couldn't and ended up taking the support of the wall next to him.

His hands slipped and the wall turned out to be the door to the secret chamber. Indeed he had not noticed that there was already a mark on that particular part of the wall.

Feng Xin almost fell down when he lost his support. He somehow steadied himself and turned his head to glance at his surroundings.

But the scenes that he saw in front of him almost made him choke on his breath. There was an array formation in which Mu Qing stood along with the body of Lang Ying inside the formation.

Mu Qing was still standing in front of him, exhausted. But within a second he passed out and instead Lang Yin resurrected. Feng Xins vision was going blurry and his head was extremly dizzy. He was barely standing still and still couldn't perceive what just happened in front of him. His eyes then  fell onto the body of Mu Qing which laid unmoving on the ground. On instincts he rushed there and slapped his face in order to wake him up. But then he heard Lang Ying speak...

" Feng Xin...just why?"

Feng Xin stared blankly at Lang Ying like a fool and only after some time did he realize that the formation was that, of the one used along with the Soul Shifting Talisman. Only then did it strike him that Lang Ying would obviously not know his name and it was Mu Qing who possessed his body. Obviously it must have been weird to see his original body getting slapped out of no where and bewilderment was clearly visible on Lang Yings face.

" I— you, why did you! You— no no, come out now! Come out, mind isn't working at the moment but you will fu***** die if you do this....! Get out!"

Lang Ying just gave a vague smile, " I have already made up my mind....this is the only way and I will die either ways...the curse has speard to a great extent that both of our hands are just bones now with all that rotting... Just a few hours and everything will be over when it spreads to our entire why not one of us be alive when we still have time to revert everything back! "

" I don't care, you —"

Feng Xins eyes widened as suddenly he felt Lang Ying pull him into his embrace. His head was already spinning and his face was bright red with fever and he didn't know what was going on. He looked and saw the Sabre of Mu Qing in Lang Yings hand which would have probably been used for the self destruction.

But then he heard a final whisper of "sorry" and only then did he realize that Lang Ying pulled him closer just to transfer the Sabre to his proper hand, and in the end made him thrust it into his heart by forcing him to do it by pulling him close.

His eyes widened in horror and he screamed the name of Mu Qing.

But it was already too late and the body of Lang Ying finally dispersed into thin air.

Feng Xin then violently turned around his head to check on the body of the real Mu Qing. To his surprise both their fever had subsided and their hands were back to normal, without a trace of  the curse.

But what was unexpected was that Mu Qings body laid cold without any heartbeat or a soul.

(A/N* So well, I read tgcf 2 years ago but then I always had a doubt... It struck me again when I was suddenly rereading the confession chapter yesterday. Didn't MXTX mention that ghosts don't bleed and Hua Cheng was the same...But in that chapter there was clearly a line which stated that there were streaks of blood on Hua Chengs cheeks after the fight...? )

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