The End! (not*)

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      Everything was dead silent as Mu Qings body limply laid on Feng Xin's arms...

Was it really The End?

Feng Xin just stared with a completely blank mind.

What just happened! What in the freaking world just happened!

He jerked the body as hard as he could, even tried hitting him slightly a few times but it was to no avail... Feng Xin was now in a completely panicked state. He securely embraced the body of his comrade as he tried every way to wake him up.

He didn't know how much time had passed since he held tightly onto Mu Qings body. He didn't even notice that there were tears rolling down his eyes... It was just so...Impossible!!! could that happen?! What would he do now without him, who will he even fight and bicker with? He might have seemed to have hated him but deep inside it was only Xie Lian and Mu Qing who were the closest to him... Just what did he think before committing such a deed!

Questions flooded his head while tears flooded his eyes. It was too blurry to even see anything so he just closed his eyes and hugged Mu Qing tightly.

" ... ...... .............. ................. I.. can'"

Feng Xin heard a faint voice next to his ears but didn't turn around at once. After all he was in an extremely muddled state.


Feng Xin raised his head while still tightly holding onto the body. He then slowly removed his hands and looked down upon Mu Qing...

He stared awhile and was again shocked to death for the second time... Be it a good thing or bad, he always had to be so shocked as if he had seen some seductive woman in front of him...



Feng Xin gasped and pulled behind his hands.... Mu Qings body which was being supported by him banged hard onto the floor.

Mu Qing hissed with pain " you bast***!!!"

And truely, cursing at each other was their best way of showing affection at the time of a reunion...

Feng Xin wiped his eyes vigorously and turned away his face while he mumbled a faint sorry. But hearing that Mu Qing was too shocked to speak... Did     he really get an apology after swearing at his nemesis?!

A long while passed and none spoke a was awkward. Finally they where out of that secret chamber. This time Ming Yi wasn't around and neither of them even noticed his disappearance,  nor did they care.

They just came out of the lair and out into the fresh air. Finally everything was peaceful. Feng Xin was quiet all along but right after coming out he grabbed Mu Qing by his collar and spoke so loudly that it could turn someone deaf.

"Just what the f*** were you imagining when you thought of something like that! Shouldn't you atleast discuss or report that you found out the solution!"

" Hah... So, you wanted to die together?  My you care soooo much about me? "


" Well then why are you so agitated that I can literally see your veins popping. And well if you don't care.... why were you hugging me and also crying?! "

" The hell are you saying!"

" Oh so what I am saying is pure bullshit now, huh? Fine! I regret not dying and to have survived! I would better off be dea—"

Suddenly a hand slammed against his lips and Feng Xin deliberately  prevented him from speaking.

He then glared and finally confessed, " I do care ofcourse! Afterall I am not as heartless as you, you piece of sh*t!"

They both were very close to each other as they spoke and Feng Xin looked very dominant when pressing his hands against his lips.

But the only problem was that they failed to notice a major third wheel. A few meters away from them was Qin Xiuying who was supporting a greatly wounded Pei Ming. Seeing them together she was so ecstatic that she literally threw Pei Ming away.

Pei Ming hissed with an "Ouch" and broke the peaceful atmosphere successfully.

The moment they both noticed her a layer of frost appeared on their faces... They both really looked too scary and cold to even look at. One moment they were all emotional and the other moment they could just easily kill someone on spot. After all both of them possessed intense ego and after having been seen in such a position....their mood was very obvious to predict...

Qin Xiuying sheepishly grinned at them and then the next moment she looked behind and glared at Pei Ming with a murderous aura even scarier than that of Xuan Ji!

Feng Xin, " Where the hell where you while we were here rotting into real corpses!"

" I went to report back and also... Yah! And also it's because of me that you both got so much time to reconcile with each other because it was me and Wind Master  (not that bast**d) who prevented Xuan Ji and Qi Rong from coming back! So you can't BLAME ME!"


" Where is Earth Master? Still inside?"

Realization struck the other two after hearing her speak. It was clear from their expression that they had forgotten that someone like him even existed.

Qin Xiuying " Ah I see that you both forgot about him....I expected as much so I instructed Wind Master to go find him down... Don't worry, they must have met by now..."

Feng Xin " Who the hell is worrying and it's not at all as you think!"

Suddenly General Pei was heard by all, again, " cough* I hope you all didn't forget that even I exist and am not yet invisible? "

All the other three spoke together at once, " You are indeed invisible! "

Poor Pei Ming just didn't know whether to "ho ho" or cry so he just supported himself alone with his heavy injuries.

He then spoke again, and this time directing it to his fellow apprentice," I still remember how coy you were back then we first met and now, Look At You BACKANSWERING! Just what did I do wrong?!"

Qin Xiuying,  Hah...wrong my a$$, it's all because of him that I got late and couldn't even third wheel properly! I actually neglected my second ship! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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