Ghost Festival

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Qin Xiuying wasn't surprised when she saw the situation there and her eyes had only met those of Xie Lian and the old man who were in front of her. But suddenly she recalled something and her smile faded away.

Wait, this scene...Isn't it supposed to be Xie Lian's first time meeting San Lang?! Where is he?

She turned around and only then did she notice a teenager staring straight at her. Without any restrain, she blurted out with excitement,  "SAN —"

Sh*t, my stupid mouth!

Qin Xiuying literally felt like slapping herself. Both Xie Lian and San Lang stared at her intently now.

Xie Lian, "Hmmm? You know him?"

Qin Xiuying, " Huh? Ah no, why?"

Xie Lian, " You said San while looking towards him and his name happens to be San Lang so -"

Even Hua Cheng watched her carefully and when she looked at him, he offered her a gentle smile which eventually sent a chill down Xiuying's spine.

Qin Xiuying still maintained her composure and naturally replied, "Oh is it? What a coincidence,... I was just looking at those three headless ghosts in front of us and was just going to say San guǐ ( three ghosts) ... I happened to turn back to speak while looking back at this young man who seems to be so brave even in such a situation. Its quiet admiring...

Well nice to meet you, San Lang!" 

San Lang continued smiling and nodded. He then suddenly whispered in Xie Lian's ears saying, " Gege, actually I am very scared. This young lady is very brave and I guess she misunderstood me to be fearless..."

Qin Xiuying was nervous about her lie being unrealistic but her acting skills were great and everything seemed natural. And stuck in between their chit chat, all the three had almost forgotten about the situation at hand.

The headless flies, no half skeleton bodied ghosts, had already approached closer to the cart. Rouye had already been commanded to surround the Ox Cart and made them seem invisible from outside.  The Oxes were also still and didn't make any movement.

The clattering and chatting of the ghosts came closer and became audible.

" Old Yu, your old head seems to have lost much hair recently. I heard one of our ladies speak about a skin preserving salon that also helps to regrow hair. Want to give it a try? Your handsome old face will be less charming if you go bald! "

The ghost named Old Yu spoke up,  " Hey hey, you are already calling me old so it's natural for me to loose hair. Anyways my face rots away just after a few months and I am tired of replacing with new skins. Anyways, the Skin preserving salon you spoke of–

Ahem, so well, truely! I know I am quiet charming so a few old hags who were drooling over me, pulled me there and forced me to try it out. But...
The hair they used was particularly of a decent human and I felt it was a waste on my skully head."

Now the third one spoke up, " Ahh right, your family members didn't burn much joss paper for you and you almost starved your old non - functioning taste buds at times because of your poverty. Well we don't need to eat but taste does matter. And hence—
You probably went home, ripped out all your hair, turned them into human hair noodles and ate them up?"

Old Yu, " Exactly! This old buddy knows everything! "

San Lang, " ... "

Xie Lian, "..."

Qin Xiuying,  " ...........!"

The fu*k! Weren't they themselves human once? Taste? Hair has taste!? What the hell!

He went on to pat the half bony shoulder of his fellow pal when his head rolled out from the crook of this elbow.

His mouth kept blabbering nonsense while rolling with his head.

And then, suddenly he flew back a good distance when he got repelled by some invisible force. The other two, too went  flying taking his lead.

" How can we not go?"

" Let's go again?"

And the same thing repeated several times for these handsome old fellows with haggard faces and low IQ.

" The fu*k! GHOSTS! There must be a ghost! Ahhhh!"

The other one slapped out his head and sent it rolling again, " Stupid! Are we not ghosts ourselves! That must be some Daoist playing tricks on us!"

San Lang seemed disgusted and turned his face away. Xie Lian noticed it and felt that he was probably scared and gave him a slight pat on his shoulders to reassure him.
Qin Xiuying didn't know whether to laugh or cry but was impressed to see some logical reasoning among the three fools.

The three ghosts then tried to move from the side and Xie Lian got ready to move forward as soon as they passed.

But they stopped at the side once again. Qin Xiuying seemed to be very irritated and just as the ghosts tried to take a small step forward, they saw half a leg emerging from somewhere. It was Qin Xiuying who moved her leg out of the barrier made by Rouye and made two of the ghosts trip down, while she kicked the one staring at her leg like a pervert.

And soon they crossed their first hurdle and went past the headless as well as brainless gluttons.

There were numerous other ghosts in all shapes and sizes and Rouye seemed to have gone tired and they were now partially visible.

They came to a halt with the panicked oxes getting stuck in sticky mud. Xie Lian fished out a talisman to stop them when suddenly the ghosts stopped in their track and flight.
He panicked and screamed, " Runnnn! Lord is also— " They looked back, shut their mouth and scrammed.

Qin Xiuying was looking at the timid San Lang and understood that his gaze was what made those loose mouthed ghosts, shut up.

Xie Lian was dumbfounded and awkwardly rubbed his neck.

" Umm, did they run away just like that?"

San Lang, " They must have feared Gege and ran away!"

Qin Xiuying,  " After all Gege is so strong, it's natural! "

Those two spoke at the same time and hearing the word Gege, both the companions of Xie Lian were stuck in a staring competition.

Wait what!? I got transmigrated into Tgcf !!! ( Fan Fiction )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz