Getting to know Hua Cheng

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That sudden jerk had sent Xie Lian stumbling until he fell over the teenager accompanying him. By instincts he supported himself with his dear friend pinned under him, so as to not squish him with his weight. They were so close that they could almost feel their breath on each other. 

Both of them were frozen on spot when suddenly they came back to reality. Xie Lian at once propped himself up and turned his face away in embarrassment while blushing. The one under him, sat straight too, but his expression seemed to be that of dissatisfaction. 

Xie Lian, " I - I am very sorry! Are you alright?"

" Mn, don't worry, I am fine but -  It seems like your robe ripped off a bit due to that nail..."

Xie Lian looked down only to discover that his one and only good robe had actually been ripped off at a part. But he smiled back and replied, " Ahh it's alright, it doesn't really matter..."

" Alright then... "

There was an awkward silence for a while, which greatly helped to increase Xie Lian's embarresment. Without knowing what to do, he asked what the name of his companion was.

" It's San Lang... I am the third son of my family so San...     C-can I address you as Gege?"

Xie Lian, " Mnn, sure!"

San Lang, " Well then Gege, where were we? "

Xie Lian, " Right, we were speaking about Hua Cheng. So, do you know his appearance, or his weakness?"

I just want to know his appearance to compare it with the person I met on Yu Jun mountains...

San Lang "What do you think? How ought he look like?"

Saying so, he inched closer to Xie Lian's face. His face was strikingly handsome on closer looks, and his skin was as smooth as jade. Xie Lian stared at him for a while and then inclined his head to a side before answering.

Xie Lian "Being such a renowned Demon Lord, it can be assumed that he shape-shifts a lot, so he must have many appearances."

San Lang "That's right. But sometimes he still uses his real appearance. The appearance we're talking about is naturally his original self."

Xie Lian "Then I feel like his original self could definitely be a teenager like you."

San Lang smirked and asked "Why?"

Xie Lian said, "Not 'why', since you can say whatever, then I can think whatever. Everything can just be whatever we please."

San Lang, " That's right... But he is blind"

He pointed at his own right eye and said, " This one"

Xie Lian, " Uh-oh... That's sad..."

San Lang laughed out loud all of a sudden and continued,
" Gege! You are so kind that you even sympathize with a ghost, hated and detested by all! I have never seen another noble person like you before!"

Xie Lian," Ah .... San Lang..., what's there to laugh...It's embarrassing you know! Well  nevermind..."

San Lang, " So then, Gege, its said that he went crazy and dug out his own eyes in rage. He hasn't got quiet a good temper you see. And about his weakness, the weakness of ghosts are their ashes... Once, they are destroyed their soul will dissipate forever, never to enter the reincarnation or rebirth cycle again. "

Hearing his reply, Xie Lian laughed and said, "I'm afraid no one would be able to obtain his ashes. Thus, this weakness is equivalent to not having one."

And yet San Lang responded, "Not necessarily. There is one kind of situation where the ghost would take the initiative to give away his ashes."

Xie Lian said, "Like how he had challenged those thirty-three Heavenly Officials to a match, betting his own ashes as stake?"

Scoffing, he said, "Not possible."

Xie Lian was  able to hear it the meaning behind his words. He had probably meant 'How could Hua Cheng lose?'. And indeed, Xie Lian mentally thought the same.

 He  continued, "There's a tradition in the Ghost Realm. In the case where a ghost has chosen their most trustworthy person, they would entrust their ashes to that person."

Xie Lian seemed to ponder for a while and then sighed while saying, " But–   
it will be heartbreaking if he gets betrayed by the one he trusts, and I will say that it's  certainly like a daring gamble..."

San Lang kept quiet for a while, " Gege? ...

Well if it was me, then I wouldn't care what that person does with my ashes... I trust that person so that means my life too belongs to that person and I am devoted to that person so as to entrust my entire life to them. It must be same for the ghost king...
When you trust someone from within your heart... You can give them your everything without any regret or hesitation..."

Xie Lian, "..."
This boy is surely very matured and sensible to think in such a way...

Xie Lian then rummaged through his sleeves and fished out the steamedbun which he had purchased.

Xie Lian, " You must be".
He passed his precious little steambun to San Lang without any hesitation and smiled in the most gentle way towards him. He didn't even mind being hungry for a few hours or days more...

San Lang too smiled back but he divided the steambun into two equal halves and returned one of the pieces to Xie Lian.

Xie Lian seemed to be greatly impressed by the kind attitude of his new friend.

They both were eating when suddenly the cart came to a halt. The old man driving the cart got confused with the abnormal behavior of his Oxes... when suddenly he was greeted by headless ghosts who were a few li's ahead of him.

His soul could be seen passing away from the mouth and he shivered involuntarily. Xie Lian's face darkened as he tightly held and shut the mouth of the old man to prevent him from screaming.

The ghosts were still a few meters away and couldn't really see as they neither possessed a head over their neck nor any eyeballs. There heads were in the crook of their arms, while they were merrily chatting in gibberish with each other.

Xie Lian turned back to check the condition of San Lang, who seemed exceptionally composed, when suddenly the Old Man passed out in front of Xie Lian.

Xie Lian turned back when he himself was taken aback with the sudden arrival of an unexpected guest...

Qin Xiuying, " Uh-oh, seems like I arrived suddenly at the wrong time and in turn turned out to be a ghost for this poor old man....tsk tsk~ "

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