Gege in Marriage Sedan

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Fu Yao, "..."

Nan Feng, " ...  "

" Disgusting! Horrible! Extremely Ugly, I would kill you if I were the ghost groom and wipe out the entire town! My eyes, uhhhh, give me holy water!!"

Qin Xiuying,"!!!"

 Pretty beyong words! Oh my God! Sooooooo beautiful!  These two are blind, I want to kick them into gutter!

Xie Lian,  " Ahem...cough cough, however it is, we have to go with this look... sigh, do you people think I am even the slighest bit comfortable with this...

Well..., let's get this done fast!"

Qin Xiuying,  " I think gege looks great! I really mean it but yes, let's go! I assure you it will be worth it!"

Xie Lian awkwardly smiled at her compliments and didn't know whether to laugh or cry,  but just as he was about to take a step forward, he almost tripped and fell flat on the ground...

Nan Feng, " Did you even go blind now?!"

Xie Lian,  " Uhh, it's too tight for me! I can't walk or breathe properly!!"

Fu Yao kept rolling his eyes while Qin Xiuying retroted, " Don't look at me! I don't know how to alter clothes!!"

But then someone else entered Nan Yang temple. It was the same girl from the previous night. She stared at Xielian for a while and then lowered her head while blushing.

" Tha–thank you for yesterday and here's your robe—"

Xie Lian,  " ... Welcome! Wait I — 

Uhh, don't take me wrong! I have no interest in cross dressing! It's just for catching the ghost groom!"

Hearing the word 'Ghost Bridegroom' her eyes lit up, 

" Young Masters! I am extremely sorry for yesterday and I somehow heard your conversation, so if you don't mind me, I can help you dress up! I know how to alter clothes and do bridal makeup....

I really want to help you out! I don't want those punks to kill or torture the innocent! "

She went on explaining about the matter about the jerks who pestered her earlier and how then wanted to catch her friend for the bounty of catching the ghost groom.

Qin Xiuying,  Hmm, well well, everything's going in the same way but probably things will change soon ... Afterall I am a new addition here and a single action of mine will change the whole course of everything,  I must be careful...

But first, I won't let this girl die! 

Wait, what was her name? ... Little Ying? Xiao Ying?...


That night, there went a marriage Sedan amidst the creepy forest of Yujung mountains. The Sedan was carried by eight men who were the military officials who had come to lend a hand. And bringing them was a part of the two subordinates' plan. Well, it was just, so that those two could defend themselves and flee when the real ghost arrived...

And those two were the ones who resembled the 'Bride's Maid' in Qin Xiuying's imagination. And they were no one, other than Fu Yao and Nan Feng. The mere thought of that made Qin Xiuying almost burst out laughing with pain in her stomach. Somehow she suppressed it to prevent another wave of endless curse and fight with the two of them.

And as they went on, Qin Xiuying too started to execute her own plan. She had already informed the three that she would climb a tree and keep a watch on what was going on in the mountains. And afterall she had come for an experience , so it was better for a rookie to not mess up with the way of dealing things of the Great Gods...

And ofcourse Mu Qing and Feng Xin couldn't help but mentally concluded her to be useless and an extra burden. While on the other hand, the main idea of Qin Xiuying was to keep an eye on Hua Cheng and Xielian from the top of the trees... Yes!, her main motto was obviously to third wheel them!

As they went on along the way, Xie Lian suddenly sensed something and lifted the red curtains of the Sedan. 

Xie Lian, " Can you three hear the sound of a child singing? "

Fu Yao, " What child?"

Nan Feng, " Whose Child?"

Fu Yao, " Hmph, not yours obviously!"

Nan Feng, " You — ! Just Shut up!! I don't even have a child!"

Qin Xiuying,  " New bride, new bride, new bride on the red marriage Sedan....eyes brimming with tears...hold the rising smile~"

It's indeed your child, Feng Xin....*sigh~

Xie Lian, " That's exactly what I can hear, so you can hear it too?"

Qin Xiuying,  " ...Umm, yes..."

Fu Yao, " No, we can't,  it's only you two can can hear I guess..."

Xie Lian, " Then it must be to deliberately scare us. But logically speaking, if I am not wrong, then it's only done to make the bride fall into a state of panic, so that's why others might not be able to hear as I am acting as the bride now. But then again she could hear it too, strange..."

Qin Xiuying,  " Mn, gege is right... maybe the child is a fetus spirit, so it's not that intelligent and hence any 'Woman' can hear the song?"

Oops, I really didn't hear, I just remember it because I always felt that the voice was very cute...

Xie Lian,  " Probably that's it then..."

Nan Feng, " You seem to know a lot even after being new here...not bad..."

Qin Xiuying,  Wth! Did I just get praised by him! Lol, if I had my smartphone here, I surely would have recorded this...

But then suddenly the trees and bushes nearby, started to rustle in the windless night. Base Slaves!

Qin Xiuying,  " Be ware !, we are under attack!  There are over a hundred base Slaves out here ready to pounce at us!"

Fu Yao, " What the — You are clearly still on the ground so how did you even know befo—"

And before he could finish his sentence,  indeed they were attacked. Rouye flew out of the marriage Sedan and wiped away few of the rotten Slaves. Even Qin Xiuying started to fight with them but it was her first time and indeed the scene in front of her was terrifying. She was not of great help and with no other choice, she used her Qigong to land on top the nearest tree and hide. Nan Feng and Fu Yao too, along with the military officials retreated with Xie Lain's order.

And soon, all the hundreds of Base Slaves too vanished into thin air or started to hide as the sound of light foot steps approached closer towards the marriage Sedan.

A man clad in Red robes and with a Silver Scimitar, approached Xie Lian and slowly lifted the curtains of the Sedan with his finger, which was tied with a red string around it ~

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