Sleep Over

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Xie Lian took a deep breath before entering his new home, that was Puqi Shrine. San Lang stood at one corner and smiled as soon as he saw his new Gege.

Xie Lian awkwardly rubbed the back his neck as he spoke, " Ahem, I know this place is very degraded and small but I hope you don't mind spending one night here..."

San Lang looked at his neck which was wrapped around with a white cloth and 'oh'ed as he spoke, " No problem, it's very kind of you to even allow such a lowly mortal like me to stay with you... And anyways, I was so bored, it's nice to have someone next to me for one night!"

Xie Lian, " You...seem lonely...Please don't mind but is your family really in such bad terms? Well never mind, till the time I am here, you may come to me when ever you feel like..."

San Lang nodded and after a while spoke again, " ... Gege? I think something is missing here. I mean, the image or sculpture of the God to whom this shrine is dedicated... "

Xie Lian felt his words made sense but the very next moment his face burned with embarresment thinking of what San Lang might feel after knowing that this shrine was dedicated to himself...

San Lang, " Gege if you want...I can help you with a painting of the idol...And if you don't mind,  how will you like it to be done? I just want to repay you for your kindness today."

Xie Lian didn't directly speak about him being the God and thought that maybe San Lang might just consider him as some heavenly subordinate after seeing the condition of his Puqi Shrine.

" Its dedicated to the Crown Prince of Xian Le. Well you must not be knowing him...The kingdom perished almost 800 years ago."

San Lang didn't speak for a while and Xie Lian went over to pull over a straw mat for them to sleep.

Xie Lian, " Sorry but we might need to share this bed tonight..."

He later realized that a straw mat isn't something to be considered a bed. But San Lang soon followed his words and sat next to him on the so called 'Bed'.

The candel lights were flickering and Xie Lian removed his slightly torn outer robe and made it into a pillow. He then looked back at San Lang and smiled while asking if he was interested in palm reading.

Xie Lian didn't expected to receive his hand that easily. Afterall he always felt that he was sensitive and liked to avoid skin contact.

Nevertheless, Xie Lian continued with his act of an astrologer while carefully observing the intricate palm lines of his. If he was some normal ghost, it wouldn't be possible to imitate every detail so well. He was lost in his own thoughts and only after hearing the word " Gege" did he come back to his senses.

San Lang, " What do you think about my fortune?"

Xie Lian, " Extremly lucky and prosperous. You may have your own ups and down but you are very persistent and bound to achieve all your goals. Once you set your eyes onto something,  you are ready to pass any hurdle to achieve it... You have a very bright future ahead..."

San Lang mockingly said , " Oh!... Then, anything about relationships and marriage partner?"

Xie Lian felt a pain in his head while thinking that he will have to blabber nonsense again.

" You can win anyone's heart with your kindness and determination. You will always be faithful to your lover and have a happy life....
Well honestly, you look so handsome so there will be many girls who must have already fallen for you...
And San Lang? Aren't you asking all this to me to compliment  you?'s so obvious that you are a very lovable child!"

San Lang broke out into a laughter after having his tricks busted and just laid down next to Xie Lian to sleep. Xie Lian seemed tired with his mortal body and soon turned around and closed his eyes to sleep.

After some time San Lang propped himself up and stared back at his Gege. That face filled with kindness could be seen under the moonlight even with all the darkness of the night. Xie Lian's hair had fallen over his eyes and San Lang slowly tugged his hair back while playing with it.

Amidst the darkness of the midnight, at some point of time, both of them faced each other in their deep slumber and had unknowingly fallen into the embrace of each other.


On the other side, Qin Xiuying had her head buried in piles of scroll at the Ling Wen Palace. She felt as if this was some detective agency as her new mission now was to track Xuan Ji and Lang Yin. Although she had an idea about Lang Yin, she didn't know what must have happened to Xuan Ji.

Qin Xiuying, Did she already team up with Qi Rong?

What annoyed her the most was that she couldn't accompany Xie Lian and San Lang. And it was Ling Wen who felt that it was better if she stayed back, as she had an idea that the matter of Banyue Pass was related to Pei Ming. And as she was training under him, it was better to stay out.

Qin Xiuying was blankly staring at the piles when Ling Wen arrived and told her that she should rest while she takes over her job. Qin Xiuying was extremely grateful and accepted it, and while she was happily jumping back to her Palace, she found a pretty woman peeping at her from the corner of the street.

Seeing Xiuying, she came out and waved a fan at her while smiling. Who else could it be if not the gorgeous Wind Master?

A/N* Okay Guys so a bonus chapter on the Ocassion of New Year. Happy New Year and hope you all have a wonderful time ahead of you!

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