Blood Rain Reaching Towards a Flower

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Xie Lian was out the entire day for collecting scraps. That was, afterall one of his usual tasks in the mortal realm. He spent the entire day roaming around and earning enough for the repair of his new Shrine.

The setting sun bathed the sky with its reddish rays among the Cirrus clouds, while the village women harvesting the water chestnuts, ocassionally peeped and blushed at the handsome face and gorgeous smile of Xie Lian.

He was quiet cheerful and excited about his shrine when he realized that he was actually quiet far away and it was getting dark. Nevertheless he had a habit of walking miles and miles without getting exhausted. The only issue was that, now his body was similar to that of a mortal and he too would get hungry if without any fills.

So he decided to buy a white fluffy steambun from a nearby shop when suddenly a cart carrying hay stacks went past. An old man was driving the Ox Cart who offered to give Xie Lian a lift after his purchase.

The Ox Cart moved on smoothly and Xie Lian sat in a corner, next to the hay stacks, while studying some of the mortal made information about the Heaven Officials.
And then, there were some legendary romance fictions about the great General Pei and a guide on his ways of seduction. Xie Lian didn't know how he got hold of such a masterpiece and after reading the context and practicing abstinence for ages, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Obviously being a scrap collecting God, there was no information about him, expect for being banished twice and all sorts of humiliation on how he turned from a Martial God to a scrap collecting God.But nevertheless there were many rumors about other Gods which piqued Xie Lain's interest. After all he was not familiar with most of the official's out there.

Xie Lian said, "Alright, if you carefully think about it, in regards to a martial god and a scrap god, there's actually not much of a difference between the two. All gods are equal, all living things are equal."

At this moment, a light chuckle sounded from behind him as a voice said, "Is that right?"

The voice belonged to that of a teenager who spoke up in a lazy tone, "People always like saying that all gods are equal, all living things are equal. But if that was truly the case, all those various immortals and gods would simply not exist."

This voice came from behind the hay and straw pile on the cart. Xie Lian turned around to take a look and saw that teenager was still lying there in a languid manner.

That was when he realized that he was not the only one taking a lift in that cart. Infact there seemed to be another guy on the other side of the hay stacks.

Xie Lain, " Well in a way, that does make quiet a lot of sense...."

The next God was Water Master Wudu. Wields water as well as wealth. Hence, within the stores and houses of many merchants, they would all have a statue of the Water Master to ensure their wealth and fortunes.

Xie Lian felt a bit baffled. "Since he's a water god, then why would he also wield power over wealth and fortunes?"

That teenager suddenly spoke up again and started saying all his analysis about the Wind Master and The Water Master.

The Youth wore a maple red robe and his skin was as fair as snow. He propped himself up and climbed over the other side of the hay stack to have a better conversation with Xie Lian. Xie Lian too intently listening to the explanations of the unknown boy and found it quiet logical. And as he didn't know his name, he addressed him as 'this friend.'

Xie Lian, " This friend seems to know a lot about gods of the Heavenly Realm... What an impressive amount of knowledge you have got!"

The youth looked into the eyes of Xie Lain for a while and then suddenly smiled sweetly at him. " You flatter me, it was just for time pass that I discovered these facts..."

Xie Lian, " I see... Well-"

"Hm? What's the matter?"

Xie Lian, " Since you know so much about gods, then do you know about ghosts too?"

The youth continued while fiddling with a red bead with his fingers.

" Which ghost do you want to know about?"

Xie Lian, " Crimson Rain Sought Flower... Hua Cheng"

Hearing the answer, he stopped playing with the bead and after thinking for a while, he spoke up again.

" I know..."

Xie Lian, " I wonder what might be the reason behind this name of his? "

" He was once coming back after destroying the nest of another ghost when it started to Blood Rain in the mountains. Along his way, he found a pure white flower that looked rather pitiful. So he just opened his umbrella and gave it shelter from the Blood Rain. That's how his name came into being..."

Xie Lian, " Interesting...So, does he usually pick up fights with others regularly? But his kind act seemed to be very sweet..."

" Pfft- ahh sorry, sweet seemed too cute! Ahahh, nevermind, well he was probably bored that time and it's not that everyone is of his level... He will only spend his energy on worthy opponents or those who are like annoying flies at times. Just like the one whose nest he destroyed."

They both were silent for some time and the distance between the two was close. Xie Lian was still thinking about what to ask next when he noticed his robe, which had got stuck to a nail at the side of the cart.

He stood up to remove it, when suddenly the cart bumped into a relatively big stone and jerked up heavily. Without any support to hold onto, Xie Lian fell right on top of the youth, with their faces only inches apart~

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