Puqi Shrine~

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It was early in the morning when two heaven official's descended to the mortal realm. 

The morning mist had yet to subside and the first rays of the sun peeped from between the distant hills. There was a sense of tranquility in the entire surroundings, with the small village being surrounded by the mountains and marshy fields planted with water chestnuts.

Xie Lian breathed in the sweet misty air and smiled brightly while looking at the picturesque scene in front of him.

Qin Xiuying,  " Gege! Look at that hut over there— it seems to be empty and suitable for a shrine, how about we take a look there?"

Xie Lian,  " Hmm? Ah, let's go then! But this place is so beautiful!  How did you know about Puqi village? "

Qin Xiuying,  " Me? Well, when I was a child and a mortal, I often came here to visit my relatives and play. But then…they passed away, so I don't know anyone else here…"

Ahh sorry! I didn't mean to lie, but I can't tell you anything just yet and obviously I don't know anyone here so I had to bring in the death of my imaginary relatives…

Xie Lian, " Uh-oh, that's sad— I am really sorry for your loss!"

Qin Xiuying,  " No need to be sorry! It's all in the past… And for now, we just need to find  a suitable place to make you a Shrine! Let's go!"



Qin Xiuying, " Umm, well I seems a bit too corroded…Seems like thats the reason for it to be empty…
Ahh! Nevermind, things can always be fixed and the location is great! I will help you repair it!"

Xie Lian " Well, honestly, this place is way better than what I used to stay in when I was banished! So this seems great! Thank you so much for finding me such a great place!"


His innocent and humble smile set the heart beats of Qin Xiuying to beat at a very fast rate. But also, there was a feeling of pain in her heart. 

Someone as noble and kind as him, someone who thought of others lives before his own life…What had he done to suffer so much? Karma? Justice? Fate? Really, then what about him? What about Hua Cheng? Just what had they done wrong to suffer so much!?

She was still deep in her thoughts when she heard the voice of Ling Wen echoing in her ears. And that was, obviously a call for her to return back.

With her fingers pressing against her temples,  she heard the voice of Ling Wen, looking for her…

Ling Wen,  " Qin Xiuying? I hope you can hear me… Are you done with your work down there?"

Qin Xiuying,  " Mnn…Do you need me to return back?"

Ling Wen,  " Well yes, I need you to handle some reports and also there are a few new requests from your followers… You need to take a look at them and also General Pei wanted to have a few words with you… So when are you returning back?"

God, how did I even get so many followers right after ascending?! Who exactly was I in the mortal realm of this world to have so many devotees?
And Pei Ming! Again!? I seriously forgot about him! Ahhhh, I am so scared to face him all of a sudden! Sh*t! I feel like a student who just forgot their assignment and needs to face their teacher! But anyways, I didn't do anything wrong! Why should I be scared?

" Umm, seems like I have a lot of work there… Well then ! I will return in some time."

Ling Wen, " Alright! And is His Highness also with you?  "

Qin Xiuying,  " Yes he is… You need him too?"

Ling Wen, " No, just asking… Hope he gets many followers soon!"

Of Course he will!

In somewhat a dejected way Qin Xiuying looked back at Xie Lian and smiled bitterly while speaking, " Arghh Gege…I guess I need to go back…How badly I wanted to enjoy down here and reminisce the old memories…Well never mind, if you ever need me to accompany you and help you, please feel free to call me down! I am ready to be at your service anytime! "

Xie Lian,  " Its alright! You better return now, and please, it's embarrassing,  you think too highly about me! It's my pleasure to even have someone to be willing to help me :)"

Aww, just wait a bit more until you find San Lang! And I am sure, there will be many other people too in future , not to mention, your two faithful assistants, hehe~

Qin Xiuying,  " Alright then, I will get going, see you soon!"


Xie Lian, " This place seems perfect, and thankfully the wodden board outside says it's just empty and there is no need to pay any rent!  Well then, I better go and find a few scraps to sell and start repairing my new Shrine! 
By heaven official's blessing, no paths are bound! "

A/N* Umm, hehe, sorry for late updates and small chapters…
I have a lot of school work to complete in the recent days and also I am not having much idea yet, on how I want to continue this story…
So well, I will try updating once a week and there might be late updates again…T^T

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