Zhenlong Chess Formation (2)

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Back in Heaven, Ling Wen sat as usual with scrolls piled up into heaps which could very well cover her entire figure. But what annoyed her the most was the arrival of the General in front of her.

It was none other than Pei Ming.

Right after Pei Ming recovered, his first question was something which made people in front of him want to smack him knowing his nature.

"Where is Qin Xiuying?"

And with that, he was finally in front of Ling Wen asking the same question.

Ling Wen sighed while gracefully slamming a scroll on the wooden table.

"General Pei Ming, it wasn't me who sent her away, please go and ask your queries to the Emperor..."

Pei Ming, "..."

Ling Wen suddenly felt pity for Qin Xiuying to have piqued the interest of someone like him.

In the end she coldly stared back while answering,

"General Pei, I know you are concerned but as you see...she is also an heavenly official and it is her task to do her job. And if I have to be honest, Qin Xiuying herself wouldn't be delighted to know about your concerns. After all, your past affairs are known to all and she as such once got involved in the matter with Xuan Ji. So in that case, it's better if you could just forget about her and instead look after your health and go rest."

Pei Ming stood still without answering and finally left without another word. All he felt was annoyance.

Just why was he always judged?! He firmly believed that whatever the incident with Xuan Ji was, wasn't entirely his fault. He had never promised her anything to begin with...


Qin Xiuying turned pale on hearing the words Zhenlong Chess Formation. If her memory served her right, it was one of the three forbidden techniques in the cultivation world and also a deadly one.

Zhenlong Chess Formation allows the user to control living and dead beings. As such, the manipulator doesn't appear in person, instead they lay down a chessboard and manipulate the chess pieces from the shadows...Controlled beings are loyal to the user manipulating them until death or until they're torn apart if they were dead to begin with...

So just what relation did this entire thing have to do with Chu Wanning?

Seeing her turn pale Chu Wanning coughed lightly and began to explain himself.

" Seeing your reaction it seems like you know what it is...In Caidié town, recides a pawn. That is...an important chess piece of the formation. As such the being is a dead soul... belonging apparently to some Calamity level ghost. I am here to find that chess piece by trapping it inside. Only when the yin energy grows here with the nightmare of the residents will the pawn settle down without suspecting much. After all they don't have much power to think on their own or to notice such abnormalities as the time loop."

Qin Xiuying listened intently and finally asked her doubts.

" If everyone is in a time loop then isn't that pawn going to end up being a part of this loop itself? And why...did you involve your disciple Mo Ran in this?"

Chu Wanning stared at her for a while before answering. Mo Ran lay motionless next to him, as if in a deep slumber.

" Aren't you an exception yourself? If a person is capable enough to control chess pieces using the forbidden techniques there is no way they won't be able to break the time loop. And as such casualties exist what so ever. In the same way, the entire thing is just to confuse the chess piece and retain it in the town by providing it with yin energy. Although it hampers the citizens and exhausts their mind and soul, I couldn't think of any other way to prevent a greater disaster... This is a small sacrifice in the face of some grave disaster...

Hearing him say 'a small sacrifice in the face of some grave disaster', Qin Xiuying almost couldn't believe her ears. The Chu Wanning she knew would rather die than use citizens as 'small sacrifice '. Although she doubted what she heard, in the end, she decided to follow along with whatever was going on. Afterall the entire plot had already started to change and shift its course...

"And about Mo Ran ... I don't want to involve my disciple into more trouble. This brat is stubborn enough to follow me all the way here, but there is no way I will allow him to partake in my mission."

Saying so, Chu Wanning went back to his usual cold demeanor. For a slight second their was a painful emotion seen in his face while he spoke about Mo Ran... Qin Xiuying could understand the reason well enough.

In the end, she just said one thing...

" I want to help..., whether you want me to or not is not my business. My arrival here, after all has a reason, and also I am here to look for answers. Although your methods are harming the citizens, I won't stop you for the time being but rather...let me look for this pawn you speak of."

The answers that Qin Xiuying was looking for were obviously...

It was to know about her past that Jun Wu spoke of and the reason behind her sudden ascension.
In the end Chu Wanning just nodded slightly, "Alright..."

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