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   Shi Qingxuan,  " Well, frankly speaking,  it's natural for a person to go on by their principles and ego, and even if I say I would change my mind and forgive my friend..., if in reality things like such happened,  I don't know what I would do honestly.  Because at that time I would first handedly know the inner hatred and suffering, so my answer might vary. But whatever be it, if I know that person for a long time, I will obviously not want to cause any pain or suffering to that person after getting to know each other...

And well, ... you see, if I have to take your question as a situation, then let me relate it to Ming Yi, whom I consider my best friend.. 

So if by chance what you said were to be true, I would really forgive Ming Yi, if it was him... Whatever he does must be for a reason and I will readily like to listen to that at first and try to believe him... Afterall I know him for ages now, eventhough the situation was as such, so as to put us on bad terms..."

While Shi Qingxuan was contemplating and describing his chain of thoughts and opinion, someone was chugging their wine hastily, when suddenly, 

" Pfft— cough* What The Hell ! SHUT UP! cough cough*!!!"

" Ming Yi!? What's wrong with you, uhh, are you alright? 

Why am I asking, certainly not, look at you fully soaked with your own spill! What nonsense are you dreaming about,  the entire day? "

Qin Xiuying,  " Umm, Lord Earth Master? Here, drink some water! Is something bothering you?"

Oops, it's seems like I am going too hard on him.... Sorry~ [>~<]

" I AM FINE! What's with you bringing me in your damned situation! Stop spouting your bullshitt everywhere,  people will get a wrong idea about us! And well, if I did do something that has wronged you, why the hell shall you forgive me!"

 Shi Wudu, "..."

Ling Wen, "..."

 " Ming Yi, it's because I take you as my close friend whom I will always try my best to trust. Obviously this situation is just an imagination and I don't even want to imagine being wronged by yo—"


" Ming Yi , I —, I didn't mean anything, really, I am so sorry if I hurt you...."

" Hurt me? Hah!"

Qin Xiuying,  " Umm, I am sorry for asking such a situation..."

Ling Wen,   " ... "

Shi Wudu,  " Where exactly is this going —, eh? Where are you going?"

And just like that, the so called Earth Master dashed out without a second glance backwards...

Qin Xiuying,   Did I mess up everything? I understand how annoyed he must be... Afterall I twisted the entire situation and it was him who suffered,  and now he has to listen to the merciful thoughts of the one he probably hates...Well whatever,  I guess he will just try to reflect on himself after seeing how much Wind Master cares for him...

It's so heart touching though, nevermind, I will try getting these two together someother time then...

Wind Master? Is he alright? I am so sorry, I didn't mean to get you two on bad terms, I really mean it!"

Shi Wudu elbowed his younger brother as he spoke, 

" Aiyaa, these two are just like that, don't worry! BESTFRIENDS are bound to quarrel and be silly, right!?"

Shi Qingxuan,  " Mn, It's not your fault! Why will it be? Nevermind,  I will just go check on him...Sorry for any sort of misunderstanding..."


And with all that, the banquet finally came to an end. All the other heaven officials and the three remaining of the group, greeted each other and left.

It was already noon and Xielian,  Fu Yao, Nan Feng and Pei Ming were still to return. The setting sun added to the graceful beauty of the heavenly capital and the mortal realm below twinkled in the twilight as the Moon rose and the lanterns and candles lit up.

But for Qin Xiuying,  even after all her efforts,  she felt quiet disheartened as in a way, things were not really pleasant.  Firstly,  it was now awkward to meet Pei Ming after what happened,  and secondly,  going on bad terms with He Xuan in a way...

She sat alone in an alley of the Martial Avenue when someone else came to accompany her. 

" You seem low spirited today, is everything alright?... Well, if you are concerned about what happened during the banquet,  then it's useless to even get bothered.  They always fight and it's so common! 

And about general Pei... I heard everything from him. Even he seemed quiet down after returning from where Xuan Ji is confined... Maybe they both spoke out and —

Well, I don't know what exactly happened but he said that he doesn't mind what you said and there is no need to avoid him if you are feeling uncomfortable.

So, cheer up! If anything troubles you, my ears are always open for you!"

Qin Xiuying,  " Ling Wen... Thank you for comforting me! I am fine, it's just, I am a bit tired, that's all! Don't worry! "

By the way, I felt a bit guilty after being rude to Pei Ming,  but ahh, look at this fellow being so full of himself!  When did I say I am embarrassed and am avoiding him, was I wrong? Hmph!

Well nevermind,  he sure knows how to read others mind, he is right, Arghh! I hate him! Really! ( Do I though? He is also a Hualian shipper after all, sigh *)

Ling Wen,  " Hehe, then that's great!

Oh right, Crown Prince Xielian has returned back and was looking for you? Shall I tell him you are tired and will meet him tomorrow? "

Me!? NOPE, I AM NOT TIRED! Where is he?"

Eh? Why is he looking for me though?...

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