Chapter 1: New life, new school

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Elsa's POV


I woke up by the sound of my alarm. I groaned. This means it's the start of a new day, a new school and a new life. I'm Elsa Arens and today is not what I'm expecting for. This is the second time my family moved because me dad got promoted. 

How will I do with THIS school? Will my powers be a problem again like in my last school? Well, I most certainly hope that never happens again, that horrible incident. Conceal it, don't feel it. I reminded myself.

Anna came bursting into my room, I nearly fell of my bed seeing her. "Are you ready, Elsa?! I can hardly wait!!!" She shouted.

I threw a smile at her and she ran out. I got up and went to take a shower. I decided to just wear simple on my first day at my new school, Canterlot High. I wore a blue T-shirt and a knee-length white pants. I heard a knock on my door. "Elsa?" It was my mom. "Yes, mom?" I asked. 

She came into my room holding a white dress. "Wear this for your first day Elsa." Mom ordered. I gasped in my mind. The dress was beautiful! There wasn't any words to describe it.

"I bought some new clothes for you and Anna to wear on your first day of school. Make a good impression on your first day." Mom explained. I nodded at her and I took the dress from her and changed into it. It fits perfectly! Then I did my hair into a braid and rested it on my shoulder. Pleased with how I looked, I went out.

I went to join Anna for breakfast. Anna wore a blue top and a pink skirt. She tied her hair into two buns, which looked really cute. "You look beautiful, Elsa." Anna said to me, giving me a wink.

"So do you." I replied. Breakfast was bacon and eggs. After we finished, mom drove us to school. "Have a good day at school girls!"

"We will!" Anna squealed.

Me and Anna set foot on our new school, Canterlot High. It was huge! The walls were beautifully decorated as well. Before I said anything, Anna cut in.  "Come on Elsa, let's go!" Anna said as she dragged me into our new school. I wanted to stop her but it was too late. I was nervous, like, really really nervous. 






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