Chapter 6: Maths class

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Elsa's POV

"Shall we?" Jack asked. I wasn't very comfortable with Jack. I mean, he's popular in this school, and I don't want to attract attention.

We headed to our lockers and I got my books and headed to class.


I turned around. "Yes, Jack?"

"Maths is this way not that way."

"Oh! I'm lost again then." Gosh! Not again!

"Allow me to escort you, milady! This way." 

We got into maths class and there were only two seats left. Great, that means I'll have to sit with Jack again. Girls started to give me dirty looks which I didn't really know why. "Hey!" A girl came up. "Keep your hands off Jack, you got that?!" I was dumbfounded. I didn't do anything to her or to Jack!

"What's your problem?!" Jack stood up. "I said, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!"

"Jack, please calm down and sit quickly." I tried to calm Jack down but it didn't work.

"My problem is that you are sitting with a slut!" The girl shouted back.

"Elsa is not a slut! And besides, there were only two seats left, you got that?!"

At this moment, the teacher came in and the whole class fell silent. Thank goodness, I thought. I have had enough of this. "Good morning class! I am Mrs Belle. Now please take out your exercise books." I requested permission to go to the rest room.

I have had it being with Jack. I don't want any attention! A little tear trickled down my cheek. Yep, this was me, I was very emotional and I can cry very easily. I was also always left out of everything back in my old school because people thought I was weird that I would cry suddenly. Which is why I was always alone, it was a little good, no one would know I had powers. As long as I thought of something sad, and put in deep thought into it, I would cry. People didn't understand me back then, they didn't know the pain I've been through as well. That's why, if I suddenly cry, no one would ever understand why, except Anna and my parents. I can easily get hurt and tears would just flow freely.

I quickly washed my face, I didn't want anybody to know I was crying. My eyes were already red. I tried to hide it as I went back to class. I sat on my seat and started copying stuff that Mrs Belle had wrote on the board.

"Now then class, today we will be learning indices." I paid attention to Mrs Belle and I saw Jack was scribbling on his book, just like in English.

"Hey Elsa, are you ok?" Jack whispered.

"Yeah, why?"

"Your eyes look kinda red."

"Oh, is it?" I needed to find an excuse. "I think I got some dust in my eye just now."

"Ok then."

Can Jack just stop talking?! I couldn't concentrate in what Mrs Belle was saying. "Okay, these are your assignments, pass them up tomorrow." We were each given a slip paper, full with maths questions. "Class dismissed."






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