Chapter 19: The gang reunited

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Pitch's POV (dun dun DUN)

So we got thrown out of school, again. No big deal, we always get kicked out of school. "So where's our next stop?" Gothel asked. "Let's go to Canterlot High, Hans is there, time to regroup the gang." I smiled mischievously.

Who are we you suppose? We are a group of bullies. Me, Gothel and Hans met in elementary school, and we were the 'famous' gang of bullies, which got us thrown out of many schools, over and over again. We never cared, we just went on and on with the bullying. Hans was the expert in girls. He would always go and be a girl's boyfriend, and dump her after that, Hans loves to break people's hearts. I would just bully others for money and fun. Gothel on the other hand, is very possessive. She once made a student her servant.

Of course, we have our enemies. A boy named Jack Frost is my biggest rival and a girl named Rapunzel Corona is Gothel's. Hans, doesn't have one yet. Back in the old days when we met, it would always be a battle of powers, not in school of course. Yes, I have powers, just like Jack. My powers are fear, or nightmare sand. I can influence people's mind with fear. Fear is my specialty. I have tried to persuade Jack to join us, but he refused and blasted his ice powers at me. I have always wanted to avenge him, but now I don't know which school he's in. Maybe Hans knows, he might have some useful information.

And so, we went to Canterlot High. "How long do you think we'll last here?" Gothel asked. "As long as we can." I replied. I saw Hans leaning against a tree sleeping. We walked up to him and woke him up. "Huh? Pitch! Gothel! Oh how I missed you guys! What brings you here?" Hans asked.

"Just thought we check back on our old friend. Still a bad boy?" I looked at him in the eye.

"You betcha. I still break the girls' hearts here."Hans patted my shoulder.

"Excellent, excellent." Gothel said.

"Want a tour? I'll be the worst tour guide you'll ever meet." Hans said as he laughed.

"Let's just walk in." I said as I walked towards the entrance.

It was no different than any other high school, just the usual students and all that stuff. Suddenly, a blond girl bumped into me. She just shrugged and walked away. "Hey! Hey! Watch where you're going!" That girl didn't say anything at all. Hans went to her and grabbed her collar. "Now listen here, no one, no one does that to Pitch."

"Yeah so? Who's that? Do you think I care about that?!" The girl replied. Wow, this girl has an attitude.

"How dare you-" Hans said as he was ready to punch the girl.

"I'll take it from here." I cut in.

"What do you want?!" The girl glared at me.

"Who. Are. You." This girl is quite perfect for the gang. She's got that bullying attitude, we could use some people like that in the gang.

"I'm Astrid, now get out of my way."

"Astrid huh? Well I can see that you have a problem." Gothel said.

"So? That's got nothing to do with you!"

"Don't deny it, it's because of a boy isn't it?'

"Shut up."

"You're making it so obvious."

"So what if it IS because of a boy?!"

"Did he do something to you?"

"He dumped me!"

"Well, don't you want to.... avenge him?" Gothel said as she winked at me. Gothel is really persuasive, excellent, that girl will be a bully in no time.

"Well......Yeah, yeah I do."

"We can help you."

"What's the catch?" Astrid said as she crossed her arms.

"You have to join the gang." I replied.

"Anything to get revenge on him." Astrid smirked.

"Mind if I ask who's 'him'?"

"He's part of the most popular group in school, his name is Hiccup."

Hiccup? What a name, I laughed in my mind. "So it's settled, you join us, you get revenge."

"Not a problem." Astrid replied.

Sorry guys, I didn't mean to make Astrid bad. But I needed another antagonist, 3 just wasn't enough.






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