Chapter 5: Meeting of Jelsa

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Jack's POV

Punzie finally showed up. She brought a girl with her. Who is she? Then I spotted her platinum blond hair. That's it! She was the one, right? The one that I saw beside my locker? Punzie and that girl sat at the back row. Punzie was talking to her, it's as if they have known each other for ages. I took a closer look at this girl, she had platinum blond hair and crystal blue eyes. Wow, I thought. I've never seen anyone with that kind of hair. That girl was as beautiful as Rapunzel. She could really outmatch Punzie's beauty.

The teacher finally came in. "Good morning class, I am Professor Weselton." "Weaseltown." I blurted out and the whole class laughed. "Silence! Now take out your books." I groaned. This teacher is really annoying. "I was told that we have a new student, who is it?" The new girl slowly raised her hand. "Please introduce yourself." She got up and said "Hello everyone, my name is Elsa Arens." Some jocks started whistling. "Right, now open your textbooks to page-" Suddenly, a guy came running into the room and almost bumped into Prof. "Who are you, young man?!"

The guy had brown hair. "I'm sorry, is this the English class?"

"Yes, who are you? Are you a student for this class?"

"Yes sir."

"Introduce yourself then."

"Hello one and all! My name is Eugene Fitzherbert but just call me Eugene."

"Right then, Eugene, please sit next to Hiccup." Prof pointed to the empty seat beside Hiccup.

"Okay class, without further due, let's start the lesson. Open your textbooks to page 33 and take out your exercise books." Then the teacher started talking yada yada yada..... I wasn't paying attention at all. The teacher started to write some stuff on the board. I just doodled on my book, the class was pretty noisy anyway. "Class...." The class was still noisy, people trowing paper here and there, talking non-stop. "CLASS!!!" The whole class fell silent. "I'm afraid I'll have to change your seats, every single one of you." What?! I yelled in my mind. 

"Everyone get up and come in front!" I hate this teacher. "Okay first up, Jessica and Tom, sit at the front row.  Next, Lily and Kenny, James and Andrew, Tina and Rebecca." My heart sunk, that meant Tina and I won't sit together. "Kendra and Timmy, yada yada yada, Eugene and Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup, Lilian and Brandon, Jack and Elsa, finally Melanie and Melissa." 

So I'm sitting with the new girl. It's not Tina but oh well. "Now that everyone has their partners, I want you to face your partner. Know more about your partner. Write it down and hand it to me by the end of the lesson." The teacher said.

"So....Um....Hi." The new girl said awkwardly. She's right in front of me, and I have to admit, she's really beautiful. What is this that I'm feeling? Is it a crush? Stop it Jack! You like Tina.

"Hey, so can I write about you first?"



"Elsa Arens."

"Any siblings?"

"1 sister."



"Favourite color?"


"Favourite season?"


"Parents' occupation?"

"My mom is a housewife while my dad Disney's company owner."


"Yeah, he just got promoted to the company owner."

"Wow. Moving on, phone number?"

"Is that necessary?"

"I don't know. Nevermind, we'll skip that." Wow, this is the first girl who wouldn't let me know her phone number. Usually, all the girls would give me their numbers, in hopes that I will be in a relationship with them, in their dreams!

"Well I can't think of any other questions, your turn to ask me, Elsa."

"Ok, name?"

"Jack Frost."

"Any siblings?"

"1 sister."


"Do playing computer games count?"

"I think so. Favourite color and favourite season?"

"Same as you."

Parents' occupation?"

"My mom is a businesswoman while my dad is the owner of Dreamworks company."

"Dreamworks? That's nice."

"Class! Question time's up! Start writing about your partners! Don't forget that you have to hand it over before class ends.

Me and Elsa started writing down all the stuff that we know about each other. I simply jotted down whatever I knew. We both finished at the same time. Elsa offered to hand it over for me. The bell rang and we went out of class.

"Jack! How did it go?" Hiccup asked.

"How did what go?"

"You and the new girl, duh." Merida said.

"Jackie!" Tina came up and gave me a little hug.

"How was your assignment?"

"It was good, Rebecca and I wrote quite a lot. How did you do with that new girl?"

"You mean Elsa? Yeah we did fine."

"Fine? You sure that's what you mean?" Rapunzel looked at me.

"What else could I possibly mean then, Punzie?"

"Nevermind, it's nothing. Elsa! Eugene!" Punzie called Elsa and Eugene over. They came and joined us.

"Hi everyone." Elsa said softly. Her voice was really sweet. Stop it Jack!

"Sup people!" Eugene said.

"So what are your classes now?" Merida asked.

"I got Maths! Who's with me?!" I said loudly.

"I got Science." Hiccup said.

"Same here, Hiccup." Merida and Tina said.

"I have computer class." Eugene said.

"Oh, me too!" Rapunzel said.

"Nobody's got Maths?!"

"I....I have maths." Elsa slowly raised her hand.

"You? Well, let's go then! See ya later guys!"

"Later!" Tina, Eugene, Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup said in unison. We all went our separate ways to class.

"Shall we?" I asked Elsa.


I admitted it before, and I'm admitting it again, this girl is just BEAUTIFUL. Her smile, her face, her hair, her freckles, her dress, just beautiful. I also noticed that she didn't put on much make up, very light make up indeed. Elsa's just plain beautiful, just the way she is. Oh god, I think I have a crush on her.






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