Chapter 13: Problems and more problems

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*Time skip*

Elsa's POV

Anna came running. "There you are, Anna. Come on, let's go home."

"Just a minute!" Anna said as a guy came up and she kissed him on the cheek. "Bye sugar." That guy said then walked away.

"Who's that?!"

"That's Hans, you know, my boyfriend?!" She purposely said the word 'boyfriend' in a different tone. I was still furious that she had a boyfriend on her first day. How in the world can you be someone's girlfriend/boyfriend on your first day?!

"Let's just go. Now." I grabbed her hand and started walking.

"Punzie!" Anna shouted. I turned around and saw Rapunzel waving at us.

"Hey girls! Going home?"


"Let's go together?"

"Sure! Why not?" Anna squealed. Sometimes I just can't think whether Anna is a teenager or a kid. She's too childish sometimes. We started to walk back.

"So you're cool with tomorrow, Elsa?" Punzie asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"What's with tomorrow?" Anna asked.

"We have a group project and we're having a sleepover at....Jack's place." I told Anna.

"Ooooh!!!" Anna looked at me and smiled.

"Ok, bye girls! See you tomorrow for the project!" Punzie said as we arrived at her house.

"Later Punzie!" We said.

I got home and I still couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Jack saw the snow on my hands. I was scared, worried, freaking out, etc etc etc. I hate all these problems! I buried myself in the sheets for I don't know, 10 minutes? When I got up to go to the bathroom, I nearly slipped. my floor was covered in ice! My wall was also covered in ice and it glowed red. That meant all the expressions and feelings I felt when I was under the sheets. Looks like you lost control again, Elsa.

Anna knocked on the door. "Elsa?" After that she opened the door. "Do you know where is the- OMG what happened here?! Ice! There's ICE on the floor! Elsa, don't tell me you lost control,again?!" I nodded weakly. "Quick we need to get rid of all of this before mom comes back from shopping!" Anna commanded me.

I sighed and I gestured her to stand back a little further. I turned all the ice in my room into snow, gathered it and formed a snowflake shape, and sent it out flying through my window. I saw it burst into small powder-like snow icicles. "Well now that that's done, have you seen my phone anywhere? Can I borrow yours to call mine? It's important."

"What's so important?" I smiled mischievously at her.

"Hans said he would call me soon and I can't find my phone!"

"I've already told you Anna, you can't possibly have a boyfriend on your first day of school!"

"Oh come on, I'm pretty sure YOU have at least a crush too!"

"Well I don't!"

"Then who's Jack?"

"J-Jack? I don't have a crush on him! He was just my partner in class and we are in a group for a project, that's it!"

"Go look at yourself in the mirror!" Anna burst out laughing.

"Anna, out, now!" I pushed her out of my room and locked the door.

I saw my reflection in the mirror, my face was blood red. Am I blushing?! If so, why?! Why did I reacted so strongly when Anna said Jack? I didn't understand what was happening to me at all. I decided to go out for a walk, get some fresh air. I got out of my room and saw Anna talking on the phone. Looks like her 'boyfriend' called her.

I wore my sport shoes and walked around the neighbourhood. I saw Jack's, Meirda's, Rapunzel's and Hiccup's house. Then, I remembered I forgot to ask what time we need go to Jack's place for the project. I didn't dare to ask Jack, nor did I have any of their numbers so that I could text them. I jogged around the park nearby and returned home. I saw Rapunzel watering the flowers in her garden.

She looked up and waved at me. I walked over to her front gate. "Hey Elsa!" Punzie said. 

"Hey Punzie. Do you know what time we have to go to Jack's for the project tomorrow?"

"He sent a text saying around 2pm."

"Got it, thanks Rapunzel."

I walked back to my house. My mum was unloading some stuff from the car. "Mind giving me a hand, Elsa?" I quickly helped her with the groceries. "Mum? I have a project with my friends and they wanted to have a sleepover." I asked.

"Of course you can go! When is it?" Mom replied.



I decided to pack a little for tomorrow. I found a sleeping bag, perfect! I chose some clothes as well. I got my backpack and stuffed my things for tomorrow. I was still nervous, I'm gonna need to put my powers in hiding at the MAX tomorrow. I prayed as hard as I could that Jack wouldn't ask me anything about the snow.






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