Chapter 28: Hangover

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Anna's POV

I woke up. Ow, my head. What happened? I looked around and saw Elsa beside me, looking at me with a worried face. "Anna? Oh good, you're finally awake!" Elsa hugged me. I groaned as tried to sit up. Elsa quickly helped me. "What happened? What time is it?" I asked Elsa as she gave me a bowl of sup. "Drink this, it'll make you feel better."

I nodded and I started to drink the sup. "I'm still in the party clothes?! Did I forget to shower or something last night?!" I asked Elsa as I looked at myself. "Well that's what you get for drinking, dummy." She replied. "Huh?" I was confused.

"You don't remember anything that happened last night? Anything at all?" She asked.

"All that I remember I was talking to my friends and Hans got me some punch and then..... OMG! What happened last night?!'' I asked, in horror.

"You were making out with Hans and he brought you upstairs, I blasted him with my powers and Kristoff punched him in the face and got you back." Elsa said.

"Kristoff did that...for me?" I asked, touched, and Elsa nodded. "Ugh, my head hurts so bad!" I complained. "I'm gonna get you some water." Elsa said and she walked out. I lay down on my bed, I felt terrible, Hans drugged me?! Why!? And Kristoff, I was touched by his actions. That's it, Hans, our relationship is officially OVER! I yelled in my mind.

Elsa came back with a glass of water and I quickly gulped it down. "So, what else happened last night?" I asked curiously.

"Well, it's a big piece of news that hit everyone last night. Jack and Tina broke up." Elsa replied.

"Oh ok....Wait WHAT?!" I shouted.

"Quiet Anna!" Elsa said as she put her fingers to my lips.

"Ooooooh, this is sooooo perfect!" I squealed.

"What?" Elsa asked and I laughed so hard.

"Jack's single now! You can be his girlfriend now!" I jumped up and down.

"Anna, I already told you, never gonna happen!" Elsa backfired.

"Jack and Elsa sitting up a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Come on, you know you like him!" I put my two fingers up, acting it like two people.

"It's just your imagination, Anna! Why would I like him after I caused his hair to be white?!" Elsa shouted.

"What?! YOU caused his hair to be white?! HOW?! HOW?!" I questioned.

"Well, you remember back when my powers burst out in our old school?" I nodded. "Turns out that my powers hit a boy, and that boy was Jack. He had brown hair at that time, and my powers made it white!" Elsa explained.

"Really?! That boy was Jack?! All that I know is that you hit a boy, but I didn't know it turned Jack to be like this!" I exclaimed.

Elsa explained the rest and I listened to every word she said. I was stunned."So that's why you've been avoiding Jack? " I asked." Yes Anna, that is why." Elsa replied. "Still, that doesn't mean you can't like him! " I said in a cheeky tone." Anna...."Elsa glared at me.

I threw a smile at Elsa. Minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it." Elsa said as she got up and went out.






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