Chapter 29: A new couple born

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Elsa's POV

"I'll get it." I told Anna as I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and went to the front door. I was surprised to see Jack, Merida, Hiccup, Rapunzel, Eugene and Kristoff. "Hey Elsa, how's Anna? We came to check on her." Punzie said.

"Oh! Well, um, she's fine. Anna's just having a headache. Please, do come in." I led them in and to Anna's room.

"Hey Anna! You ok?" Merida asked.

"Oh hey guys! I wasn't expecting you. Yeah I'm fine." Anna replied cheerfully.

I saw Jack sighing over and over again. He was taking deep breaths non-stop. What's wrong with him? Oh right, the break up with Tina must have really broke his heart. Poor thing.

"Did he do anything to you?" Kristoff asked worriedly.

"No Kristoff, I'm fine. And....Thank you, for last night." Anna was blushing.

"Well then, um...Jack?" Punzie nudged Jack. 

"Huh? Oh...Right. OK." Jack replied. What's wrong? I wondered.

"Ok, Elsa, and Anna, we wanna show you something." Hiccup announced.

"And tell." Eugene added.

"Um, o....k?" Me and Anna said.

Jack sighed again and finally spoke. "Elsa, I.....I love you."

I was shocked, stunned, freaking out, etc etc etc. I was frozen like a statue. "OMG! OMG!" Anna squealed.

"And...I wanna show you my powers. Our powers." Jack continued and pointed to himself and Punzie.

Punzie immediately went to Anna and she put her long golden hair on Anna's knee. There was a small scar there, she fell down that time and it left a bruise there. "Promise me you won't freak out, ok?" Punzie asked and Anna nodded slowly.

Suddenly she began to sing. I was confused, singing?! Then, her long golden hair started to glow, it glowed brighter and brighter as it continued to Anna's knee. After Punzie finished singing, she quickly removed her hair from Anna's knee. I saw the bruise on Anna's knee was gone! "WHAT?! WHERE IS IT?! WHERE IS IT?!" Anna screamed loudly. "Anna, quiet!" I shouted at her. "But seriously, why did your hair glow and what happened to Anna?!"

"I have healing powers. I just healed Anna. This hair that I have is magical and it will heal and glow when I sing." Punzie replied.

"Come on, go out to your garden." Hiccup said and everyone went out. When we got out, I was stunned to see a huge black dragon in my garden! "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" Anna yelled, again.

"It's my dragon, Toothless, wanna pet it? He's quite friendly." Hiccup said as he stroked his dragon. I quickly hid all the ice that I created. At first, I wanted to blast that creature away with my powers. But then, this dragon was quite friendly. I walked up to him and pet him, Toothless was acting like a dog. I giggled. 

"Well, I don't wanna attract any attention here with a dragon. Toothless, get home, quick!'' Hiccup instructed and his dragon sprang into action and flew away. "All that's left is you Jack." Hiccup winked at Jack. We all went back into my room and everyone took a seat. I looked at Jack weirdly. 

"Um...." Jack started. "Do you have anything that I can freeze here?"

"Freeze?!" Anna asked.

"Yeah? Nevermind. I'll just do it here." Jack said as he stood up and he gestured his hands. Some ice and snow was forming at it. Soon, he was holding a bouquet of flowers, made of pure ice. He touched the wall and it froze with beautiful ice spirals. "Elsa, will you be my....girlfriend?" Jack went down on his knees and asked.

"Come on! Come on! Just say yes!" I heard Anna whisper.

"Uh... Yes, yes Jack, I would love to." I replied. I could feel my cheeks burning. Squee! I can't believe this is happening! I was going crazy inside. Jack quickly got up and hugged me tight. "Jack, I'm out of breath!" I joked. 

"Well done bro!" Eugene and Hiccup said. "You did it!"

"Elsa? I was wondering, could you show us your powers?" Merida asked.

"Mine?! How did you know I had powers?!" I panicked.

"Jack told us." Hiccup said.

"I...Well, ok." I took a deep breath and stomped the floor, instantly my whole room was full of ice. I made a small chandelier on the ceiling of my room.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Jack said. "You're amazing, Elsa!" Jack hugged me again.

"Thank you but....I shouldn't be doing this." I replied.

"Why?" Eugene and Punzie asked in unison.

"I couldn't control it the last time, like what happened to....Jack."

"Oh come on, Elsa, your powers made my hair white? Not a problem." Jack smiled at me.

"But, you had amnesia because of me! You're not mad and yet you want me to be your girlfriend?!" I questioned.

"I already told you, not a problem! I want to be with you." Jack looked at me. His baby blue eyes were so pretty, I thought. Oh stop it, Elsa.

"With my greatest honor, I pronounce Jack and Elsa as a couple!" Punzie squealed.

"Yippee!" Anna gave Punzie a thumbs-up sign.

The rest started clapping for us. I blushed like crazy. Jack asked me to be his girlfriend! I felt so happy, like I'm free again. I had no idea why, but I just felt it. "So new girlfriend, what do you wanna do?" Jack teased me.

"Jack and Elsa sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Everyone else chanted. Jack looked at me, and kissed me on the cheek. "Go on a romantic walk?" Jack asked. "Just the two of us." I nodded. 

"Well, we will leave you two lovebirds to yourselves." Merida said and everyone got up and left, Anna as well.

"A walk at the park? Come on!" Jack held my hand and dragged me along.

Sorry, didn't really know how to express when Jack asked Elsa to be his girlfriend. ;) Jack and Elsa are a couple! Squeeee!






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