Chapter 9: Let It Go (1)

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Elsa's POV

Me and Anna were ready to go to school and begin our second day. "So do you want to walk or drive there? School ain't that far away." Mom only drove us to school on our first day. I was already old enough to drive while Anna wasn't. "Let's just walk Elsa." We closed the gate and marched off. "Punzie!" Anna called. Rapunzel turned around and saw us.

"Hey girls! Walking to school as well?"

"Yeah! Wanna go together?" Anna asked.

"Sure thing! Let's go, Elsa, Anna!"

We walked off to school and arrived 10 minutes later. We headed to our lockers and got our books. Rapunzel's locker was still full of sticky notes. I helped her to get rid of all the notes. "Is your locker always like that?" Anna asked. "Yeah, it's annoying but that's what happens when you're popular. Hey Elsa, your locker's got some too." I was shocked, there were some notes at my locker! I didn't want to be popular! I didn't want to be popular! I yelled in my mind as I quickly took down all the notes. "Looks like some jocks want you, Elsa." I ignored Anna.

"So what's your first class?" I asked Punzie. "Music, you?"

"Same here, what's yours Anna?"

"Physical Education."

The bell rang, signalling the start of classes. Punzie and I walked to music class. Some guys were whistling at us. "Um, can we go a bit faster?" "Sure, why not?" We hurriedly walked to class and took our seats. Jack was there too, oh man..... I wished I never had to see him ever again!

"Hellooooo everyone, I am your new music teacher, Mrs Ariel!" Our teacher introduced herself in a singing tune. "For your first assignment, I would like to see how well you can sing. You are each given 30 minutes to choose a song to sing. You may sing any songs, even the ones that you created yourself. You are allowed to sing solo or in a duet."

I decided to go solo and sing my favourite song, 'Let It Go'. I made that song myself, it was to describe how I feel when I can use my powers freely. No rules, no need to keep it hidden, just being myself. Whenever I sang that song, I would use my powers to change my clothing into my favourite ice blue dress that I made. I also made some snow during that time. I just felt so happy, so free, when I sing 'Let It Go'. I knew I had to avoid doing that when I sing later. I practised singing softly in a corner.

"Time's up!" Mrs Ariel clapped her hands. "First up, I would like Rapunzel Corana to come onto the stage and sing. Miss Rapunzel, are you singing solo or in a duet?"

"A duet."

"With whom?"

"Eugene Fitzherbert." Rapunzel said as she pulled Eugene close to her. Rapunzel has been very close to Eugene ever since English yesterday. I wonder if she has a crush on him? I giggled as I thought.

"Right then, please step onto the stage!" Rapunzel and Eugene bowed and started singing. They sang a song called 'At Last I See The Light." It was beautiful. The lyrics were perfect.

"Wonderful song, Rapunzel and Eugene! An A for that!" They both came back down. Everyone clapped.

"Did you make that song yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah, like it?"

"Like it? I love it! It was beautiful!"

"Thanks! What are you gonna sing?"

"Oh I'm going to sing a song that I made myself too."

"Good luck, girlfriend!" Rapunzel gave me a friendly punch.

Mrs Ariel started to call some other students and they came up and sang. All of them were really great.

"Next up, Jack Frost." All the girls started clapping and cheering like crazy.

"I am doing a duet, Ma'am. With Tina."

"All right, please begin."

Jack and Tina went on stage. They sang 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift. I loved that song. I was humming throughout the entire song.

"Well done, Jack and Tina." Mrs Ariel said.

The teacher went on and on calling each student to sing. I was getting a little nervous, I usually sang 'Let It Go' when I was alone, never in front of a crowd. I took some deep breaths.

"And finally, Elsa Arens." I was up. Rapunzel gave me a nudge. I walked up to the stage after I told Mrs Ariel I was singing solo. I gulped as I stood in front of everyone. I bowed, and started singing.

The snow glow white on the mountain tonight,
Not a footprint to be seen.
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I'm the Queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in,
Heaven knows I tried.

Don't let them in,
Don't let them see,
Be the good girl you always have to be,
Conceal, don't feel
Don't let them know,
Well now they know!

Let it go, let it go!
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go!
Turn away and slam the door!
I don't care
What they're going to say!
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway....

It's funny how some distance,
Makes everything seem small,
And the fears that once controlled me,
Can't get to me at all!

It's time to see what I can do,
To test the limits ad break through
No right no wrong, no rules for me,
I'm free!

Let it go, let it go!
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go!
You'll never see me cry!
Here I stand, and here I stay,
Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past!

Let it go, let it go!
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway....

I felt great as I ended my song. I felt so free, even though I didn't use my powers. I manage to make sure I was only singing and not doing anything else. For instance, I didn't undo my bun into a braid, I didn't change my outfit, and finally, I didn't create any snow to sprinkle over myself. Everyone clapped and cheered for me. I saw Jack standing up and clapping, yelling "Bravo! Wonderful!" I blushed a little. Suddenly, I caught sight of my hand, there was snow on it! Oh no, that means I DID create snow! I hoped no one saw it. Luckily, it was just a small amount of snow that was on the palm of my hand, so it's quite impossible for anyone to see it. I quickly hid my hands behind my back and removed the snow.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Miss Arens, an A plus for that!" I bowed and said thank you. I sat on my seat and a lot of students surrounded me, asking me all sorts of questions and praising me. I tried to edge out, but it didn't work. Maybe singing 'Let It Go' wasn't such a good idea, I attracted attention!






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