Chapter 36: Ships!

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Jack's POV

The bell rang, signalling art class, great I hate art. I don't think I actually liked any of the subjects. I waited for Elsa and we went to our lockers together. I held her hand all the time, I just couldn't let go of it, I don't want to either. Elsa took her drawing stuff while I just took an art block. I can't draw anything anyway, I'm good at stick-men, that's it.

The art room slowly became quiet as Elsa and I walked in. I saw someone approaching Elsa, Matthew was it? One of our classmates or something. What does he want?

"Hey Elsa." He waved and Elsa waved a small hi.

"There are still vacant seats beside me." He offered.

"That would be lovely-"

"But I'll sit beside her." I intruded Elsa's word and sat in between Elsa and Matthew. I gave a small glare at Matthew.

"She's mine, only mine, so don't think of stealing her away from me." I growled making him gulp a little, but then he said back.

"Chill dude, I was just being kind." Matthew replied and quickly looked away.

I don't even know why I said that, but it just felt right. I smiled at myself until Elsa nudged me.

"That's just plain rude, Jack. You didn't really have to say that." Elsa said sternly.

"But you're my girlfriend! I don't want anyone stealing you away from me!" I protested.

''You're really possessive." Elsa replied.

''Well, so?" I asked back, annoyed.

''You should really try to be nicer. Like Matthew, he just offered a seat, that's it!'' Elsa snapped.

''No he did no just offer a seat, he was trying to get you." I rolled my eyes.

''Whatever." Elsa said playfully.

"You're mine, you know that? Mine and only mine." I said, giggling.

"Stop that, Jack. I already said you're really possessive, try to get rid of that habit?" Elsa raised a brow.

''Yes yes, my little ice queen." I teased.

*Time skip*

Art class just ended and I dragged Elsa along the hallways. "Jack, not so fast!" Elsa said. I put on a smile and pulled her close to me, and I hugged her tight. Silence has made it's way through the halls, nothing was heard. However, the silence was broke as squealing could be heard behind me. And that person squealing was Anna.

Anna dramatically fainted as I quickly pulled away from the hug. I stared at Anna weirdly as Elsa and Kristoff rushed to her side. "Anna? Anna!" Elsa called worriedly.

"Anna? What happened?!" Kristoff asked as he rested Anna's head on his lap.

"You...Gotta take me to the infirmary!!!" Anna squeaked and Kristoff sprang into action. He wrapped Anna's right arm on his neck and I did the same on her left. I saw Elsa carrying Anna's books that scattered on the floor.

We got Anna to the infirmary and laid her down on a blue bench. Soon, Eugene, Punzie, Merida and Hiccup came bursting in. "What brings you guys here?" I asked them. "We heard Anna fainted, came to check on her." Punzie replied and the rest nodded. "How did she faint?!" Merida asked and I shook my head. "No idea." Elsa replied.

Anna finally got up and was like she never fainted. She was as jolly as...whatever you call it.

"What happened?" Kristoff finally asked.

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