Chapter 17: The truth

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Jack's POV

Hiccup, Merida and Punzie left after eating lunch. I helped my mom with the dishes as I thought of Elsa. I just couldn't get her out of my mind. She was always on my mind. After that, I sat on the sofa, daydreaming about Elsa. "Jack? Jack!" My dad alarmed me. "Yes dad?" 

"We need to talk." I gulped as I heard that. Whenever my dad says we need to talk, it meant it was gonna be SUPER serious, something major. My dad took a seat beside me and my mom came to sit as well. Oh dear, whenever it involved mom as well, this is dead serious. What did I do wrong?! What did I do wrong?! I screamed in my mind. "D-Did I do something wrong?" I asked them.

"No, no you didn't. We're here to tell you....the....the...." My dad couldn't say anything.

"The?" I asked with curiosity.

"The truth, Jack. We want to tell you the truth." My mom told me.

The truth? What truth?! Questions were swarming in my mind. I wanted to ask so many questions!


"Just listen to us Jack, questions can come later." My dad cut in.


"No questions!" My dad raised his voice.

"Jack, we want you to pay attention to what we're about to say, ok?" My mom asked me.

I just nodded. I wanted to ask questions so badly, but I also wanted to know what my parents wanted to tell me. I still had no idea what they meant by 'the truth'. I was a little scared, what if they meant like, I was adopted or something?! I was going crazy. My dad took a deep breath, and he finally spoke.

"Jack, remember when we told you that you dyed your hair white?"

"Um...Yeah?" I replied. What's that got to do with what they're going to tell?!

"Well actually Jack, you....didn't dye your hair to white. It was always brown and you never dyed it."

"Then why is it white is I din't dye it?!" I asked.

"Listen Jack, it's because of Elsa...." My mom was also lost for words.

"What's this got to do with Elsa?!" Why did they bring Elsa into this?! Just get to the point! I yelled in my mind.

My dad cleared his throat and said "Jack, Elsa caused your hair to be like this."

"El-Elsa? What do you mean she caused my hair to be like this?!" This story is getting more and more complicated. My hair is white because of Elsa?! I never knew her for more than a week! She didn't do anything to me!

"Ok Jack, please no more questions if you want to hear the truth quickly." My dad said to me and I nodded.

"Jack, as you know your hair was brown before, and now it is white. You don't remember why it's white because you had amnesia. Minor amnesia. We.... We lied to you, saying that you dyed it. We wanted to wait until you were older to understand. You knew Elsa before, back in your old school. On that particular day, you made Elsa furious. Elsa has powers, just like you and Rapunzel. You caused Elsa to lose control and her powers burst out, hitting you and it caused you to have a serious brain freeze and minor amnesia. Your brain freeze turned your hair from brown to white, and the amnesia made you forget about that incident. So, we moved you to a new place, hoping that you wouldn't get harmed again. But luck just ain't on our side, Elsa is in the same school as you, again. Ok, you may now ask your questions. We have said everything that we wanted to say."

Every word that my dad said was like a rock hitting my head every single time. My mind was swarmed with questions. I had no idea which question to ask first. My mouth was wide open, but not a word coming out from it. I felt like I was in court, and my dad was the judge who pointed out all the evidence against me. It's as if he was going to press charges against me. I have no idea what this feeling is called. A mixture of feelings, I guess? The truth was revealing! I didn't see that coming at all. I had no idea that Elsa had powers! Nor did I know that she was the one that caused my hair to be like this! And I had amnesia?! She was in the same school as me?! I knew her before?!

"Why didn't you tell me all this before?!" I shouted.

"We wanted to, but we decided to wait until you're old enough to understand." My mom comforted me.

"Ain't I old enough a few years ago?! All this time, you hid so much from me!" I yelled back. I was furious, sad, happy, full of fear, etc etc etc. I was full of emotions.

"We didn't mean to do that, Jack." My dad replied.

I took some deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I asked curiously, "What powers does Elsa have?"

"Same as you, ice and snow."

"Same as ME?! Then, what did I do that made her powers burst out and caused me to be like....this?!"

"You were really playful back then, you....picked on her, that hurt her emotions, and then that's when that happened."

"Was I a bully or something?"

"Well.... kind of."

My mind was in a blur, the truth hit me hard on the head. " I.... I want to have some private time." With that I quickly walked into my room and locked the door.

I threw myself on the bed. I looked at my phone and went to my gallery, I once took a picture of Elsa back in class. I stared at her picture. This girl, the girl that I've fallen for, has powers, caused me to be the Jack Frost that I am now. I have no clue whether I still liked her now, or do I hate her. I did guess correctly, Elsa did have powers, but it wasn't really the answer that I expected. It was too much! Now, I wanted Elsa to explain everything. No wonder she tried to avoid me, she must have knew that she caused me to be this and tried to hide from me! That's why she didn't accept my friend request, she wouldn't tell me her phone number, and she reluctantly joined the group for the project!

I held my phone, I wanted to call Elsa so badly, but I didn't really have the courage to do so. I was surrounded by fear, I've never been this afraid in all of my life! School was tomorrow, and I have no idea should I confront Elsa??? Should I blast her with my powers or something? And then again, must I hate her? It was an accident, but it just didn't seem right. But I can't just pretend I don't know anything! I HAVE to talk to Elsa, but I don't know what to talk about.  I'm terribly confused and it's giving me a headache!  






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