Chapter 16: First day report

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Jack's POV

I was the first to wake up. I saw Elsa, Merida, Rapunzel and Hiccup still sleeping away. I took a look at our project and the seed's roots was already growing. That's what we have to write in the report, right? I got bored so I took my phone and went on FB. I saw that Elsa still hasn't accepted my request! How long hasn't she checked her Facebook?! I looked at Elsa who was sleeping soundly. She was so beautiful, even when she was sleeping. I think I like Elsa more than Tina now.

I got down from my bed and went closer to Elsa. I touched her platinum blond hair, it was as soft as silk. I don't know what happened, but I leaned closer to Elsa and kissed her on the cheek. Elsa moved a little, and I panicked as I quickly got back on my bed and hid myself under the covers. What did I just do?! I kissed her! I kissed Elsa!! AHHHHHH!!!! I yelled in my mind. I felt guilty and good at the same time doing that. 

I heard someone moving. I took a quick peep and saw Elsa waking up, stretching her arms. She looked at me hiding. "What are you doing Jack? Hiding from someone?" She giggled. "I'm....cold?" Was all I could say. The cold never bothered me at all, I never shivered during winter. That probably has a connection to powers, I have the power to control ice and snow after all. "Well you look really funny, even if you are cold, no one would really cover themselves like this!" Elsa smiled.

"Yawn...... Good morning everyone." Merida got up as she tidied up her frizzy hair. "Morning Mer." I said. After that, Punzie got up, followed by Hiccup. "Well now that everyone's awake, shall we have some breakfast?" I asked. "Sure." All of us said in unison. And we went downstairs.

"Good morning everyone." My mom said as she took out some plates. "Breakfast is pasta, your favourite, Jack." I smiled widely. I hurriedly sat down and gobbled down my plate of pasta. I loved eating pasta. I saw Elsa eating slowly, she was full of manners, while I wasn't at all, I chuckled.

"So how's the seed?" Hiccup asked.

"I saw the roots growing already." I replied.

"That's called the radicle, we can't write 'roots' in our report!" Punzie exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I shrugged.

"The leaves should grow next right?" Mer asked.

"The plumule, yes." Elsa said.

"It should take another day for that." Hiccup said.

"Let's write that report after breakfast." Punzie said.

"Sure." All of us said. 

We finished our pasta and we headed back into my room. Everyone took a closer look at the seed and we started writing on our exercise books. "So first we should write the testa breaks, right?" Mer asked.

"Yes, followed by the radicle growing towards gravity." Hiccup said.

"Bookworm. You've been studying that chapter already, haven't you?" I gave Hiccup a nudge. Hiccup has always been a bookworm. His whole world is books! That's also why he doesn't have a girlfriend, lol!

"Yeah, so? Got a problem with studying?" Hiccup glared at me.

"Never mind."

We finished our reports and we just lazed about, not knowing what to do. Then I remembered that I wanted to ask Elsa about the snow last night, but it was interrupted by Emma. I think I'll just ask her later. I was too lazy to do anything. Suddenly, someone's phone was ringing. It was Elsa's. She took her phone and walked out to answer. A few minutes later she came back in. "My parents want to go out for lunch, so I won't be joining you guys for lunch." Elsa announced. "Oh ok." Punzie said.

"Actually, I might as well just go back now. We have already finished our report for the day." Elsa looked at us.

"Well ok then, see you at school tomorrow?" Merida asked.

"Sure thing." Elsa replied. 

Elsa went to take her backpack and said goodbye to us. I missed her the second she left the house. I saw her walking back to her house as I admired her platinum blond hair, it was just so beautiful. I sighed. "What's wrong, Jack?" Hiccup asked. "Nothing."






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