Chapter 62: Preparations

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Skipping to a day before Jack and Elsa's birthday cause I can't wait! :)

Here's how the locket looks like.

Anna's POV

It was a day before Jack and Elsa's birthday and two days before the Winter Formal dance. Me and Kristoff went to the mall. We went to a jewellery shop for our packages. The staff gave us 2 cases and we thanked them and walked out. We met up with Eugene, Punzie, Hiccup and Merida. "Their presents are here!" I said excitedly.

"Can we take a look?" Punzie looked at me.

"Of course!" Kristoff and I opened the two cases. Inside the cases each was a beautiful heart shaped locket. Inside the locket was a picture of Jack and Elsa that I sneakily took back in school. On the wings of the locket, one of them had Jack's name and the other wing had Elsa's name.

"It's beautiful!" Punzie and Merida said.

"So, me and Kristoff's presents for Jack and Elsa are these necklaces, what about you guys?" I asked with a smile.

"I made a dress for Elsa and a tuxedo for Jack. Eugene helped me with Jack's tux. It's a really nice icy blue colour that matches Elsa's dress." Punzie stated.

"Me and Merida bought these ice skates for Jack and Elsa." Hiccup said as he pointed to two boxes beside him.

"All right, so here's the plan, you guys come to my house real early tomorrow, and we'll decorate with paper mache icicles and paper snowflakes. The main theme is winter since its also a day before the Winter Formal dance." I ordered.

"More like main theme is winter because we have a really icy couple?" Eugene giggled.

"That too." I smiled.

"A couple that has the same birthday date, it's adorable." Merida teased

"Not every couple has the same birthday date, it's way too rare." Hiccup stated.

"That's why it's a double celebration!" Punzie squealed.

"So, shall we go shopping for some paper mache now?" Kristoff asked.

"Let's go people!" Eugene said as he held Punzie's hand.

We all walked as we tried to find some paper mache. "Here!" I heard Merida's voice and we dashed to her. "Perfection!" I said.

"How much do we need?" Kristoff asked.

"I.... Have no idea." Hiccup scratched his head.

"We don't need much, right?" Punzie asked.

"Let's just buy this amount." Eugene said as he took hold of the paper mache.

"Fine, that would do." I shrugged.

"Then let's go pay! We got lots of stuff to do!" Merida said.

We walked to the counter and paid up for the paper mache. We walked out of the mall and then to the park. We all sat down and started to discuss about tomorrow's special double birthday celebration. I laid out the plan in front of all of us. It was just a simple piece of paper, but WAY more important.

"Ok so here's the plan, you all need to do exactly as planned, nothing must go wrong!" I announced.

"So first up, we will go to Anna's house and decorate with the paper mache, then we get the cake and birthday presents ready. We will also help Anna's parents with breakfast and stuff. Jack must arrive at the same time Elsa wakes up." Punzie said in a speech.

"You heard the announcer." Eugene teased.

"So everyone clear?" Merida put her hands on her hips.

"Yep." Everyone said in unison.

"With the paper mache..." Kristoff started. "We're making snowflakes and icicles, right?"

"Yes Kristoff." I pinched his nose.

"There's no way that we can finish the decorations if we start tomorrow, we should start it today." Hiccup said.

"Let's go to my house, we'll do it there, now." Merida offered.

I was the first to stand up and the rest followed. Merida led the way to her house and we all went in. "Merida, you're back!" A woman with brown hair said, which I think it is her mother. "Hey mom." Yeah, I'm right. "We need to do some preparations for our friends' birthday tomorrow." Merida said as she walked towards a room.

"Boys! Out! Now!" Merida said loudly and three cute little boys came running to Merida. "Now then you three rascals, I have something extremely important to do so you all must not disturb, got it?! No tricks!" Merida said. Wow, she's really a big sister.

"Oooook!" One of the boys said and went out. I waved a small hi to them.

"Out! NOW!" Merida yelled and the two remaining boys went out.

"Wow... Merida...." I looked at her, impressed. "Everyday you have to deal with your three brothers, I mean, triplets, like this?" I asked.

"They are always very annoying, Mer always has a tough time dealing with them." Punzie said.

"Ouch..." I patted Merida's back.

Merida cleared her throat. "Let's....Get to work." Merida said as she took out a few pair of scissors and some rulers.

We all sat in a circle and started to get to work. The boys would measure everything, and the girls would do all the cutting. We started with the paper snowflakes first. "I need more paper!" Eugene said and I got up to take more paper for him. Punzie and I started cutting after Eugene and Kristoff were done with theirs. Soon, Merida started as well after Hiccup was done.

After about half an hour, all of our paper snowflakes were done. I counted the number of snowflakes that we have, they were just enough. "They are enough." I declared.

"Paper mache icicles now!" Punzie said with a smile.

"Wait, before that, let's have a five minute break. We have been cutting for so long!" Merida said.

"I ain't tired." Eugene smiled.

"It's for Jack and Elsa after all, our best buddies." Hiccup said.

"I'll get a drink for you guys. Water ok?" Merida stood up.

"Not a problem." Kristoff and I said at the same time while the rest nodded.

"Want me to help?" Punzie volunteered.

"Sure, thanks!" Merida said and she went out the door followed by Punzie.

"This is gonna be the best party ever!" Kristoff said.

"Totally!" Eugene agreed.

A minute or two later, Punzie and Merida came back in with glasses of water. We all sipped on the glasses of water. "Thanks a lot Mer and Punzie!" Hiccup said.

"Ok, everyone all set for our next 'assignment'?" I smiled.

"Yes!" All of us said in excitement.






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