Chapter 33: A confession

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Hiccup POV

This is it. I'm finally gonna do it. I will finally confess to Merida that I like her. I took some deep breaths before going to computer class. Come on Hiccup, you can do it. The way that Jack confessed to Elsa gave me some inspiration to confess to Merida as well. Although I don't have any powers and all, but surely a dragon will do? 

I headed to the computer room and Merida was already there. I sat beside her and faced the computer. Our teacher gave the class an assignment and we started to do it on the computer. "Urgh, how does this thing work?!" Merida complained, clicking the mouse non-stop. "You gotta click this, followed by this option." I explained to her. "You know what, you're the expert in this stuff, you do it. I'm sick of all this." Merida groaned. I just nodded and started to do the assignment. Merida was playing with a frizzy orange hair. After a while, I built up my might and gave Merida a nudge.

"What?" She asked.

"There's something that I gotta tell you Mer." I replied.

"Spill it out, lass." Mer said.

I went closer to her and whispered into her ear, "I love you, Merida." Merida looked at me weirdly.

I asked her, "Do you like me too? Cause I do." I smiled at her.

Merida threw her arms at me. "Of course I like you!" And I gave her a kiss on her cheek. No one was looking, good.

"Sooooo....You're my girlfriend?" I asked her.

"But of course!" She replied.

I pulled her close to me. Oh thank goodness I did it! I did it! I told her I like her! "Tell the others?" Mer asked. "If you want to." I chuckled. Time went by quickly and classes were over. Merida pulled me towards the others. "Hey Merida and Hiccup!" Punzie said. "You are not gonna believe this, but look what Hiccup told me!" Merida said excitedly. "What did you ask bro?" Eugene asked. I told them about how I told and asked Mer to be my girlfriend and Punzie was squealing. "Good job, buddy!" Jack patted me on the back. "Come on, let's leave them to enjoy themselves." Punzie nudged everyone. Jack, Eugene and Punzie left, leaving the two of us.

I held Mer's hand, walking her home. It was just a normal walk, but walking with her just felt so special. "How long have you been liking me?" Merida asked. "Quite a while...." I replied. We finally reached Mer's house and I waved goodbye at her. She gave me a quick hug and went inside. I ran home, jumping and cheering to myself. "Yes, YES!" I said to myself. "You seem to be in a good mood, Hiccup." My mom smiled at me. "I have never been better!" I said and ran into my room. I jumped onto my bed, smiling. I'm no longer single again, I laughed. 

I just know that Merida is the one for me, I wished I saw that earlier. That way, I wouldn't have went through all that stupid stuff with Astrid. Astrid was ok and all, but I just didn't like her. I can't even remember why I was a couple with her. Oh well, that's the past, don't bother about that anymore. I spent the rest of my day, thinking about Merida. For once, I'm not thinking about homework and studying. A beautiful girl has surrounded my mind and I can't get it out of my head.

Finally, some mericcup XD






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