Chapter 2: Dream School

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Chapter 2: Dream School

When I woke the next morning I wished I could stay asleep and never wake up. Never have to worry about anything. The light from the sun came through the window and the annoying beeping of my alarm going off told me I had to get ready. Sighing, I got up and heard faint talking coming from downstairs.

"Mark I'm just worried that's all." Aunt Liza said.

I tried to listen in by going closer by the door with no luck, so I opened my door. The old wood squeaked as I opened it slowly but the voices of my aunt and uncle were much clearer.

"Hon she'll be fine working there. Just because its a few miles away doesn't mean it's not safe." Uncle Mark replied.

I realized they were talking about me and my new job at The Juilliard School cleaning as a janitor. That was the best thing I could get yesterday after my job hunting came to zero. Not the dream job a 18 year old might want but its at my dream school. It would be my school if we had the money, but that's always been an issue with us ever since things changed around here.

"I know, I know. It's about 30 minutes away from here and if she stays till night who knows if she'll come home safely." Aunt Liza always worries. I don't blame her though.

I would be worried to lose another person I cared about. As I was thinking about them again my foot put pressure on a squeaky floorboard and I knew I would not hear anymore now that they known I'm awake.

Oh well, I thought as I went to my closet. Might as well start getting ready now that I spent 15 minutes eavesdropping. I grabbed some jeans and a nice tank top and cardigan and made my way to the bathroom. My dark brown hair brushed agasint my cheek as I closed the door. Its been getting pretty long which is good since the last time I got it cut I hated it. 

I looked at the clock and it was now 10:33 and I was running behind. I quickly applied my make up and brushed through my hair. I grabbed my phone, keys and purse and ran downstairs making sure not to look at the pictures. I do not want to be upset today.

"Whats the rush?" Uncle Mark said putting down his newspaper as I walked into the kitchen. "Excited for work I assume?" he teased giving me a wink.

Aunt Liza was setting eggs onto a plate and looked up. "I made eggs. Want to scarf them down before you go?" She asked giving me a small smile. I could tell she was still upset about the job. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a water and threw it into my bag.

"Nah, I won't have time. I gotta go, bye love you!" I yelled walking up the hallway and out the door.

The sun and a nice Autumn breeze filled my face when I stepped outside. I ran to my car and started down the road. Half and hour and I'll be at my dream school. Not as a student sadly, but as a janitor I reminded myself. One day I thought, not letting myself be put down. The music from the radio station flooded my mind and all my worries, troubles and heartbreak fled as I started to sing. This is why I love music it always can bring me back into my dreams even when I'm not asleep. I smiled as I turned Katy Perry's Teenage Dream up hoping today would be a good day.


Okay second chapter done. Whatcha think? I hope you guys like it. But keep in mind I am new to writing but I'll try to get better. Message me and let me know if you like it. Or any suggestions!

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