Author Note

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Hey! :)

I hope you're having a very wonderful winter break and had amazing holidays or just the break!

I wanted to let you fabulous readers know some things!

~I've been writing a lot and a couple chapters are like done or almost done however I'm saving them because the anniversary of this book is January 28 and I kinda wanna end it on that day. Hopefully I will be able to but who knows I might just update and end it whenever or it might be I don't finish it by that day... IDK ;) 

~Yes this book is now coming to it's end and I do not see a sequel in it's future. Reason being is I don't think I could do anymore on this book like marriage between the characters or the future because I feel it would be dragging it on. Plus I wanna start on new books! :)

~Commenting and voting really help me a lot and I would love if you did that a little more. Thanks to everyone who has! I have followed you, dedicated and thanked you if I noticed it & if not then just let me know that you have and I'll be sure to do those things :) Also make sure you spread the word on this book because I want it to hit like a number on the fan fiction page thing. (if it still works that way.) 

That's basically all I wanted to say thanks again and be ready for the next three chapters because um things... things happen.

XD Love you guys so much! Thank you and enjoy your break! <3

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