Chapter 15: Help

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Chapter 15: Help

Sarah's POV

I didn't stop running. Not even when I got strange looks from people or if I hit someone.

It was still light out so not much time has passed which is good. The wind from me running and for it being autumn made it really cold. My teeth chattered as I looked around and I noticed, this looks like the same brick buildings me and Justin walked past when we ran from fans yesterday.

It was only yesterday and it felt like forever ago. That's how much things can change. You can have so much fun with someone and even hold hands and kiss them and the next they say I'm just a friend. I know I am but it makes it sound as he doesn't even like me that way at all. I even realized I love him and I can't cause he doesn't feel the same.

I've been running for so long I didn't even realize the pain in my head or stomach. I stopped to catch my breath and looked around for something useful.

I wrapped my hands around myself to keep warm when I saw it. A pay phone. I walked up to it grateful it was there but sadly realized I had no money. Great. Just fantastic.

I decided to start walking because the pain in my stomach was to much. What did he do to me? I looked down and gasped. Their was blood all on my shirt. I pulled my shirt up not even caring who saw and found a cut. He cut me with a knife. . . My head started to get woozy. Pull yourself together. Breathe, I instructed myself. I laid my shirt back down and started to walk but I was too dizzy.

Why did I have to look? I'm all dizzy now. I can't even walk straight! I probably looked like I'm drunk.

"Um miss? Are you alright?" A women carrying a baby in her arms said with a confused look. Am I alright? Probably not.

"Uh-um do you have a-a phone? I'm so sorry for the intrusion." I said kinda fadedly. I'm losing it.

"Yes of course here sit. Look at your head! Would you like me to call an abulance?" She was really sweet. Who'd take the chance to stop a random girl walking down the street who could be a lunatic while with her baby? No one I knew.

"No. No I just need to call someone tell them I-I'm sorry." She took a second before nodding and handing me her phone.

I dialed and called the only number I could think of. I waited for someone to pick up but my vision was blurry. I tried to hold on for a few more moments.

The lady was dabbing my head with a rag. I think it was wet but that could be blood. That thought made me wanna puke. I just-

"Hello?" His sweet voice came through the phone I smiled. I know without a doubt I'm in love with this kid.

"Hello..?" He said again. That voice. I could picture him in my mind. Those gorgeous dark chocolate eyes his perfect smile and his- "I'm hanging up..." He said a little agitated. That snapped me out of it.

"I'm s-sorry..." I said as I swayed again. The women keep dabbing my head with the cloth.

"Sarah?!" He yelled. It hurt my head.

"Yes?" I whispered. I can't do this anymore. I'm gone. It hurts to much.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Sarah answer me please!" He sounded upset like he was crying.

"Remember yesterday?" I said smiling. He didn't say anything so I continued.

"We were chased by fans... And ended up near brick buildings and it was empty? We held hands and talked. I liked that. It felt safe and ... I'm safe here. Help. . ."


"Happy birthday Sarah!" Everyone screamed. I squealed with happiness and I was bubbling with laughter.

"Daddy! Up, up!" I said and my dad picked me up and put me on his shoulders.

"Be careful John." My mom said taking a picture.

"I have my Sarah-boo! Never let you go!" He his booming laugh made everyone laugh.

It was my sixth birthday party. But I wasn't living it, I was watching it. Smiling with family and friends.

"Hey hon?" My mom looked at me. The real me. "Mind taking a picture of us?" She handed me the camera and went beside my dad and little me. Confusing I know. I took the picture and dad came over to me setting little me down and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I've missed you Sarah-Boo." He whispered in my ear. Tears streamed down his face and I felt some on mine as well. I saw Mom come over and joined the hug.

"Me too hon. And as much as we love you here, you need to go back. Your uncle needs you so please be safe and careful." She said tears and pain on her face. What was this?

"I love you guys so much. Please come with me..." I said my heart breaking. My dad just hugged my mom and me tighter.

"May I join?" I looked up at my aunt. I cried even harder. She came over and joined the hug and kissed my forehead.

"Okay honey you need to go. We'll be fine here. Please take care of yourself. Oh nd stay with that boy as long as you can. He's good." Aunt Liza said while mom and dad nodded.

"We love you Sarah." They said.

"I love you too." I said before something over powered and a white light shone at my eyes.


"She's awake!" Someone yelled as the light blinded my eyes so I couldn't tell who. I tried to take a deep breath but it hurt. What's going on?

The light faded and I saw people looking down at me. I looked at myself and realized I'm in a hospital.

"Wha-at." My voice was hoarse and sounded vulnerable.

"Shh, Sarah. You're in a hospital you passed out with the lost of blood from the deep cut wound on your stomach. It's nothing major so you should be able to leave in a day or so."

All this made no sense. How did I get here? All I remember is passing out after calling. . .

"Justin." I said aloud. Where was he? Did he rescue me? "Where's Justin?" I asked.

"Ah, he's waiting in the waiting room. Your surgery for stitches took longer than expected. Your heart stopped twice on the way over. We all thought the boy was gonna flip out and have him a heart attack. We got you here and you've been in surgery for about an hour."

Justin. I tried to look at where I was but it was dark and had machines all around. "Your still in the operating room." The doctor said quietly working over my stomach. "We didn't give you any medications cause you weren't responsive..." I just nodded.

"Well we're done now so you'll be put into a room for now." He said and went away while the nurse injected something into my arm. All I could see was the bright light again..


Hey! So I hope you liked it and this was kinda a filter but I promise romance is around the corner! :) the next chapter actually... #Jarah hahaha keep reading and thanks for the 159 reads! Love you all soo much <3 say unique.

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