Chapter 39: Bad Days

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Chapter 39: Bad Days

I have been on the Believe Tour with Justin for about a month now and it has been a great time in my life. I almost always have a smile on my face or I am just happy for no reason. I'm glad I get to be with him and not have to wait for him to come see me on a break. Fans have been supportive, well most of them.

I will get the occasional hate every once in awhile but it didn't get too bad which I was completely happy about. When I would get some media hate from paps taking things out of proportion that was a different story.


I fixed my hood and glasses before stepping into the coffee shop to get Justin and I a drink before rehearsal. I had to convince him to let me go alone because since being with him and on his tour people have taken to notice me when I went out now and it got hectic sometimes.

"Hi how can I help you?" The young blonde girl at the cash register asked. I was glad she spoke English since we were now in Japan. Don't notice me I mentally thought.

"Yes um two medium coffees please." I smiled and received one back. I payed her leaving her the tip and waited to the side.

I didn't take long to get my coffee so I grabbed the container that held the two with one hand and walked out the door. My phone buzzed and I immediately looked at it, struggling a little.

New Message

Greatest Boyfriend <3

hurry baby i miss you :(

I smiled at his text and since I only had one hand it was difficult to send a text back.

"Need some help there miss?" A voice beside me now said.

It was a guy about 20ish with an accent I wasn't sure of. He had brown hair and really pretty blue eyes. I've always wanted blue eyes but with my parents both having brown the chances were kinda slim.

"Um no I've got it thanks though." I smiled back. I seriously hoped my glasses and hood stayed put. It was windy today and I was very scared of something going wrong.

"Of course," he laughed, "I'm sorry it was the only excuse I could get to have the nerve to come up to talk to you."

I smiled a little feeling uncomfortable but I let out a small laugh. "Well thanks for the offer though I appreciate it."

"My names Anthony. I'm not from here if you could tell by my accent. I was born in Britain but moved out here a couple years back for Uni."

"Yeah I wasn't to sure of your accent actually. I couldn't tell..."

He laughed still walking down the street with me. I didn't want to be rude but the arena was just up the street and I had to leave eventually.

"Yeah since I moved her and learned Japanese for classes and stuff it kinda sounds weird. If you don't mind me asking why are you here? Just move or something?"

I shook my head, fixing my jacket a little. It was really cold.

"I am actually here with... my boyfriend and our friends." I felt terrible since I was quite sure he was flirting me up but I had to let him know eventually that this wasn't going anywhere. I heard him sigh.

"Boyfriend huh? Dang I should have known a pretty girl like you would have one..."

I blushed a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lead you on-"

"Oh no please it's fine! It was a good conversation. I was going this way anyways... I was getting coffee and a hot chocolate for my sister and I. I have to stand out here in the cold all day for her. A big concert tonight and my sister just so happened to be visiting. Our parents got her tickets so here I am... Joy."

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