Chapter 26: She Don't Like The Lights

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Chapter 26: She Don't Like the Lights

Justin POV

I woke to the sun coming through the window my head pounding. What the hell?

I looked around and I realized I was in my hotel in bed. The clothes from last night still on me. What happened?

I slowly got up trying not to hurt my head more than it is. It felt like someone was slamming it with a freaking sledge hammer. Stupid freaking alcohol! Just kidding.

"Sarah?" I yelled. I got up and walked towards the living room. Sarah was sitting on the couch, coffee in her hands with headphones in.

I stood in front of her and pulled one out. It startled her. She seems out of it.

"Oh hey you okay babe?" she said trying to get her thoughts controlled.

"I'm fine I have a headache but I'm good... what's the matter?" I asked siting down beside her.

"Nothing I'm good I have a headache too that's it. Want breakfast?" she asked getting up and going to the fridge. I followed and stopped her.

"Sarah. I'm not letting this go. What happened? Was it last night?"

She looked away and nodded. I gave her a look to spill and she just shook her head.

"It's really nothing Justin. I just bumped in this guy and-"

"A guy?" I cut in. "What happened? did he do something to you? I swear-"

"No no course not its just I think I think it w-was um K-Kyle..." A tear escaped her eyes.


"Babe I don't think it was-"

"It was Justin! I was up all last night replaying our conversation! It was him!" She yelled.

"You didn't sleep?" I thought she would have passed out if she drank.

She stared at me annoyingly. I guess shes not happy after getting drunk. "I slept for like 3 hours. I don't know." She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. She is really stressing out by this and I didn't like it. Especially since its her ex. I'm not jealous I just don't think she should worry about it. He left her. He ditched her when she needed him the most. Why does it matter if it was or wasns't Kyle?

"I don't think you should worry about it babe. I mean why does it matter?" I asked quietly.

"It matters because if it was him which I'm sure it was, he can tell me why he left. I get an answer from that day that I never got. It matters Justin." she said and walked towards the room.

"It's 2 already. When do we have to get ready?" She was upset. I shouldn't have pushed. Ugh.

"I'll find out just one sec." I said and left towards the door. I ran down the hall and pounded on Ryan and Chaz's door.

"Wakey Wakey mother f'ersss," I yelled. I missed these guys so much. I saw them last before the Believe tour started and now I finally get to see them. They are my buds, my amigos, my pals, my bros, and I'm gonna stop cause this is getting weird.

"What do you want Bieber?" A sleepy Chaz answered the door looking like shit.

"Goodmorning to you too Somers this is your wake up call cause its 2 already thank ya," I walked away smirking and knocked on Scooters door.

knock, knock, knock. "Scooter"

knock, knock, knock. "Scooter"

knock, knock, knock. "Scooter"

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