Chapter 47: Only Human

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Chapter 47: Only Human

Sarah's POV

It's been about two weeks I've been stuck in this hell hospital and I'm finally getting released. I think if I didn't soon, I would have to be transferred to a mental hospital because I would have gone crazy being locked in a room staring at all these white walls.

I've been at this hospital way too freaking long. I was in a coma for three weeks and add two weeks then getting released. I don't even see how Justin is here everyday with me. He's free, he doesn't have to suffer with me but he insists. I don't be stubborn and force him because I know now how hard it was for him to see me unresponsive and unknown to the things in the world around me.

It's been an interesting two weeks however.

I learned that Thomas, Kyle's dad, died. When Kyle shot him and he fell in the pond he pulled me out but left him. Doctors said he would've died anyways because of the gun wound, drowning was just another factor. As for Kyle Justin said he hadn't seen or heard from him since he brought me in here and left with the police.

It may seem bad but I'm glad Thomas is dead and not in jail. He wouldn't have learned anything in jail anyways since he's already been in there before and still came to find me, to "finish" the job. It also lets me feel safe again, feel like I don't have to worry about someone coming after me anymore.

Another thing is a couple days after I woke up I could breathe again on my own which I was overjoyed. It really was terrible I couldn't speak for myself and had to type what I wanted to say on Justin's phone. Once the oxygen mask was off the doctors let me try to walk again. I practiced walking around the hospital and I was so relived I really wasn't effected much. The first day I tried to walk Justin had to hold onto me since my legs were so stiff since I hadn't used them for the three weeks I was in a coma. After than he just held my hand and we walked around speaking little but that wasn't abnormal.

Justin and I haven't really been the same. He stays with me making sure I'm okay but every since I woke up its different. I think his trust in me has faltered a bit since I lied to him and went out that night. The news we received kinda separated us a bit too.

I think it made us realize the future of us.

We've been dating for four almost five months, it feels longer, and we know we love each other. That's nothing new, but our futures together are. We never really talked about our future. We talked about the present because we both kinda knew that in the future we would still be together or fight to still be together. I love him with all my heart and I never want to let him go.

"What are you thinking about?" I heard Justin whisper into my hand he was holding. I turned to him and he was staring at my hand kissing it slowly.

"Nothing really just... just us."

He stopped and looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What about us?" He questioned.

I sighed, "I don't know... just how much I love you." I whispered blushing a little. I was nervous talking about this because I don't exactly know how we stand at the moment. I'm scared his feelings will change because of my poor decisions.

He smiled a little and kissed my hand again. "Guess we we're thinking the same thing."

I rubbed my hand through his hair. He hummed as I did so and closed his eyes.

"I can't wait till you can leave this place. I hate seeing you in here everyday." He whispered.

I nodded though he couldn't see me. "Me too babe."

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