Chapter 43: That Night

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Chapter 43: That Night

A/N: kinda intense chapter I think. Profanities and stuff a little more physical (i guess) than usual. Idk lol just caution.

October 11, 2010

To Sarah <3

Haha whatever you win idc :)

I smiled at our conversation. She's amazing. We've been dating for awhile now and she always makes me happy. When I'm upset about losing the football game or home life she helps me relax and be happy. I honestly love her and that's saying something since we're so young. Well not too young I'm 16 she's 15 but whatever.

I looked up from my phone and looked at my dad in the drivers seat. He seems... mad.

I know when he's mad it's best to just leave him be. I sighed and looked out the window. It's already dark outside and kinda stormy.

"Kyle?" My dad said gripping the wheel tight.

"What?" I groaned taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper.

I hated talking to him when we was mad cause it only made me mad and upset with him. It was strange that he came to pick me up at my mom's because he's been in prison for my whole life kinda. He was sent when I was one so I don't know a lot about him but I know the basics. He's mad, stay clear. Who knows what could happen.

"We're moving today,"

"What?!" I yelled almost spilling my drink. He cannot be serious. I am not moving.

"Watch it!" He yelled back hitting me in the head.

"Why are we moving?! I like it here! My school, friends, Sarah! Oh no I won't leave Sarah!"

He chuckled, "I don't care about that girl and you,"

I scoffed, "You're the one who told me about her!"

"Yeah I did but she's gonna hate you after this so it's best to just end it with her now." He said chuckling.

I stared at him confused. I was not gonna break up with Sarah. She was the thing keeping me actually happy because of my abusive no good for nothing father. Sure school was fine I had tons of friends but it didn't compare.

"Wait? After what?" I said thinking about what he had said.

That's when he really went mad. He started swerving a little and I was glad no other cars were around cause he could hit someone for how bad he was driving.

"Dad knock it off! I said fixing the steering wheel.

He slapped my hand back and pushed me to the window. My head hit the glass hard and I felt a bump. I rubbed it and watched him lean forward his eyes getting wide. He turned to me and the look on his face meant he was losing it.

My mom told me all the things I should know about my father and this was one of them. He's insane. She told me that if he'd get upset enough or mad enough he'd go ballistic and his mind would tell him nobody other than himself was right. He is unstable but never lost absolute control.

Until now.

"Everyone gets what's coming to them! That stupid bitch leaving me and being with this guy while I was in jail, I don't think so!"

"Dad what are you talking about?! Mom didn't leave you!" I yelled confused.

"Shut the hell up you don't know nothing about what's goin' on!"

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