Chapter 17: Questions

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Sarah POV

I woke to the feel of hands touching my face and I instantly felt scared.

"No! Please leave me alone! Help!" My eyes were still shut afraid of what I might see until I heard Justin's voice coming from a distance moving closer.

"Sarah? Wake up baby you're okay. You're okay..." He keep repeating until I finally opened my eyes to see my angel and surprisingly Uncle Mark and Aunt Miranda.

"You're okay sweetheart. Do you remember? You're in the hospital but you are okay." Uncle Mark said and I nodded my head.

It all came back for the second time since waking up in the hospital. I looked at Justin and he was looking at me with a sad smile. I took a deep breath and started to feel claustrophobic. The three of them were all surrounded around me and not to mention the nurse who just so happened to walk in and was checking the IVs.

"C-Can you guys give me a second. J-Just b-back up a little..." I said trying to breath.

Justin's face fell and he stepped all the way towards the window on the other side of the room. Aunt Miranda and Uncle Mark gave each other a look and backed away as well. Only the nurse was left trying to check on the machines and asking me what was the matter. I felt the sweat forming on my forehead and my breathing spiked.

"Can you please give her a minute and back up." Justin said irritable. The nurse looked at him then back at me.

"I'm only doing my job sir. Calm down." Uh oh.

"What?" Justin said his brow scrunching angrily. Uncle Mark looks at him and whispers something that I couldn't hear and Justin looks even angrier.

"No I will not calm down! Sarah said to back off and she" he points to the nurse, "has to be a little bitch and not back off!" I breath in and close my eyes.

"S-stop! You're making it worse!" I grab my head and pull on the hair.

"Sarah no!" Uncle Mark steps in and pulls my hands off. Tears are pouring down my cheeks as more people enter the room.

"Miss. Thompson, please relax." The doctor grabs my arm and I immediately feel threatened.. I scream. As loud as I can.

"BACK THE HELL UP!" Justin screams. Everyone immediately stops talking, yelling and moving. "GET OUT," He yells once more. I look up and see everyone slowly stepping out of the room. "Thank you." Justin says once more and takes a deep breath walking towards me. The tears are still coming and I can't stop them.

He stops a couple steps away from me and sits and the edge of the bed next to my feet. "I won't get closer okay? Please tell me what's wrong.. What do you need?" He says so sweetly and calmly I feel better.

"I felt claustrophobic. I couldn't b-breathe."

He nods and slides closer to me "You know, I have felt claustrophobia before so I understand how you feel," he gives me a small smile. I sniffle and nod. "Also I'm sorry for shouting. I know that didn't help you at all." I reached out my hand towards him and signaled for him to come closer. He smiled and came beside me, holding my hand.

"I hope that look you gave me earlier when your uncle asked if you remembered waking up earlier meant that you did. . ." he said quietly and I nodded. He smiled and leaned in the kiss me once and pulled away.

"Good cause I have a question for you." He got up and grabbed the guitar that was leaning on the chair.

"If I could take away the pain

And put a smile on your face,

Baby, I would, baby, I would

If I could make a better way,

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