Chapter 12: Fans

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Chapter 12: Fans

Justin POV

As the first girl was walking towards us with her parents, she was in tears. I love my fans so much. When they see me and they start crying it makes me feel special like I mean so much to them and for that I never want to let my beliebers down.

Sarah was beside me shaking her leg. I knew she was nervous of what the fans would think of her but to me if they are true fans they'll support whoever I like or date. I thought about this for a second. Are Sarah and I dating? Are we official? I mean I haven't really asked her all we did was kiss and hug so are we? So many questions that need answers. I guess I'll have to talk with her about them.

"Hey sweetheart! What's your name?" I asked the crying girl when she made her way to us.

"Am-Amanda," she stuttered.

Well hi Amanda I'm Justin and this is Sarah." I smiled and pointed to Sarah.

"Hi Amanda it's so nice to meet you." Sarah said. Shes so kind, why do people have to break the best people in this world.

"Can I get a picture?" She asked tears still in her eyes and her face tear streaked.

"Of course. Here," I said handing her an autographed picture.

I stood beside her and turned over to air kiss Amanda's cheek. This made her cry even more and so I laughed and waited in the pose till the picture was taken.

After the picture we said our goodbyes and I looked over to Sarah.

"She was nice," she said looking into my eyes.

"Yeah she was. Just... Sarah just know that they all aren't always so nice about things." She nodded understandingly and took a deep breath.

The next girl to come in I knew we wouldn't have a problem with since she looked about 4.

"Jwustin!" She yelled and giggled. Everyone in the room laughed and I got up to meet her.

"Babe! How are you!" I said winking picking her up. She giggled again.

"I'm Emiwy" she said pointing towards herself.

"Hi Emily! I'm Justin and this is Sarah!" Sarah got up to meet the crazy sweet little girl in my arms.

"Hey Emily! Youre so adorable!" she said with a smile.

"Thanks! I get it from my mommy!" She giggles and we all laugh and I walk to get in the picture. "Can Sarah be in da picture? Pwease!" Emily asked.

"Of course!" Sarah said coming to the other side of me holding Emily.

Emily was in the middle so me and Sarah both leaned in giving her big side kisses on her cheeks. Her mouth turned to a little 'o' as we all giggled. Once we heard the snap of the picture we all busted out laughing. Emily's face was priceless. Sarah walked over to get the picture for Em so it was just us two.

"Psst! Hey Justin can I ask you somwthing?" She asked with happy eyes.

"Anything cutie." I said with a smile.

"Is Sarah your gwirlfriend?"

I laughed. "No, not yet... I hope though! Do you like her Em?" I asked hopeful cause I mean if a little 4 year doesn't like her the older fans will be harder. She nodded wildly and giggled. Sarah got back with the picture and we said goodbye.

Sarah POV

I smiled as Em left. The next group had three girls who looked about our age. They started screaming when they saw Justin and he gave them his perfect smile. They were smiling like crazy when Justin ran over to hug them. They all started walking towards the booth and I handed Justin some pictures to autograph. The three girls squinted their makeup covered faces making a grimace when they saw Justin smile at me and wink.

Justin turned back around to them and started signing their pictures and the tallest girl flipped me off with her hand my her side. I gave her a look and she smirked. Rude much?

Justin looked at her and she started to smile again and twirl her hair. Justin laughed and continued to autograph the picture.

"Here you go Millie. Nice to meet all of you." He said winking they all started giggling.

The one beside Millie pointed at me and with a stupid face asked "Who is that?"

Justin looked back and smiled at me "My friend, Sarah."

He winked at me and the one girl leaned forward and quietly asked "Friend? Or more..." She asked with a sad face.

Justin's eyebrows came in a little and he coughed and said in a much quieter voice hoping I wouldn't hear, "Just a friend nothing more. I promise ladies I still need my One Less Lonely Girl." He said with a wink and hugged them and went to get a picture.

I mean I know we aren't anything officially but I thought we had something considering we've kissed and he's been through something terrible in my family. Just a friend?

Justin said goodbye to the girls and started his way back over here to the table smiling.

"Hey after this wanna go get something to eat?" he asked me as he approached. His eyes so sincere and thoughtful but but his words he told those girls hurt.

"I'm good. I'm gonna go home soon." I said looking over at the tons of fans waiting and screaming.

"Why? Are you okay?" he asked looking back at those three snotty girls who had made there way to the exit.

"Please tell me you didn't hear what I said..." he mumbled. I was getting angry now.

"You know I'm gonna go now actually. I'm tired and I shouldn't be here right now, I have things to do with my uncle. Funeral plans." I say then storming out, leaving him with tears streaming down my face. I look back and see his confused and surprisingly hurt on his face. Now he knows how I feel.


Hey everyone sorry for taking to long to update I haven't had the time or effort honestly. Haha well thanks to EVERYONE who has been reading. I'm finally at 98 reads almost 100 keep it up! Thanks so so much for your reads and I'm sorry this is a crappy chapter but if I get to 100 reads I WILL make a great long chapter! thanks so much and I love you all xx




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