Chapter 25: Music and The Guys

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Hello my wonderful readers. I am updating yay! I'm sorry if I take to long for your liking I have started school and I've been going for 2-3 weeks now so I've had so much homework in the weeks and I never really have time to update. I'm not sure when I'll get around to writing or finsihing the chapter because with this one I had it written but needed to finish the rest but I had most of it written!

I don't think I can put a schedule of when I'll upload because I probably won't have the chapter done and it'll be a lie when I tell you I will upload so sorry for that.

Another thing. Guys I love you all so much and we have gotten 1.2K reads on 1H2B (shortened because I don't want to write the whole thing out sometimes. im lazy. ;b) and I couldn't be more proud and so ecstatic bout it. PLEASE: Comment and vote. I need to know how you all feel about the chapters if you want something to happen or your feedback too would be amazing. I have a couple people doing that and you don't understand how much more that makes me want to write for you all. OKay? SO comments and votes=faster updates! :)

thanks so much my lovelies. xx - M


Chapter 25: Music and The Guys

This is my confessional

Seven seconds 'til I hit the ground,

But you saved my life

Now I feel indestructible

So protected when you're around,

Yeah, you saved my life

You make me, you make me feel so incredible

You and I, you and I feels - unbelievable

You make it, you make it so undeniable

A million hearts, you're the only one

Who lights it up like I'm glowing in the dark

A million hearts, you're the only one

Who lights me up, like I'm glowing in the dark

This is my confessional

Seven seconds 'til I hit the ground

But you saved my life

Now I feel indestructible

So protected when you're around

Yeah, you saved my life

You make me, you make me feel so incredible

You and I, you and I - feels unbelievable

You make it, you make it so undeniable

A million hearts, you're the only one

Who lights it up, like I'm glowing in the dark

A million hearts you're the only one

Who lights me up, like I'm glowing in the dark

This is my confessional

Seven seconds 'til I hit the ground

But you saved my life

Now I feel indestructible

So protected when you're around

Yeah, you saved my life

A million hearts, you're the only one

Who lights it up, like I'm glowing in the dark

A million hearts you're the only one

Who lights me up, like I'm glowing in the dark

A million hearts, you're the only one

Who lights it up, like I'm glowing in the dark

A million hearts you're the only one

Who lights me up, like I'm glowing in the dark

Once I finished my song I took a deep breath. I did it I actually did it. I looked up to see Scooter, Justin and the random guy staring at me.

"What?" I asked and they continued to stare.

"This girl is smoking and she can sing!" Random guy said with his eyes bright and full of lust. Gross.

Justin smacked him upside the head.

"Shut the hell up Casy! That's my girlfriend!" Justin yelled and Scooter and Casy-eh I like random guy better- laughed while my heart skipped a beat that Justin called me that.

"Justin was right Sarah you can sing! You're so talented!" Scooter said his face in a smile.

"Thank you" I laughed. It felt good to be able to sing and people say you're a good singer. It's different when it's family they have to say it cause you're family but a random guy and a producer/manager whatever says you're talented hey you might actually be.

I walked out of the recording booth and notice Justin had his phone and had been recording.

"D-did you record that?" I asked him looking at his phone.

"Yes and I before you try to take it and delete it I already uploaded it on Twitter, so yeah don't kill me. I love you. " Justin said really fast. I sighed and laughed.

"I won't kill you I guess and I love you too." I smiled and hugged him.

"So Sarah you wanna go again?" Scooter asked and Justin and Casy looked at me waiting for my answer. I smiled and blushed before nodding and running into the booth to sing.


I watched as Justin dance around on the stage at the arena where the award show was happening singing and doing what he loves and how much fun he has doing it. Sure there's up sides and down sides but the important thing is the music and surrounding yourself with people you love and love you.

Of course Justin has been through some difficulties with the media and being in the 'wrong crowd' but he still is the sweetest guy and the nicest and I wish people could see that.

I started to get nervous about what people would think of me if I started to do this as a career. Would people like me? They'd probably think I'm using Justin to get big in my own career. What they don't know is if Justin didn't get Scooter to listen to me sing and I never ever get a chance to record I would still love Justin the same and want to be with him.

People these days... I sighed.

"How was I?" Justin said leaning towards me and giving me a kiss. He was sweaty and disgusting but he was still gorgeous.

"Wonderful. You can tell you put all you had into it. Do that tomorrow and everyone will love it." I smiled and reached to kiss him again.

"Justin! Quit. Kissing. That. Girl. Her face will fall off! Wouldn't want that would we?" I heard a voice say and another laughed as I stepped back blushing.

"Ryan! Chaz!" Justin screamed and ran over to them hugging them in a big bro group hug. I laughed as how they acted like 5 year olds seeing they're friends.

They laughed and I stood there smiling and watched them as they probably missed each other.

"Guys this is Sarah. Sarah the guys" Justin said introducing us.

"Yeah. I'm Chaz I'm sure Justin's mentioned me loads huh?" He said and looked so cocky I busted out laughing. Justin did too and we held onto each other for support so we wouldn't fall.

"Take that as a no Chaz" Ryan said and I laughed harder tears in my eyes. Justin kissed my temple and we started to calm down.

Chaz stood there pouting as Justin talked to Ryan, his arm wrapped around my waist. I laughed with them and responded to questions when asked towards me. I could tell why Ryan, Chaz and Justin were good friends. They are were funny, stupid and knew how to charm a girl. Don't worry, Justin's the only one for me.

"Justin you're free to go I will see you later at the hotel." Scooter came over said and Justin nodded.

"Okay well whatcha guys wanna do?" Ryan asked and Chaz's eyes lite up.

"CLUBBING!" he screamed and fist pumped.

Everyone looked at me with pleading eyes. Haha I guess I decide. I haven't been recently and I'm sure they wanna reconnect so why not?

"Leggo boys!" I yelled and they cheered. Justin picked me up and laughed.

"You sure you can handle it?" He asked winking.

"I'm not a loose drunk. I can handle my alcohol!" I yelled and they all laughed.

"Well then let's go!" Chaz yelled and we started to run.

"Wait!" I said they all stopped mid run.

"I need to change. I can't go to a club in California like this." I motioned to my outfit and they sighed.

"Alright it is kinda early so we'll go to the hotel change, eat then go?" Justin said asking if it was a good plan.

We nodded and pilled into the car Chaz and Ryan came in since they were staying at the same hotel. Apparently Scooter set it up because Justin missed his friends. Too cute.

Once we got to the hotel we went to our rooms and Ryan and Chaz to there's curiously from Scooter since he did it to surprise Justin. I went into the bathroom to change into a black dress and grabbed my heels from the suitcase. I of course didn't want to wear the other dress or heels since they were for the award show tomorrow and I don't want to ruin it at a club. I redid my hair and makeup to match and look nice before going back out to see Justin ready also. Guys have it easy. He just changed into some black skinny jeans and a white long sleeve with the sleeves rolled up and some necklaces hanging down.

"You look gorgeous babe" he said coming towards me kissing my lips.

"You don't look to bad yourself" I replied grabbing my handbag and phone.

"Oh that's good I don't look to bad" he said sarcastically rolling his eyes. He grabs my waist kissing my temple before we go meet up with Chaz and Ryan in the lobby and when we do we get in the black SUV quickly so no fans could catch us and left to go to the restaurant.


I gulped down another drink before looking at Justin. He was standing with Chaz and Ryan and they were all laughing and drunk as hell. I guess that's what guys do go I clubs with the guys and get so drunk you can't even remember anything the next day. I laughed and asked for another drink. Next time I'm bringing another girl so I'm not out numbered.

After dinner we made our way to club and showed then our fake IDs. Of course we all had one but the guys were shocked I did. I was quite offended and pretended to be mad at their comment before they were putty in my hands. Justin and I danced so much I'm going to have to burn these uncomfortable shoes. Why did I buy these?!

"Babeeeee Chaz just said a joke about Ryan and it was hilarious" Justin said giggling the whole way. I laughed at him and nodded shaking my head.

"What was the joke?" I questioned deciding I'd mess with his alcohol influenced mind.

"Ummmmmmm he said-he said ah fuck it I want another beer." he said and I laughed but slapped his hand away from my drink.

"Nope nuh uh you had waay to much plus this is mine. So go back to your friends and say they ran out of alcohol because the Easter Bunny stole it. Got it?" I said as serious as I could and he nodded cursing out he Easter bunny before heading back to stand with Chaz and Ryan still in my eye view.

I laughed and shook my head. I'm glad he's having fun with his friends. His real friends who won't use his for his fame. Tomorrow at the after party will be different. Everyone will be famous and probably snotty and snooty about not winning the such and such award. Justin's nominated for 3 so he has a chance to win something and he's already said he didn't care otherwise so I'm glad he won't be like that.

I drank my drink and looked around the night club. Random sweaty girls and guys all up on each other was making me sick. Or it could be the alcohol. Or both.

I say up from the leather couch and slowly made my way to the restroom. I slammed it open before going to the toilet to puke. Once done I wiped my mouth and went to the sink to wash the taste out as much as I could. I felt dizzy and I had to grip the counter for support. We're going to need a driver because I could not o it and the boys most definitely couldn't. I left the bathroom and once I did I immediately bumped into someone.

"I'm s-sorry its so dark in here." I slurred and giggled looking at the dark figure.

"It's okay Sarah I'm glad I bumped into you. Literally." the guy laughed and it sounded really familiar.

"Who are-"

"Sarah we're going to leave! Justin and Chaz are reallyyy drunk and me four so c'mon" Ryan slurred the light from the layers shinning on his face. His eyes were a little red so he was also drunk but not as much as the boys but more than me.

"Uh well by Sarah. It was great seeing you again. My god you look so different, in a good way of course!" the guy laughed and I still couldn't see who it was. It's so frustrating leave the lights on would ya?! I mentally yelled.

"I've miss you. So much." the guy grabbed my hand and brought be closer and kissed my forehead before letting go and quickly walking away.

As Ryan yelled at me to hurry up as Justin, Chaz and him were walking out the door, I started thinking about what he had said and trying to get my mind to think. Stupid alcohol! I thought before slamming the car door.

Question timeeee :)

Who's the familiar guy hmmm??

Comment your answer and vote!

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