Chapter 11: Realizing

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Chapter 11: Realizing

Sarah's POV

We stared at each other for awhile just enjoying each others company, and I could really use it now, then his phone went off. He looks at me with an apologetic smile and answers.

"Hello?" He says and listens. "Wait, wait what?!" His eyes widen and he bits his lip. "Okay I'm on my way!" He hangs up and looks at me.

"My manager Scooter just called saying I have a meet and greet today and I completely forgot! I'm so sorry Sarah." He looks at me with his eyes sparkling, the brown looking deep into mine.

"It's fine really. I'm okay." I say looking down really not wanting him to go.

"Actually you know what? Why don't you come with me?" He asks a smile forming on his lips. Me? At his meet and greets?

"Uh I think I'm fine on my own here..." I said quietly. I really didn't want him to leave. I just wanted his warmth to hold me sending me chills and making me feel whole again, not broken.

"Please. I really want to be with you, but I gotta go... It'll be fun the fans are amazing and they'll love you. They can really bring you a smile. They always do for me, so please come." He said so truthfully I couldn't refuse.

"Okay. I'll be one minute." I say going into my room closing the door and grabbing something decent. I decided stripped tee and some jeans. I brushed through my hair putting on little makeup before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

"Ready?" Justin asked and was waiting on the bottom of the stair steps. Glass was everywhere and the pictures were knocked down. I didn't realize this yesterday. The house was a mess.

What actually happened to my aunt?

I realized I just froze and Justin had been trying to get my attention.

"Sarah... Lets go you don't need to see all this." Justin said grabbing my hand squeezing it and towing me outside into a car that I guess came to pick us up.

He slid me in first and then came in shutting the door. He breathed deeply a couple times and brushed through his hair. He was handed some clothes and I understood now. He needed to get changed. I made him later than he would've been, plus if he wouldn't have stayed over he would've been on time and ready. I decided to give him as much privacy I could and leaned forward putting my face in my hands covering my eyes.

I really did need to think about yesterday though. I had such a great time with Justin. He was funny, sweet and so considerate. I felt happy with him, actually talking and getting to know him. We spent the entire day together even into this morning. That's what gets me. What if we didn't and I came home last night. Could I have stopped my aunt from dying?

I was such a wreck yesterday I couldn't ask what actually happened so I still had no clue. Maybe I didn't want to know. Maybe I just felt that if I don't know I would feel better but in reality I felt worse. She died for something important I knew that. But what? Did someone murder my aunt? My head started to spin and I hadn't realized that Justin was shaking me.

I looked up and saw the worry in his eyes. He was changed into a different outfit a grey long sleeve with the sleeves rolled up, jeans and black and red supras.

"Sarah..." He said and I felt the tears coming. I didn't even know I was crying.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked my voice hoarse. He looked away avoiding my eyes which told me that he in fact knew.

"Please tell me. I have to know. please." the tears coming harder. "Please..." I repeated.

He sighed and looked down at me sadness reaching his eyes. "She was shot. Someone came in while she was in the kitchen. They shot her in the back. Your uncle heard the shot and ran to see what happened. He saw your aunt on the ground. the guy who shot her was wearing a mask so he doesn't know who it was. They fought and the guy pushed your uncle down and ran. That's why everything was a mess. Your uncle tried to help your aunt but it was to late. I'm so sorry Sarah." Tears streaked his face. I looked away and realized we stopped. We were at the studio and tons of girls were out there.

I wiped my face and fixed myself before taking a deep breath and looked at Justin. The girl who handed him the clothes helped him look not like he just cried.

"Do you want a touch up?" she asked me. I nodded and closed my eyes as she fixed my make up. I quietly thanked her and looked out the window. Justin grabbed my hand I looked at him.

He gave me a small smile and said, "Please try and not think about it. Just for now. Try to feel a little better. Please. You need it..." I just nodded and the door opened.

The screams from the girls grew louder and two body guards grabbed Justin and I, and pushed us through the massive crowd. The screams were ear piercing and flashes of cameras blinded me. Was it always this crazy? I heard the specific things yelled towards us:





Great. Already getting hate and they don't even know me. We were finally pushed through an opened door. Justin squeezes my hand again and it make me relax a little.

"Don't listen to the hate. Please." He whispers into my ear and I just look at him. "Your beautiful. My real fans can tell." He leans in and places a kiss on my check sending a roar outside since the place had windows all around it.

He pulls me to a table and sits me down beside him. They started forming a line for the girls to come in and I started to get nervous. Even though Justin was holding my hand tightly under the table, I felt scared. What if they hate me? Just walking into the building I got hate.

"You'll be perfect." Justin whispers into my ear sending chills. They start pilling in, as I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing I thought as the first girl approached.


Hey! So I hope you liked it, it kinda gives some explanation to what happened but don't worry more information will come if you're confused! Trust me! ;)

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